Lux's Farewell

Chapter 194 [0191]

Chapter 194 [0191]
Raven tried hard to persuade, but Sarah was determined.

In the end, the first mate failed to win over the captain.

The Siren was packed with supplies and went to sea to avoid the limelight, leaving Sarah alone to go to the temple of Nagakaporos to accept the trial of Illaoi.

When Sarah came to Naga Kapolo's temple, she was surprised to find that the Snake Mother Temple, which was usually quite deserted, had gathered many people at this time.

These people seem to have some conflicts with Okao, and they are begging bitterly at this time, hoping to let Illaoi mediate by offering their own beliefs.

Unfortunately, Illaoi turned a deaf ear to their pleas.

Illaoi doesn't believe in these people's so-called beliefs at all—because her attitude is very clear, if there is anything to do, let's go through a wave of trials first.

In the very beginning, there were those who were not afraid of death and accepted the trial.

Then, his soul couldn't withstand the pressure of the trial and shattered, and then his whole body turned into rubble all over the place, and finally collapsed under the desperate eyes of others.

From then on, these guys who came to take refuge could only cry and howl, but no one dared to stand up and accept the trial of Nagakaporos...

After all, from the performance point of view, it seems that accepting Illaoi's trial will lead to a worse death.

And it was amidst the helpless prayers (or wailing that would be more appropriate) of such a group of people that Sarah came to the temple of Nagakaporos and took the initiative to find Illaoi.

"I'm here to accept the trial of the true one." Sarah shook her fiery long hair, "You are Ms. Illaoi, right?"


The news that Sarah accepted the trial of Nagakaporos was sent to Lux immediately.

However, after Drizzt, who was in charge of delivering the news, sent back, he did not find Lacus in White Harbor.

Not only that, but the asylum seekers in White Harbor didn't know where Lacus had gone, they only knew that Lacus left the shelter in a hurry not long ago.

Before leaving, I specifically asked everyone to stay in the shelter, close the doors and windows and not go out.

Is there something urgent?
Drizzt was a little strange.

However, since he has already received the money and accepted the employment, it is natural to send the news honestly. After inquiring about the direction where Lacus left, he simply called Graves, who had recovered from his injury by seven or eight points. I headed east all the way to deliver a message to Lux.

So, here comes the question, where did Lux ​​go?
What Drizzt didn't know was that when the Siren set sail and Sarah began her own soul trial, Lux left White Harbor and also headed east to the Temple of Nagakaporos.

And the reason why she chose to come to the temple was because the weather was different today - it was clearly not evening yet, but it seemed to be getting dark very early.

In the beginning, it was Lux who first noticed something was wrong.

"What a strange weather." Lux looked at the clouds and mist that covered half of the sky like a veil, and said strangely, "This should be the first time I have seen such weather in Bilgewater, right?"

"Something is wrong." Hearing what Lacus said, Kalya quickly realized the problem, "It's not a normal thing in the early black sky... Quick, follow my guidance, find a higher place, build A monitoring circle!"

Blinking her eyes, although Lacus didn't know why Karya's tone suddenly became serious, she followed Karya's guidance honestly and used her own magic power to construct a simple energy monitoring circle.

When the final touch of the magic circle was completed, the originally bright brilliance suddenly dimmed, and a faint mist lingered on the magic circle—seeing this scene, even if you don’t know what it means, Lux It still feels like things are not going well.

"Isn't there still two months left for this year's Soul Eater Night?" Carya mused, "Why are those undead people coming to meddle at this juncture?"

"Undead?" Lux heard this title for the first time, "What is that?"

"A group of guys who failed to enter the cycle of life and death due to special reasons, and are nostalgic for the human world." Kalya said in a serious tone, "It's very troublesome...and very abnormal. As far as I know, these undead and Nagakaporos are sworn enemies , They will only act wantonly under the cover of black mist during the Soul Eater Night."

"But Soul Eater Night should still be two months away." Laxyi instantly realized the seriousness of the problem, "They are about to appear in Bilgewater!"

"It's still in the situation that a large number of people have just died in Bilgewater." Kalya thought for a moment, and quickly said, "Lax, start now and go to the temple of Nagakaporos. Illaoi warns!"

"Okay!" Lux put on the sword neatly, "What about the shelter?"

"Tell everyone to stay in the room honestly and close the doors and windows." Kalya seemed to be gnashing his teeth, "Find Illaoi, let's work together to expel the black mist first!"


Lux hurried on.

When she arrived at Nagakaporos' temple, Illaoi was still holding the god statue and conducting Sarah's trials.

Judging from Sarah's expression, she seemed to be in some pain, but at least she was breathing steadily, and she seemed to be able to pass the trial.

If it was normal, Lux would have patiently waited for Sarah to complete this soul trial.

But now the situation is too urgent, seeing that Miss Fortune may not be over for a while, she can only quietly ask Karya for help.

It's a pity that Karya can't do anything this time.

After coming to the side of Shenxin, Kalya found that the backhand he left behind had been consumed-in this case, he had no interference with the trial.

Unless Lux risked offending all the priests and stopped this trial directly, she could only quietly hope that Sarah would work harder and pass the trial quickly.

But things backfired.

Sarah was still in the trial until the sky completely dimmed and the black mist poured in mightily from the east.

The people who relied on the temple for refuge began to panic.

And the priests of the Mother Snake began to discuss in low voices, whether to kill the guy who was undergoing the trial directly, and forcibly terminate the trial, so that Illaoi could free up her hands to deal with the black mist.

At this time, Drizzt and Graves, who had been asking all the way, finally came to the temple.

"Miss Lux, I have found you... Wait, why is Miss Fortune here?"

"There's no time to explain." Seeing that an acquaintance finally came, Lux grabbed Drizzt, "Keep an eye on these priests, don't let them do anything to Sarah!"

"Compared to Bilgewater, a mortal's life is nothing." Sensing what Lux meant, a priest took over, "We need Ms. Illaoi to fight the enemy of Nagakaporos !"

"That will have to wait until the trial is completed." Lux pulled out the broken sword neatly, "Before then, I will stop the expansion of the black mist!"

The priest's lips moved, as if he wanted to say, "Why are you?"

But before he could make a sound, a dazzling brilliance bloomed above Lux's broken sword, making him swallow those words forcefully.

If it's a light magician, maybe it's really okay.

 Carya's Small Classroom·Trial Time:
  The trial of Nagakaporos is aimed at the soul, and the tough and weak soul will often take more time-yes, it is Sarah.

  PS. After one test in three days, two tests in three days, and three tests in three days, the community is finally closed today...

(End of this chapter)

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