Lux's Farewell

Chapter 190 [0187] God's Chosen One

Chapter 190 [0187] God's Chosen One

Here, Lux and Sarah have just reached an agreement on the integration of Bilgewater, while Okao has directly declared himself the chosen one.

Obviously, Tam's trick successfully deceived Okoo, making him mistakenly think that the snake mother gave him feedback after all-Okoo had seen the power of the snake mother bloom in the darkness of Soul Eater, and since then From the beginning, he longed to have such a power.

The obsession with this power made Okoo a fanatical believer, but it also made Okoo lose the opportunity to truly understand the way of Nagakaporos.

That's right, Okao has kept the motto and etiquette of the snake mother in mind, and his words and deeds are in line with the teachings of the snake mother.

But the actual situation is as Lux said, if there is no need, do not increase the entity - Nagakaporos is not a sea monster, he is a conceptual god.

The Baru people think that it is a sea monster, and they make statues and temples for it. That is because for most Baru people, the "sea monster" is far more important than "the concept itself representing power and movement". easy to understand.

The precepts and etiquette are to help believers understand the rules and philosophy represented by Nagakaporos; the image of the sea monster is to facilitate the spread of teachings to the Baru people.

But Okao regards these proverbs and etiquette as belief itself, and regards the sea monster as the body of Nagakaporos. The more fanatical his behavior is, the more he deviates from Nagakaporos.

When people worship gods, some are expressing respect for the gods, and some are asking their own hearts. However, because of excessive fanaticism, Okao regards this harmless statue and the precepts to persuade believers as the body of faith.

Tam saw the desire deep in his heart. This seemingly fanatical belief was actually a desire for power, not an identification with the teachings of Nagakaporos.

Therefore, Okoo accepted this power ecstatically, and then strode into the trap that Tam carefully prepared for him.


The next day, just as Sarah woke up, she learned from Lei Wen that Okao, who had been low-key and honest before, suddenly summoned his Baru people and started the war, intending to spread the snake mother's glory.

Sarah, who heard the news, was stunned, and her whole body fell into doubts——she couldn't understand what was going on.

Bilgewater has always been a pirate kingdom.

The pirates maintain a basic respect for the snake mother, but you expect a group of pirates to abide by the beliefs and precepts of the order, which is impossible anyway.

The teachings of Nagakaporos require believers to face up to their desires, but they have never said that they should indulge their desires. In Sarah's view, even the Snake Mother cannot quickly transform the lawless pirates like Bilgewater into A group of priests who know the rules.

Therefore, Okao's initiative to start a war is almost like a sudden convulsion.

However, the detailed information provided by Raven made Sarah realize the seriousness of the problem later.

This guy Ao Kao obviously has something to rely on. Next door to his residence, the Green Algae Gang, which manages the seafood business, doesn't take his "education" seriously. As a result, the gutters in their gang's residence skyrocketed without warning.

The waves, which were exaggerated to the point of being completely unreasonable, rolled up in the small drainage ditch, involving all those who opposed the teaching of Okao, and smashed them to pieces. When the water waves calmed down, the ditch was blocked by all kinds of twisted flesh and blood. Yan Yan Shi Shi, and the survivors of the Green Algae Gang, when facing the Okao, finally kept silent one by one.

Oko has gained the ability to control the waves!
After realizing this, Sarah finally became serious. At this moment, he finally had to consider a question—could it be that Okoo was really approved by Nagakaporos and became a snake mother walking in Bill? Givort's spokesperson?
Sarah doesn't want to believe this conclusion, but judging from the current situation, the changes in Okao are indeed in line with the Bilgewater people's perception of the Snake Goddess.

If this guy becomes the Snake Goddess and wants to educate Bilgewater... Sarah doesn't think she can fight against it.

The situation is not good!
After much deliberation, Sarah decided to meet Lacus directly—the previous way of passing messages through Drizzt could no longer meet her communication needs. She needed to meet Lacus directly and talk to her about snakes. mother's problem.

After all... Lux has also been to the temple where Illaoi is, and has been persuading herself to participate in the trial of Nagakaporos.


"Good morning, Sarah." Lux was somewhat surprised when she saw Sarah, "You look very anxious, is something wrong?"

"Something has happened." Sarah nodded, "Okao seems to be the choice of Mother Snake."

As she spoke, she briefly told Lux ​​what happened to the Green Algae Gang yesterday, and Raven, who followed Sarah, also added some details.

Lacus was also a little dazed when she heard the news, but she maintained her expression very well. It seemed that she was just calm, and her hand seemed to be subconsciously rubbing the hilt of the sword—but in fact, she had already For a while, he asked Karya for help.

"What the hell is going on? Why did Nagakaporos suddenly choose God? Could it be that your actions during the trial were discovered?"

"Don't be nervous." Kalya reassured, "Relax, although I don't know Okao, but I believe that he is definitely not Nagakaporos's choice!"

"Not God's Chosen?" Lux blinked, "I gained the ability to control the waves and tides overnight... How can this be the performance of God's Chosen?"

"The only way to obtain the power of Nagakaporos is to pass the trial of the snake mother." Carya said firmly, "The most important performance of those who have passed the trial is to obtain the protection of divine power and the extremely firm Personal will - direct granting of divine power is normal for other gods, but it is absolutely impossible for Nagakaporos."

"You mean, this Okao has obtained the power of some other god?" Lux wondered, "How is this possible? He is obviously a follower of Nagakaporos. According to Sarah, he should be a special god. The pious and fanatical kind.”

"It is precisely because Okao is usually very devout and fanatical that this trick can deceive others." Carya chuckled, "This is the 'inertia of thinking' brought by the usual identity label, because it is Nagakaporos's. Fanatic believers, so the sudden power should come from the snake mother—but if you think about it carefully, is there an inevitable connection between the two?"

"Since he fanatically believes in Snake Mother, why would he accept the power of other gods?" Lux was still puzzled, "Isn't this very contradictory?"

"It's not contradictory at all." Kalya said in a tone that I've seen this kind of thing a lot, "Thoughts such as false beliefs existed thousands of years ago. When Shurima broke the false idols, it was largely It is because everything is under the guise of gods... ancient dragons, powerful beasts, elemental creatures, even demons and voids can all call themselves gods, and they can also imitate other gods, which led to Shurima's one-size-fits-all faith."

Lacus blinked, but did not continue speaking.

At this moment, she suddenly had a deeper understanding of the phrase "History is a spiral" that Kalya often chanted.

 Carya's Small Classroom God's Choice:
  Although the beliefs in Runeterra are messy, what's interesting is that the concept plan of God's Choice will appear in every belief. It seems that everyone believes that piety will bring power/shelter/blessing/gift/feedback, etc. Wait.

  In a sense, this can be regarded as the most primitive pursuit of the concept of "fairness" by everyone in Runeterra.

  PS. Supplement the previous chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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