Lux's Farewell

Chapter 188 [0185] Conspiracy to make money

Chapter 188 [0185] Conspiracy to make money
This was the first time Lux had seen Drizzt and Graves, but not the first time Graves and Drizzt had seen Lux.

In fact, when Drizzt and Graves quietly climbed up from the pier, in order to avoid the possible dangers that followed, these two slick guys chose to hide in White Harbor—it can be said that it was Lux who protected them. It hurts.

They saw everything Lux did.

According to Drizzt, Lux is a person who is "very powerful and has a kindness that does not belong to Bilgewater".

At this time when Bilgewater was homeless and dragons and snakes landed, Lux just guarded White Harbor honestly, not accepting the allegiance of local gangs, nor willing to join other gangs. Walter, it feels strange no matter how you look at it.

However, no matter how strange it is, it doesn't delay Drizzt's choice to cooperate with her—compared to those pirates, Lux is more trustworthy than the other kind.

So, when Sarah issued a mission asking him to find out about Miss Shadow, he quickly found Lacus and subcontracted the mission.

Drizzt didn't say who was going to inquire about Lux.

But after a brief discussion between Lacus and Karya, they agreed that this matter could only be done by Sarah.

Considering the value of four hundred golden sirens, and the need to give Sarah a little confidence, Lux happily revealed her identity—the part of Zaun.

Drizzt, who originally planned to subcontract tasks and earn a fortune from them, was stunned when he heard that Lux was the current leader of Zaun and came to open up new business routes in Zaun.

It was already very unlucky to be fooled into the flame wave by Miss Fortune before, and now it is even more outrageous that he even became a diplomatic envoy in the actual sense? !

After realizing this, Drizzt couldn't help but silently calculated in his heart.

First of all, the reward for Sarah's mission is a thousand golden sirens.

After digging out the [-] that was going to be given to Lacus, there are [-] left.

Six hundred golden sea monsters acted as middlemen for a diplomatic communication...

Well, the price seems acceptable too?

Thinking of this, Drizzt finally let out a long breath, and then returned to Sarah with the news of Lux.


Sarah hadn't expected Drizzt to come back so soon—she hadn't even found a drink before Drizzt came back with the news.

"The leader of Zaun?" Sarah, who got this answer, had exactly the same expression as Drizzt before, "She ran to Bilgewater alone, just to find a helper for the Ionian trade?"

"That's right." Drizzt put on a look that you are really too surprised, nodded and said, "She is not familiar with the situation in Bilgewater, so she needs a reliable partner."


"It seems that she has taken a fancy to you?" Drizzt asked knowingly, "No wonder I heard that you invited the leaders of various gangs to come to the meeting..."

"This is the end of this matter for you." Sarah finally raised her head, "A thousand golden sirens will be given to you tomorrow, and this matter will rot in my stomach."

"No problem." Drizzt made a movement of zippering his mouth, "I don't want to get involved in this kind of thing, I got the money, and I left immediately—"

"No, I can't leave yet." Sarah had already fully realized, "She should have told you these words, right?"

"The mission only includes seeking information, but there is no restriction on the channels for obtaining information." Drizzt played with the card in his hand, "If you want to know the specific mission process, you need to pay extra."

"I'm not interested in those contents." Sarah shook her head, "However, are you willing to accept the follow-up mission?"

"Follow-up missions?" Drizzt was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he had already admitted in a disguised form that it was Lux who asked directly. Miss Fortune would have a follow-up, "I don't want to go into this muddy water."

"One hundred gold siren once, continue to deliver the news for me." Sarah ignored Drizzt's refusal, "Now is the most precious time for golden siren, after passing this port, there will be no such pier."

Drizzt wanted to yell at Miss Fortune for wishful thinking.

But helplessly, she gave too much.


Drizzt ends up being the de facto liaison between Sarah and Lux.

Sarah issued the mission, Drizzt sent the message back, and Graves was used as collateral—aside from the collateral, the three of them had a tacit understanding of this subtle way of sending messages.

Everything is kept secret.

And also carrying out secret operations, there is Planck who got the help of the devil.

When the meeting was over and Plank returned to the "gambling street" he had mastered, the subordinates he had just regained all eagerly gathered around, wanting to know what that Miss Fortune was going to do.

Seeing these bastards who are his little brothers in name, but actually care more about Sarah Fortune, Plank is quite upset.

It's a pity that Planck, who has lost his divine power, can only feel unhappy.

Under Tam's persuasion, he could only dismiss these subordinates who had their own minds with contemptuous words like "the lucky girl is in a daze and said she wants to do business".

After they left, Plank, who was alone again, finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to complain angrily to Tam.

"Aren't you a demon?" Planck said excitedly, "I've heard of you in many legends—but I didn't know before that those sea turtles that shrink their shells when they encounter danger are actually your believers. "

"You should thank me for my magnanimity, Plank." This bright irony did not anger Tam, "Now, I am a devil, and you are a devil believer, I could have punished you for your offense, but magnanimity I am generous, and I don't intend to blame you for your stupidity."

"Who are you calling stupid?" Plank snorted. "Tell me, Tam, what the hell are you up to? We're not going to get Bilgewater back just with these rotten gamblers under your wing." .”

"I like their smell." Tam corrected dissatisfiedly, "Although they look useless, they are actually our best camouflage and atmosphere group. No one will really take a group of gamblers seriously, but the real People who are blinded by greed can also gather together into a powerful force."

"Don't mess around with me." Plank waved his hand, "Get to the point."

"Everyone needs to be greedy." Tam chuckled softly, "As long as they are used, they will be our best helpers—we don't need to come forward ourselves, we just need to encourage others."

"Agitate who?" Planck frowned, even though he knew it was the only way, he was still reluctant, "You already have a definite goal?"

"Okao." Tamm said a name confidently, "I smell his greed... the purity is amazing."

 The value of Carya's Little Classroom Gold Siren:
  Although they are all widely used currencies, the Golden Siren is different from the Golden Hex. Its value and purchasing power are quite stable - because the tithe anchors the value of a Golden Siren.

(End of this chapter)

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