Lux's Farewell

Chapter 191 [0188] Betta

Chapter 191 [0188] Betta
Before Okao went off the field, Bilgewater's power game was big fish eating small fish, and small fish eating shrimp.

Without the giant shark that swims above the heads of all the small fish and shrimps without the disaster of the ocean, each "vigorous social group" moved quickly, and they were all working hard to annex small gangs and strengthen themselves.

However, as Okao, under the lure of Tam, claimed to be the chosen one, and made a big move towards neighbors who were close in strength, the tone of the competition changed suddenly.

In the eyes of everyone, Okan's actions are announcing that the puberty period is completely over, and the following is life and death!
Sarah, who originally planned to join forces with other gangs to engage in Ionian trade, now has to give up her original plan—the second round of negotiations that was scheduled to begin soon changed with the tense situation. In the foreseeable future, no one is willing to sit down and negotiate with the opening of the Okao.

Undoubtedly, Okao's actions shattered the fragile order that Bilgewater had just established, and this city of pirates would usher in another wave of bloody storms.

Even though Lux repeatedly assured that Okoo was definitely not chosen by the gods, and told Sarah that as long as she was willing to go to the temple and meet Illaoi, everything would be clear, but Sarah still cautiously asked Raven to prepare for battle , and drove the Siren out of the dock.

"Okao is definitely not God's Choice." Seeing that Lei Wen received the order to leave, Lux couldn't help but sighed, "Illaoi doesn't eat people, now is not the time for a big fight!"

"I know, and I also believe." After her first mate left, Sarah leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair, "But it's useless for me to believe, O'Cao has torn up all the leeway for peace. "

"So, are you preparing for the worst?" Although she understood Sarah's choice and Karya was reminding her, Lux still felt sad about it, "The previous chaos was bad enough ... Now the fire is starting again, and this time the scale will probably be even bigger."

"It's something that can't be helped, the stinky pirates are always a little nervous." Sarah looked very open, and comforted Lux ​​in turn, "I didn't contact them because I didn't expect everyone to have morality and harmony. Trusting this kind of thing, hoping that everyone will engage in Ionian trade together, is just relying on the balance of mutual fear... Now that the balance has been broken, let me see the truth!"

"And this could have been avoided." Although the kind-hearted Lux ​​knew the inevitability of all this, she was still depressed. "Sarah, there are not only pirates in this city."

"Yes, there are also thieves, gamblers, flesh and blood and bounty hunters." Sarah crossed her legs, "Miss Lacus, can I ask you a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"Have you been such a kind person since you were a child?"

"Is there anything wrong with being kind?" Lux was a little puzzled, "If possible, maybe many people would like to be a kind person?"

"But you also know, if it's possible." Sarah moved her hand deeply, her slender fingers brushing the ends of her hair that Drizzt had just cut off a few days ago, "To be honest, sometimes I think you are special Fragmentation, it is obvious that the method of using human nature is extremely superb, and the manufacturing plan is also impenetrable, but sometimes it feels that your ideals are extraordinarily naive."

"It's not naive." Lux shook her head. "You may have misunderstood—naivety is wishful thinking without knowing the world, and I'm afraid I know better than you what Bilgewater will become in the future."

"That's very strange." Sarah leaned closer to Lux, "Since you know what will happen, why do you have to be sad, why do you still try to change?"


Kalya didn't say anything, and Lux ​​didn't say a word either.

"In this city of pirates, I have seen many people of all kinds. They may be trying to get rich overnight, or they may be trying to become a master; there are red-eyed gamblers here, and there are lustful ghosts full of lies." Looking at the silent Lacus, Sarah said in a playful tone, "They all have their own goals, even if it is me, it is for revenge that I have been able to get to this day."

Lux remained silent and nodded slightly.

"But what about you? What are you doing for?" Sarah's tone was full of doubts. "You are an outsider and have nothing to do with Bilgewater; you don't desire the wealth here, and you don't seem to have any interest in controlling this city." interest, but when it's going to get really bad here, you seem more anxious and more frustrated than me."

"Is this hard to understand?" Lux finally smiled. "In my opinion, there are many bastards in Bilgewater, but there are also many people who don't need to be such bastards."

"I didn't need it?" Sarah couldn't understand what Lacus meant, "In my opinion, most of the people here are hopeless."

"No one is destined to be a gambler or a villain at birth." On this point, Lux sees it clearly, "It's just that here, most people can only become gamblers or villains. This is due to the level of production and society. The structure determines that compared to the villains that abound, I think what is worse in Bilgewater is the environment and system that continue to produce villains."

"So, you brought the Ionian trade plan? Seems like a noble savior?" Sarah's tone was somewhat intriguing, "Or, in your opinion, Bilgewater is just Is it the way you think it should be?"

"Bilgewater has always been what Bilgewater people think it should be." Lux shook her head again, correcting Sarah, "And what makes me sad is that I can't find a way to change everyone's thinking. "

"So, why are you unwilling to embrace a destruction?" Sarah opened her arms, "Amidst the destruction, welcome a new life."

"But rebirth after destruction is the worst policy after all." Lux finally couldn't help but sigh, "In short, if possible, I hope to avoid all of this from happening."

Sarah's almond eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked up and down at Lux in front of her. In the end, she didn't continue on this topic, but took the initiative to talk about Illaoi, and asked about Illaoi's trial instead.

It's hard for Lacus to disclose the content of the trial, but she can at least tell Sarah that the core of the trial is to face her own soul.

"Soul, it's really interesting." Sarah thought for a moment, then stood up, "Okay, dear Lacus, thank you for your advice and help, if I have time, I will go see the priest lady."

 Carya's Little Classroom: The Snake Mother Doesn't Care:
  For Illaoi, mortals in the world can be divided into two types: those who have passed the test of the snake mother, and those who have not passed the test of the snake mother.

  In the eyes of others, Okao is a devout believer, but in the eyes of Illaoi, he is no different from any random passer-by on the pier—the snake mother doesn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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