Lux's Farewell

Chapter 193 [0190]

Chapter 193 [0190]
Bilgewater's sea breeze is humid and warm in the tropical maritime climate, but at this time Planck was covered in cold sweat.

Plank was already a ruthless guy—but, in front of Tam, his ruthlessness seemed like a joke.

Bone carving is certainly terrifying.

But in the final analysis, it was just a means to deter dissatisfied people.

Just look at Tamm—he simply dragged the entire Bilgewater into the abyss of the undead for a "return of the king" scene... Even in terms of evil, his structure is far beyond Planck.

As the former king of Bilgewater and the famous disaster of the sea, Plank knows better than anyone what kind of thing those wandering in the black mist are - without the protection of the snake mother and the snake mother priests , I am afraid that during the annual Soul Eater Night, the entire Bilgewater will be swallowed by the black mist.

But now, Tamm is planning to arouse the interest of the controllers of the black mist through a chaotic war, so that they will come to Bilgewater on their own initiative...

On the non-soul-eating night, when the various gangs are fighting together, the black mist suddenly strikes. I am afraid that many people will be directly involved in the black mist and transform into undead!
Illaoi is very strong, and Plank knows how much power exists in this woman who is favored by the snake mother.

But she is just a mortal after all.

If the black mist has enough "soldiers", even Illaoi may not be able to support it-at that time, if I really prepare in advance, maybe as Tam said, there will be a staged The king returns.

And as a price, the entire Bilgewater will fall into decline, and even many areas will simply be reduced to dead ghosts...

"So, what is your purpose?" Planck forced himself to calm down, took out an orange from his waist pocket, and began to peel the orange slowly, "I heard the whisper of the devil, but And not getting an offer — that's not okay."

"Me? Hahaha, as I said, greed is a virtue." Tam flicked his long tongue, "An old friend of mine is mastering this virtue, and I need to help him."

Tam's old friend?
At this moment, Plank thought of other demon legends—unfortunately, he didn't follow the relationship among them.

Maybe... Tamm was just lying?

Realizing this, Plank didn't continue to ask in the end. He just put the orange into his mouth one by one, and after eating the whole orange, he slowly stood up.

"I hope that old friend of yours can accept your favor." He wiped his beard, "Now, I'm going to meet an old friend of mine... I hope he didn't die in Bilji Walter's chaos."


Although he still doesn't know Tam's real purpose, Plank is carrying out his revenge plan step by step.

On the other hand, after confirming that the following Bilgewater chaos was inevitable, Lux worked hard to accommodate the refugees who did not want to be involved, and at the same time devoted all her energy to searching around, hoping to find the person who gave Oko The guy who forged divine power.

With Sarah's help, Lax even figured out the initial performance of Oko's "power of tides"—after hearing that Oko was worshiping in the temple of Nagakaporos, she had an epiphany about the tides. After knowing how to use the power, if Kalya hadn't guaranteed that it wasn't the power of Nagakaporos, even Lux would have doubted whether this guy was the chosen one.

Then, just when Lux couldn't find any clues, Bilgewater's bloodiest brawl began.

This is a bottomless fight.

When a big fish eats a small fish, it is for swallowing up.

But now, if the big fish wanted to eat the big fish, they had to tear each other to pieces before swallowing them.

Coalition, betrayal, siege, counterattack, deceit, bluff...

Bilgewater does not have any strategic and tactical masters, at most there are a few dog-headed military divisions.

But in this infinite chaos, various methods are still emerging one after another—and with more and more frauds and betrayals, the scope and degree of attack on the losers are also becoming more and more severe.

The newly-recovered sea monster slaughtering industry stopped working again, but the slaughtering pier and Bone Bay were still red and smelly all day long, but this time, the flesh and blood no longer came from the sea monsters dragged onto the pier by iron hooks, but from the sea monsters being dragged to the pier every night. Loser who throws water.

The new king of Bilgewater has not yet been born.

And in this battle for the new king, countless fish and shrimps were nourished by the flesh and blood of the losers.

In this case, Sarah Fortune, the woman who single-handedly planned the wave of flames and shattered Planck's rule in one fell swoop through the shipyard's repair room, finally ushered in a crazy competitor.

Okao turned his attention to Sarah.


"Captain, that lunatic Okao is following us."

"Okao...why did he suddenly change direction?" After receiving the news, Sarah subconsciously looked at the map she had hung up. "Could it be that the fishermen in the east are relenting? I remember that Okao asked them to 'respect sea monsters. ' is coming."

"It's okay to be soft." Lei Wen smiled wryly, "You don't know the level of those fishermen. Except for a few harpooners who are indeed of some level, most of them are just ordinary sailors. It is said that they have been squatting for a long time , and finally came up with a 'fishing and hunting list', which can be regarded as a disguised recognition of Okao."

"It's overwhelming." Sarah stood up, picked up a pen and made a mark on the map, "Okao, a mad dog... pass my order, all crew members on the Siren are on alert, and combatants are not allowed to leave their combat positions. All supplies must be brought to the ship tonight."

"Although Okao is difficult to deal with, we don't have to dodge!" Raven widened his eyes, "We have the Siren, and there are many coastal defense guns that have not been activated. If he wants to use the tidal wave like before, If he wins by force crushing, we can definitely give him a hard time and tell him who is in charge of Bilgewater!"

"That's not necessary." Sarah waved her hand, "Every sailor is a valuable member of the Siren, and it's meaningless to change lives with that kind of lunatic."

"However, if we go to sea at this time, I am afraid that no one will be convinced in the future." Lei Wen finally became a little anxious, "That means we will give up everything in Bilgewater...whether it is contacts, intelligence, or shore. Anti-aircraft guns will no longer be used by us!"

"How could it be!" Sarah heard the words, a confident smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "You stayed on the Siren, my first mate—"

"Then you?"

"I decided to meet the sea beast priest." Sarah took a deep breath, "Go and participate in the game of the brave."

 Carya's Little Classroom Soul Eater Night:
  Every year at the high tide of Midsummer Night, Bilgewater will usher in a misty black mist, and all Bilgewater people will close their doors and windows, while Illaoi and other priests of Nagakaporos are Will come forward with Planck to repel these undead wandering in the black mist.

(End of this chapter)

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