Lux's Farewell

Chapter 192 [0189] Demon Whispers

Chapter 192 [0189] Demon Whispers
Sarah got the conclusion she wanted, asked the question she wanted, and walked away satisfied.

Instead, it was Lux herself, who was a little bit confused after Sarah left.

"Did she see something?" Lux asked quietly, "Kalya, did the words she said reveal your existence?"

"Don't scare yourself!" Carya said helplessly, "She's just curious about your purpose. If she really noticed something, she would definitely not tell you directly."

" seems to be the same." Lux blinked, and then felt relieved, "But what should Bilgewater do now? Just let that guy named Okao start a war?"

"War is inevitable. Even if Illaoi, who has never cared much about these things, stands up and says that Okao is actually heresy, the seeds of distrust have already been planted." Kalya directly pointed out the core problem, " Like Sarah said, the fragile balance here has been broken, and without a major shake-up, the problem will not be resolved."

"Then is there a way to shuffle the cards quickly?" Lux sighed, "Whether it's for Bilgewater or Zaun, the sooner this chaos ends, the better?"

"That depends on Miss Fortune's courage—if she dares to meet Illaoi, face her own trials, and get Illaoi's support...Okao probably won't be able to jump for two days."


Bilgewater, Mousetown.

The pier, which is full of rats, has now been taken by Okao and his Baru people.

Several local gangs who thought they were "strong and strong" wanted to resist Okao and told the Baru people that Bilgewater was not the Blue Flame Islands, but unfortunately, their strength was really not enough in front of Okao.

With the power of the tide, Oko summoned a huge wave, easily swept the waiting local thugs into the sea, and added a meal to the local sea mice.

In the whole Rat Town, there is only one gambling style street that knows the current affairs, honestly "converted" to Nagakaporos, and did not choose to resist.

Although Ao Kao looked down on these gamblers, he still accepted the conversion of these people out of practical considerations, and then let these local villains be responsible for maintaining order nearby.

The successive victories made Okoo's heart agitated. He had never experienced such a wonderful power. Under the protection of the snake mother, Tide was also listening to his orders. It would not take long for him to take down the entire Bilgewater. Like Planck before, become the king of this pirate city!

No, not like Planck!
It should be the king of pirates far surpassing Planck!

In Okao's view, Planck is nothing more than a pink face. Even if he passed the trial, he did not devoutly follow the creed of the snake mother. It is for this reason that he finally died in the flame wave. Completely lost.

But I am different.

The sea obeys his orders, without going through Illaoi, the snake mother directly gives him the power to change Bilgewater, as long as he thinks, the waves will swallow everything!
Satisfied, Ao Kao began to discuss plans to continue to expand the territory with his loyal subordinates, but he obviously didn't know that his every move had long been watched by that little pink face that he himself looked down upon. eyes.

"This guy, doesn't he have a brain?" Looking at Okao who swaggered to lead the team and almost wrote "I want to conquer Bilgewater" on his face, Plank couldn't help but shook his head, "He Do you really think that with the meager number of guys under his command, he can occupy the whole of Bilgewater?"

"Maybe not in the past." Tam let out a characteristic chuckle, "but now... people who are blinded by greed have no reason to speak of."

"So, who is he going to trouble him with?" The corners of Planck's mouth twitched twice under the mask, "Going to find that girl of misfortune?"

"He will go." Tam looked as if he was in control, "but before that, he should have to clean up a few idiots who don't have eyes—Okao is already like this, and there are still people Provoking him head-on is really reckless."

"It's a pity, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with these disgraceful traitors myself." Plank said with some regret, "If possible, I really hope that I can hang these grass-headed kings on the slaughtering dock one by one. Come on sea monster meat dog, strangle them with their intestines... I really don't understand, you have such great power, why would you rather give it to this idiot than give it to me directly?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Ocean Disaster." A Tam's smiling face quietly appeared in the ditch by the roadside, "This is just the beginning-the good show has not yet come!"

"You're just afraid, aren't you?" Plank said firmly, "You're afraid of the snake mother, you don't want to confront the snake mother head-on, and Okao is just a pawn for you to attract everyone's attention..."

"As expected of the disaster of the ocean, the reaction is really fast." Tamm flicked his long tongue, "I have no intention of provoking a true god. For me, greed is the greatest virtue, followed by prudence..."

"Then when will I be able to complete my revenge?" Plank interrupted impatiently, "You have been evading and saying that you have a plan, but until now, I have not seen your big plan, I just I saw you pretending!"

"How could it be a pretentious gesture!" Tam shook his head, looking very aggrieved, "This is a last resort... God is too scary, I need to let that Ms. Illaoi look away from me for a while , Only in this way can we help you unscrupulously, and allow you to return to your throne in an open and honest manner."

"What are you planning?" Plank frowned, "Illaoi won't care about Okao's bluffing—in her eyes, people who haven't passed the snake mother test don't have any meaning to pay attention to. It is doomed to be impossible to use this idiot to attract her attention!"

"If you think so, that's great." Tam shook his head, splashing his sticky tongue, "Sure enough, in Bilgewater, no one cares how many bastards die in the gutter .”


Plank was very annoyed by Tam's performance as a Riddler. He clenched his left hand, as if he was about to punch Tam.

"How many people died in Bilgewater, the fishermen and pirates who are still alive don't care, and Illaoi who obeys the teachings of the snake mother doesn't care, but in the black mist, some immortal beings care very much."


At this moment, Planck finally widened his eyes.

"Okao thought he had mastered the power of the tide, but unfortunately, it was not the power of the tide, but a signal to summon the black mist." For the first time, Tam's voice became a substantive whisper of the devil, echoing in the general public. Lan Ke’s ear made the disaster of the ocean pale, “The loyal priest will fight the undead in the black mist for the glory of the gods, and in the end both will suffer; amidst the ruins, the former pirate king is full of people. Return of Glory... Are you satisfied with this script?"

 Carya's Little Classroom: The Snake Mother's Enemy:
  The undead are the mortal enemies of Nagakaporos. For this god representing eternal movement, the existence of the undead, which is beyond life and death, is the greatest challenge.

  PS. It seems that summer has entered overnight, and suddenly it is [-] degrees, and I feel so hot all over.

(End of this chapter)

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