Lux's Farewell

Chapter 195 [0192] The first battle of the undead

Chapter 195 [0192] The first battle of the undead
Night falls.

Under the cover of night, a thick black mist connected the equally dark and deep sky and sea, rolling from the sea east of Bilgewater.

Wherever the black mist came, everything was silent.

Silence, it's Bilgewater tonight.

After seeing the black mist, the guys with more flexible minds have carefully hid in the house, using all available things to plug the gaps in the windows or door frames to prevent the black mist from entering the room-according to Soul Eater's experience, as long as the black mist If they didn't come in, the undead in the black mist would not take the initiative to enter the room.

When the black mist landed in Bilgewater from the east, there was a gang that had just won a firefight. At this time, the gang was holding a banquet. Unaware of the danger coming.

Victory paralyzed their vigilance, and finally let the black mist completely engulf them silently.

During the banquet, the excited sailors drank and found that the taste of the wine was gone, and then the drink began to leak from their bodies—they stood up in a daze, and walked around in a daze, like It was a shower, leaving rows of wine stains on the ground.

In the end, under the infection of the black mist, they lost their last remaining consciousness, and began to follow the billowing black mist all the way forward.

Not far away, at the place where they had just fought and won during the day, those corpses that had not had time to be thrown into the water to feed the fish also stood up under the influence of the black mist.

The enemies who had just fought to the death not long ago were now shoulder to shoulder, following the expansion of the black mist, and entering Bilgewater step by step.

When the black mist appeared in front of Lux, what she saw was like the darkness on the side of the tide, and countless undead who were numb in the rolling black mist.

Soon, this wave came beyond the temple of Nagakaporos.

As if there was an invisible barrier, the rolling black mist could not enter the temple.

However, with a deep roar, the black mist began to hiss and erode the invisible barrier.

The speed of the erosion was very slow, and even a trace of erosion could be seen only by staring at the junction of the black mist and the barrier, but this erosion itself was enough to make everyone in the temple—including these priests— My heart skipped a beat.

"Take a deep breath, okay, keep your breathing rate, don't be too nervous." Seeing the arrival of the black mist, Kalya reminded in a low voice, "The undead are not too strong, but they seem to be in large numbers—so, remember Save magic power, I will remind you as soon as there is a guy who is difficult to deal with!"

"No problem." Lux took a deep breath, and even thought of making a joke, "This should be the first time you have assisted me in fighting, right?"

"Almost." Knowing that Lacus was not nervous at all, Kalya felt relieved, "I wanted to do a special training at first, but now I can only get used to it slowly - you have to work harder, I I don’t want to go out in person in the end!”

"Go out in person?" Lux snorted, "It's not your turn yet, my dear teacher!"

The next moment, under the expectant eyes of the priests, a bright radiance lit up in the palm of Lux's left hand, and then he wiped it lightly on his broken sword - as the bright radiance wiped across , this lightsaber became more and more dazzling, making it impossible for people to look directly at it.

With a lightsaber in hand, Lux tore off her cloak and strode out of the temple gate.


Sensing the breath of the living, the undead in the black mist rushed towards Lux quickly.

These skinny, corpse-like undead creatures were completely controlled by the black mist, and they opened their teeth and claws, as if they wanted to grab Lux, drag her into the depths of the black mist, and turn her into one of them.

Lux naturally won't do what they want.

Without Karya's reminder, a barrier of light appeared in front of Lux—although it was not as stable as the explanation from the barrier of the temple, it was enough to make these undead get back immediately like a living person being electrocuted. own hands.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lux simply swung his sword and slashed.

The lightsaber slid across in front of her, and several undead figures driven by the black mist were annihilated. Where the lightsaber passed, a stream of light was clearly visible, as if a knife was drawn to cut off the flow. The mist left a fissure like a scar.

Inside the temple, the refugees who saw Lux's performance stretched their necks, and finally couldn't help but let out a low cheer.

However, after seemingly making a neat move, Lux herself was not at all rejoicing.

"Kalya, something seems wrong." Lux asked in a low voice while swinging her sword again, "I feel so heavy..."

"The dilapidated black mist can not only infect the living." Kalya quickly gave a countermeasure, "Compared to using a lightsaber to give these undead a chance to rest, I think you should use a more direct method. "

"A more direct way? A strong light explosion?" Lux seemed a little guilty, "Kalya, you know, the light explosion is difficult to control..."

"That's because under natural conditions, light is everywhere." Carya explained in a low voice, "The resonance of light is quite strong, so it is difficult for you to directly control the explosion of light—but now, you are in the dark mist Now, let go of your restraint on yourself!"

"Let go of the restraint?" Lux swung the sword again, opening up a safe space for herself, "Because in the black mist, magic won't get out of control?"

"At least light magic won't." Kalya affirmed, "Until your magic power can completely purify the black mist, it won't go out of control."

"Which strong light explosion model do you use?"

"Chain explosions, torrents of light." Kalya immediately gave the answer, "There are also resonance chains!"

"Received!" Lux held the sword with one hand, and after swinging away the undead around again, she put away the sword and stood up, "Let go of the restraint and cast spells without control, I haven't tried this feeling yet!"

"To be honest, that's quite cool." Kalya seemed to recall her previous experience, "However, the premise is to pay attention to your magic power-it doesn't feel good to be drained."

Lux nodded, held the broken sword upright in front of her, and then released the hilt with her right hand.

She saw her hands split into palms in front of her chest, and under the pull of invisible magic power, the broken sword with strong light was suspended between Lacus' hands, trembling violently.

"I've always been a professional in magic power control." Lux licked her lips and took a deep breath, "Chain explosions, torrents of light, chains of resonance... let's all light up!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Lux's Mana Control:

  Lux's magic control ability is good, but in comparison, her magic talent is even more amazing, so in most cases, she will not cast spells directly.

  However, if you use light magic in the black mist, as long as you don't overdraw yourself and cause the magic power to pour back, then you don't have to worry about the magic getting out of control, so today, Lux can be unscrupulous for once.

(End of this chapter)

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