Lux's Farewell

Chapter 187 [0184]

Chapter 187 [0184]
Drizzt naturally refused Sarah's request to help with the wine.

The space teleportation spell seems very powerful, but only Drizzt knows how uncomfortable it is when he teleports—the feeling of being squeezed by space, as if being stuffed into a wooden barrel, a wooden barrel It's like rolling around Bilgewater.

And... He obviously came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime!
Seeing that Drizzt not only rejected her, but also put on a gesture of throwing cards at any time, Sarah could only shrug her shoulders helplessly.

"Okay, okay, it's true that I hired you to find a small knife in Planck's treasure house, a thousand-gold siren. If you do what you say, what about the small knife?"

"Thrown into the sea." Drizzt's eyes locked on Sarah, "Don't you need to explain to me why that idiot Graves appeared in the warehouse?"

"Is there any explanation for this?" Sarah put on an indifferent look, "He heard that an old friend would show up, so he ran over and squatted ahead of time, and sure enough, you met again, and the old grievances were eliminated... ..."

Before Sarah could finish speaking, a card swirled past her face against her face. The flying card shone with blue light, and the sharp edge cut Sarah's long fiery red hair into pieces. It fell a lot.

"Be honest." Drizzt's reminder came late, "Miss Fortune, you have a bright future, it's best not to die here because of your quick tongue."

"Okay, okay, you're right, I have to deal with those stupid bastards tomorrow." Sarah raised her arms in a gesture of surrender, "However, I have always been honest , whatever you ask, I will answer—it is indeed for this reason that Graves appeared in the port."

"So, you broke my news to him, didn't you?"

"You have wronged me for this." Sarah said innocently, "I swear, I definitely did not sell this news to him. He won it in the casino through his own efforts."

won? !

Drizzt couldn't help raising his eyebrows at this answer—in fact, Graves said the same thing, he said that after he finally escaped from prison, he killed everyone in the casino...

However, Drizzt, who was well aware of Graves' gambling level, was dubious about this statement.

That bastard was lucky enough, but to say he was able to kill all over the casino and "just happened" to get news of himself doesn't look right in any way.

"Okay, Mr. Drizzt, we are old friends." Seeing that Drizzt hesitated, Sarah said, "We have cooperated many times, and I can't pay you if you don't get something. You pay..."

"Don't change the subject." Drizzt narrowed his eyes, "How about you tricking me?"

"What's a pit?" Sarah spread her hands, "You're fine, and so is Graves, it's obviously a perfect happy ending—"

"That's because of Goddess of Luck's favor." Drizzt interrupted without hesitation, "Don't be sloppy with me, show some sincerity!"

"Sincerity...well, I have a special job here, a thousand gold siren." Sarah finally put away her insincere smile, and said seriously, "I think this task should be enough for a small job. Small compensation."

"Last time your thousand-gold siren almost killed me in the artillery fire." Drizzt narrowed his eyes, "This time, Miss Fortune, what are you planning?"

"Don't worry, this mission has nothing to do with combat." Sarah waved her hand, signaling Drizzt to relax, "Just help me investigate one person."

"Investigate someone?" Drizzt was a little surprised, "Bilgewater, is there anyone else you don't know?"

"Of course." Sarah did not directly respond to the compliment in Drizzt's words, "There is a guy who is very popular recently, Miss Shadow, have you heard of it?"

"I've heard of it." Drizzt twitched the corner of his mouth indistinctly, "Why, you want to investigate her?"

"That's right, I want to know her origin, her past, and her purpose. After I figure out her information, I will offer you a thousand gold sea monsters."

"This mission... I accepted." Drizzt glanced at Sarah, and finally put away his cards, "Get the money ready, doom chick!"

"It's already ready."


Leaving Butcher's Bridge, Drizzt returned to White Harbor in the night.

"How is it?" He had just returned to the hotel where he was staying, when Graves leaned over, "How much money does the doomed chick plan to spend to make things right?"

"A thousand gold siren." Drizzt happily extended a finger, "For the sake of the golden siren, I decided to let her go."

Hearing this number, even as naive as Graves, he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva—this price is enough to get a reliable big boat in Bilgewater, don't look at Drizzt and Graves Si Zhou is not an ordinary person, but a thousand gold sea monsters is still a huge sum of money to them.

"Since when has she been so talkative?" Graves scratched his head, "Miss Fortune has changed her gender?"

"There is also a mission." Drizzt added, "She needs us to investigate Miss Shadow."

"Sure enough, I'm not sorry at all." Graves grinned when he heard the words, "This Miss Shadow is not a simple character..."

"Don't worry, Graves." Drizzt looked like he was holding the pearls in his hands, "Miss Shadow is not easy to mess with, but why do we have to mess with her?"

"What do you mean?" Graves blinked. "No one wants to be investigated, right?"

"It's not beneficial to be investigated, so naturally no one likes it." Drizzt blinked, "But if it is beneficial, this Miss Shadow may not refuse."

"Wait, you mean, we're going to ask the person directly?!" Drizzt's thoughts stunned Graves, "I'm XXX, can I still do this?"

"Why not?" Drizzt raised the corners of his mouth, "This Miss Shadow is now the person in charge of White Harbor, look at her, Graves, such a kind and important person, she shouldn't refuse A pen gold siren?"

A quarter of an hour later, Lux, who was about to wash up and rest, was knocked on the gate of the living yard.

She picked up the saber and came to the yard. When she opened the door, she saw two smiling strangers whom she had never seen before.

"Miss Shadow." A man with a top hat and a regular beard nodded slightly towards her, "Do you mind negotiating a business with me?"

"Business?" Lux looked confused, "Is this Bilgewater's door-to-door sales method?"

"I can provide you with four hundred gold sea monsters." The other party did not answer Lux's question, but continued on his own, "I will give you."

Hearing this, Lux was finally no longer confused, she opened the door, and then nodded slightly towards the other party:

"Please come in."

 Kalya's Little Classroom Drizzt's card spells:

  Drizzt's card magic is completely different from the mainstream elemental magic or rune magic of Runeterra. Although his spells seem to involve space and enchantment, they are essentially related to fate.

  PS. The nucleic acid testing has finally come to an end, and the details of the tide of flames have also been refined. After watching the spring finals today, I will work hard to pay off the debt tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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