Lux's Farewell

Chapter 196 [0193] Light up Bilgewater

Chapter 196 [0193] Light up Bilgewater

The broken sword trembled, and the strong light flickered.

As Lux let go of some of her control over the light, she cast spells for the first time in a way that fits the definition of a mage in people's minds.

With a tremor, one light and one dark, the broken sword in front of Lacus changed from one to two.

Then, there was light and dark and trembling again—two handles became four handles.

Four to eight, eight to sixteen...

Within a few breaths, countless light-forged broken blades appeared densely packed in front of her. They were both real and illusory, as if they were shadows of each other, trembling, flickering, and hissing synchronously.

Then, with a shout of "Light up all of them", these broken blades shot out in all directions, turning into a long dragon in the black mist.

Chain explosion.

At the end of the long dragon, every flickering represents the shattering of a light-forged broken blade; and the shattering of each light blade will turn into countless bursting light spots, which will wave the shriveled arms around and roar silently. The undead were cleaned up.

Torrent of Light.

Uncontrolled redundant magic power spewed out from all parts of this long dragon in the form of a torrent of light, making this giant light dragon seem to be making a surprise attack, destroying the thicker black mist without any rules, like lightning strikes. An arc that pierces the night sky.

Resonant Chains.

When several necromantic knights appeared and planned to directly attack Lux, the dragon of light circled its body and strangled the enemies who couldn't be dealt with by torrents and explosions—— This process does not even require Lux to manually control it, it is completely a spontaneous phenomenon brought about by the resonance of the light element and other elements.

Lux had learned the basic principles of these magics a long time ago.

But because of conditional restrictions, magic power limitations, and lack of magic control, she never practiced it herself.

But now, in Bilgewater, facing the billowing soul-devouring black mist, without worrying about the magic power getting out of control, Lux used her own magic power to light up the gloomy night sky.

Inside the temple, Drizzt and Graves couldn't keep their mouths shut—the two were extremely thankful at this moment that they didn't foolishly choose to confront Lux.

As for the priests of the Snake Mother, even though they knew very well that Nagakaporos was countless times stronger than Lax, they still had to admit that this pink face... was indeed a stunningly talented and beautiful person.

There is no doubt that Lux is already extraordinary without worrying about losing control of her magic power!
However, the surprised people who saw this scene obviously didn't expect that even under Lux's amazing performance, there were still people correcting and criticizing Lux's spellcasting methods.

"Reduce the supply of magic power, don't act like a suffocated wild dog - are you going to recharge the city walls of Xiongdu?" Kalya felt the endless magic power flowing from her side, but she couldn't directly absorb it. At this moment, he was extremely irritable because of the thirst for magic power, "There is no need to worry about the control of magic power is not to let go of the control, do you want the magic power to flow back?"


Such a familiar way of speaking made Lux subconsciously shudder, and she immediately reduced the output of magic power. As Kalya judged, reducing part of the output of magic power will not weaken the effect of magic, but will make this dragon of light more flexible. point.

"Don't just stand there foolishly, either deploy defensive magic and traps, or get active." Kalya continued to correct, "I know that this kind of unscrupulous spellcasting tastes good, but don't be stimulated by this powerful magic power Get carried away, keep your prudence!"

Lux blinked, carefully pulled out a hand, and created a light trap that twisted the barrier for herself—it was the light shield that Talon once tricked, and it looked like a light shield, but it would actually explode when touched into a flash bomb trap.

Afterwards, while maintaining the twisting and breathing of the giant dragon of light, she began to move irregularly. Although this movement looks a bit ghostly, if there is an enemy hiding in the darkness and wants to attack Lak from a distance, Come on, I'm afraid it really won't be possible to aim for a while.

And this is exactly what Thresh, who is hiding in the black mist and waiting for an opportunity to attack, feels most directly at this moment.


Thresh also chose to be part of this carnival.

Although I don't know why the black mist began to expand irregularly at this time, but the opportunity is rare, Thresh still intends to take the opportunity to collect a few souls in his soul lamp.

So, he rode the black mist and came to Bilgewater.

This time, Thresh was lucky - when he arrived in Bilgewater, the bodies of the drunken sailors had just been controlled by the black mist, and before their souls also merged into the black mist, Thresh was in time Turned on his soul-inducing lamp and included these howling souls.

Thresh hated the smell of wine.

But fortunately, even the soul of an alcoholic will not have the smell of alcohol that makes him sick.

Satisfied, he closed the Soul Lamp, dragged his chains, and walked in the empty streets of Bilgewater.

This is not the first time Thresh has come to this port city. In his soul lamp, at least half of the souls are collected here.

However, tonight's Bilgewater seemed to be extraordinarily quiet, even quieter than the previous night of Soul Eater.

In the silence, Thresh smelled weakness.

Weak Bilgewater...

Thinking of this, Thresh flicked the chain in his hand, decided to do something more adventurous, and went to the temple that Hecarim had tried many times but had never been able to enter.

Maybe there are enough souls out there to satisfy me... maybe?
Then, before Thresh had even reached the temple, he saw a startling dragon of light.

To be honest, Thresh was a bit surprised when he saw this dragon, at least from the appearance, this dragon is really amazing——However, after comparing it with Hecarim, Thresh But he grinned and let out a silent laugh.

Obviously, in the eyes of Thresh, this light dragon is not as good as Hecarim's brainless fool.

Every night of Soul Eater, Hecarim would make a destructive charge towards that temple, and then he would die and roll back to the depths of the black mist to wait for his rebirth, so Thresh was sure that there should be enough monsters in the temple to clean up Hecarim. Karim's presence.

The cautious Thresh had never been near the temple, so he didn't know what it was—but he was sure it wasn't the Dragon of Light.

In the past Night of Soul Eater, such a dragon never appeared in the sky of Bilgewater. Does that mean that today's temple guard is not the guy who suppressed Hecarim every time?
Thinking of this, Thresh ran lightly towards the temple, and outside the temple, he saw Lux—the brightest soul Thresh had ever seen.

Almost the moment he saw Lux, Thresh was determined to make her his favorite.

Such a wonderful soul is enough to completely light up his soul lamp!

The dastardly Thresh is planning a sneak attack.

However, before he got close to Lux and threw out his chain, Lux, who was reminded by Karya, had already started to move erratically.

Seeing this scene, Thresh couldn't help shaking the chain, and cursed in Ou Chen's language.

 Carya's Small Classroom Ochen Language:
  This is the language of the dead—a special language that only the dead or people who are close to death can use.

  There will be more updates at night.

(End of this chapter)

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