Lux's Farewell

Chapter 197 [0194] Shadow Isle Number One Iron Hanhan

Chapter 197 [0194] Shadow Isle Number One Iron Hanhan
Thresh was a patient man—oh, a patient undead, to be exact.

What he likes most is to collect those dazzling souls, and then imprison them in his soul lamp, listening to their wailing.

For Thresh, the wailing of these souls is the most beautiful music in the world.

Obviously, Lux's soul was the one that best met his expectations.

Therefore, Thresh hid in the black mist, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack, trying to lock Lux in one fell swoop and pull her soul out - but, after Kalya reminded, Lux has been in a state of twitching , even when controlling the dragon of light, it still keeps moving irregularly.

After estimating several times, Thresh didn't find a sure chance to get the hook...

The powerful and cautious Lux made Thresh feel a little irritated. He waited patiently for a long time, wanting to see if Lux would show his flaws due to lack of magic power.

Then, wait for 10 minutes.

Lux, who controls the dragon of light, doesn't seem to feel tired at all, her magic power is endless, and she doesn't show any discomfort, and during this period, she still moves from time to time, and even actively controls the dragon of light to patrol for a while lock up.

This overly cautious performance caused Thresh, who was secretly ready to move, quite a headache.

Are you going to give up?
No, no.

For Thresh, Lux's soul attraction is too strong, even knowing that Lax is difficult to deal with, Thresh is not willing to give up for a while.

After much deliberation, Thresh chose to leave temporarily.

It's not about giving up Lacus' soul, but going back to find someone stupid enough to take the thunder for him.

Coincidentally, in the Shadow Island, there is indeed such a fool - every time the black mist spreads out, he will be the first to rush, and then he will be beaten violently, and he will return to the deepest part of the black mist in desperation Rebirth.

He is... Hecarim.

It would take some effort to lure Hecarim directly to this temple, but Thresh decided to pay a little for this splendid soul that he adored.


Hecarim and his Phantom Riders landed on Bilgewater lands.

This fearsome knight, called the Shadow of War by the Bilgewaters, has similar hobbies to Thresh, and also likes to collect souls.

However, unlike Thresh who likes to listen to the wailing of souls, Hecarim prefers to incorporate qualified souls into his phantom cavalry regiment.

These howling phantom cavalry will follow behind him, and together with him will carry out the destructive charge, and when facing a strong enemy, they will turn into a shadow army, completely tearing apart the existence that dares to block Hecarim.

Therefore, Hecarim would not let go of any chance to collect souls, and when the black mist dissipated, he immediately acted.

However, unlike Thresh who came straight to the temple, he first searched around the surrounding piers a few times, and first selected the souls that were still eye-catching.

Although Hecarim is still naive, and still thinks that he has a promising future, as long as he collects enough powerful souls, he will be invincible in the world, but he has been dealt with by Illaoi too many times. After coming to Bilgewater , he would still subconsciously avoid the temple of Nagakaporos.

If you want to lure such a guy into thundering for yourself, you don't need to be very sophisticated, but the bait must be strong enough.

Therefore, Thresh found a few souls from his soul-inducing lamp that hadn't been extinguished and were still howling with a sense of power.

These guys belonged to a sect called the "Sentinels of Light"-in Thresh's long undead experience, these guys were one of the few mortals who caused him trouble.

Although to a large extent, the troubles come from the wonderful inheritance they have mastered and the weapons that can emit holy flames, but it is undeniable that the souls of these guys are also extremely tough and highly collectible.

The collection value also means that it is a good material to become a phantom knight.

Thresh believed that as long as Hecarim saw these souls, he couldn't help but include them in his cavalry regiment.

After casually killing a few Bilgewater people who were still active in the black mist, Thresh lined up their souls together with the souls of these light sentinels, and formed a path leading to Nagakaporo. The road to the Silk Temple.

This method doesn't seem very clever, and it's not even very different from the temporary traps that hunters set up when they catch birds that come out to forage in winter.

But it's just right here.

Because judging from Hecarim's performance, his remaining IQ after being eroded by the black mist seems to be no different from that of a silly bird.

And the truth is, just as Thresh planned, everything went well.

Pursuing these powerful souls, Hecarim came outside the temple step by step, and then, like Thresh, he fell in love with Lux at a glance.

"Come on." He swung his halberd, and his twisted hooves scraped the dirt violently, "Join us, become a part of us..."

And almost at the moment Hecarim appeared, Lux also found this guy who looked completely different from other undead.

"Be careful!" Kalya immediately reminded after seeing Hecarim, "The twisting force on this guy is quite amazing, and he even has a tendency to turn into flesh and blood. Don't take any of his attacks!"

Hearing this, Lux simply controlled the dragon of light and smashed it directly at Hecarim.

That's right, it's time to "smash" - the consumption of magic power control is too high, instead of using the dragon of light to do any fancy operations, it's better to hit this guy head-on with pure light elements.

And almost when the giant dragon of light fell from midair, Hecarim also led his own cavalry regiment to launch a devastating charge.

The heavy horseshoes stepped on the soil, splashing ripples that echoed with the power of shadow.

Behind Hecarim, countless shadowy figures were roaring and shouting, following Hecarim's footsteps, rushing towards Lux together.

Facing the giant dragon of light descending from the sky, Hecarim straightened up his halberd like a dragon slaying warrior.

Light and dark alternate.

The sharp halberd split the dragon's chest.

Unfortunately, before Hecarim let out a cheer, the dragon exploded surprisingly.

The magic structure was destroyed, and the dragon of light completely turned into Shattered Light. The shattered brilliance was like fragments, causing astonishing damage to Hecarim and the cavalry group behind him.

If it weren't for the fact that Hecarim was already undead, this blow would have been enough to rip his body apart.

In the black mist, the wounds on Hecarim's body caused by fragments of light elements were rapidly healing, but behind him, the phantom cavalry regiment was severely reduced.

Even so, Hecarim still didn't stop his charge.

His speed accelerated again, and his vague figure drew a darker trajectory in the black mist than the pitch black. In just a moment, his sharp war halberd came in front of Lacus.

Facing this overwhelming blow, Lux didn't panic at all.

Because in front of her, another spell was ready.

Hecarim's halberd was quick.

But light... is faster.

 Carya's Little Classroom Hecarim's Body:
  Hecarim was human before he was twisted by the Ruinous Curse.

  But because of the curse of ruin, his body was finally distorted and merged with his own horse, and finally he had the current two-handed and four-hoofed form.

  Hecarim has always liked to collect powerful souls and incorporate them into his cavalry regiment, but he doesn't seem to realize that every time he is reborn in the depths of the black mist without being killed, those carefully collected souls will disappear for a while. Mostly.

  Adding 13/30, there seems to be double monthly tickets at the end of the month?
  Hand it over!
(End of this chapter)

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