Lux's Farewell

Chapter 189 [0186]

Chapter 189 [0186]

The name Okao made Planck frown.

He knew this guy—and was familiar with it.

In Bilgewater, where there are many gangs, if you want to choose a gang leader with the "most stable rule", Okao is definitely the top one.

This guy's gang is located closer to the Blue Flame Islands, and the gang members are mostly Baru people, and Okao is also Baru people.

Like most Baru people, Okao believes in the snake mother and is quite devout.

As a young man, the devout Okao participated in Illaoi's trials and failed, but survived.

Okao himself is a good harpooner, and also has a little summoning spell, which can summon small sea monsters to fight for him, so he and his gang are one of the most difficult forces in Bilgewater.

Plank had no idea that Tam would make him his number one target.

"Okao doesn't seem like a greedy guy." Thinking of this, Plank couldn't help shaking his head, "He's very pious, Illaoi's words sound like the will of the gods to him, maybe he's greedy, but This greed can be suppressed."

"He did suppress it very well in the past." Tam laughed happily again, "But now, this greed can no longer be suppressed, and it's all thanks to you, Plank!"

"What does this have to do with me?" Plank obviously didn't understand what Tam meant. "I have almost no intersection with him. One failure makes him unable to suppress his ambition?"

"Okay doesn't care if others fail, but you are different." Tam seemed to be happy to share some interesting secret news with Plank, "Do you remember that when you became the disaster of the ocean, Okao Kao is very supportive."

"That's because I passed the test, but he failed."

"But, you are finished—and he is now the only secular person close to the faith."

"That belief" is what Tam said when he talked about Nagakaporos. This guy seems to be afraid of the snake mother. Respect.

"The only secular person?" Plank understood Tamm's meaning. "You mean, in Oko's opinion, Illaoi will support him?"

"Perhaps reason is telling him that this is impossible." Tam said meaningfully, "But, I smell his greed... just a little guidance is needed, and he will walk on the path we expect."

Plank subconsciously wanted to ask that if Illaoi really supported Okao and made things true, wouldn't it be shooting himself in the foot—but he immediately realized that this was simply impossible.

Plank knew better than anyone how devout Illaoi's faith was.

Okao failed to pass the trial of the snake mother, so he is not eligible to be supported by Illaoi.

No matter how pious.

So, Tam's idea makes sense.

As long as Okao's greed is aroused and he thinks that Illaoi will support him, then he will rush out foolishly and help Planck clear all obstacles.

Illaoi won't support him, so he's doomed to fail, but before he fails, he's Planck's blade!

Moreover, other people will not take the initiative to win over and win over such a difficult and powerful faction—Okao did not attend the meeting initiated by Sarah today!

It really is an ingenious way!
Planck, who had figured it all out, was in a happy mood. He stood up and poured himself a glass of wine.

"So, how do we arouse the desire in Okao's heart?" Plank frowned and thought for a while, and then found that he seemed to have no idea at all, "Do you have a way?"

"Of course." In the wine glass, a catfish face quietly emerged, flicking his tongue excitedly, "Just lend him a little strength."

The next moment, Plank nodded, agreed to Tam's plan, and then slammed the wine glass backhand.

"If you appear in the cup, the toilet, or the soup bowl like this again, our cooperation will stop completely!"


It was rainy overnight, and the sun was shining early in the morning.

Okao, as always, came to the temple of Nagakaporos to perform his own worship.

The piety of the gang leader was well known in Bilgewater.

Ever since he saw the great power of the Mother Snake in a night of Soul Eater, he has become the most devout believer of Nagakaporos, worshiping every morning and evening, and has never been absent for 30 years.

And when it comes to familiarity with Nagakaporos' proverbs, even most priests in Bilgewater can't compare with him.

For Okao, although the situation in Bilgewater has been a bit chaotic recently, this kind of chaos has nothing to do with him-no matter who eventually becomes the new pirate king, he must give himself face in the end, so he Sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, even if Sarah Fortune, who was in the limelight recently, sent an invitation, he simply refused it without any hesitation.

The worship went well, he offered fresh fruits and gold-plated statuettes as usual, but what made him a little concerned was that the priest who led the worship today seemed to have a particularly kind attitude towards him.

Because of Illaoi, although the priests agree with Okao's piety, their attitude towards him is not much different from other believers.

But the priest who was in charge of leading the worship today always gave Okao a feeling of extra hospitality.

This made Okao a little strange.

After leaving the temple, he recalled it repeatedly, but he didn't think of any problems. It seemed that the other party just had a good attitude, that's all.

Although I don't know the reason, this experience still puts Okao in a good mood - he is like a licking dog who has been licking the goddess for many years, and suddenly received a message, even if it's just a mass New Year greeting message, it can still make him very happy.

On the way back to his station, he walked briskly, as if the sea breeze had warmed up.

Turning a street corner, he met a hurrying pedestrian head-on. The person lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something—he hurriedly evaded when he turned the corner, so he stepped into a puddle of stagnant water inside.

Just when Ao Kao dodged subconsciously, he was surprised to find that the accumulated water in the puddle seemed to be actively "avoiding" himself.

This astonishing discovery made Okao both surprised and delighted. He subconsciously let go of the passer-by who didn't have long eyes, and locked his eyes on the puddle of water. Following his thoughts, the puddle of water suddenly became calm. Since the waves started, there was a wave of waves.

Rubbing his eyes and confirming that he was not mistaken, Ao Kao was extremely excited in his heart, no longer in a hurry to return to the station, he simply turned around and went straight to the beach.

On a deserted coast, Okao felt this strange throbbing, raised his arm high, and then swung it down heavily.

In front of Ao Kao, the turbulent waves seemed to have received an order, changed direction according to his thoughts, and slapped fiercely on the reef beside him.

The next moment, Okao prostrated himself on the shore, and began to chant the name of the snake mother aloud—while the rushing waves, like a big grinning mouth, laughed silently.

 Karya's Little Classroom Nagakaporos Misunderstanding:
  As a conceptual god, Nagaka Boros is often misunderstood—or, in other words, there are only a few people who really understand what Nagaka Boros is, and even devout priests and believers are more willing to accept it." A mighty sea monster" rather than a series of abstractions.

  It seems that idol worship is engraved in the bones of most people.

  PS. From two tests in three days to three tests in three days, I am also drunk...

  There may be more changes in the second half of the night, let's see what time I wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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