Lux's Farewell

Chapter 198 [0195] The ultimate flash

Chapter 198 [0195] The ultimate flash
Just when the dragon of light shattered, Lux was already preparing for the next spell.

On the surface, Hecarim destroyed Lux's carefully prepared spell with one blow, as if a brave man with a weapon killed the dragon with one blow.

But in fact, when the dragon died, Lux had already let go of the spell and no longer controlled it, and at the same time focused on the new spell.

Therefore, when Hecarim rushed in front of Lux, and the halberd almost pierced Lux's chest, Lux's spell was also ready.

Compared with the previous dragon of light, this spell is a bit clumsy - the spell structure is inspired by the most basic light element, without all kinds of resonance and entanglement.

The most high-end spells often only require the simplest structure.

"nothing left!"

The broken sword was suspended in front of Lacus again, different from the tremor and resonance before, this time it was spinning rapidly - as it turned faster and faster, a strong light gathered in front of the sword, and finally turned into an astonishingly strong The beam of light covered Hecarim head-on.

Under the strong light, all things appear.

Not only was Hecarim's twisted body pierced, even his war halberd quickly disintegrated under such strong light!
The shadowy, sharp halberd lunges forward, but the closer it gets to Lux, the faster it disintegrates.

It seemed that with just a light poke, Hecarim's halberd could pierce through Lux's chest and take the soul.

But no matter how hard he tried, there was still a few inches of distance between his halberd and Lux.

And this mere distance of a few inches could not be broken through until Hecarim and the phantom cavalry behind him were purified by the ultimate flash.

In the end, Hecarim's distorted figure completely disappeared in the bright light.

Lux also dissipated the dazzling light in front of her.

Without the sound of the phantom knight's hooves, outside the temple of Nagakaporos, there was unprecedented silence.

Lacus put the sword back into its sheath, panting slightly while holding on to the hilt.

And behind her, in the temple, all the spectators were so arrogant that they didn't dare to make a sound.

This scene was too shocking.

After launching the charge, the aggressive and unstoppable Shadow of Destruction, Shadow of War pierced the dragon of light with his halberd and rushed towards Lux.

Then, it was shrouded by a bright and astonishing beam of light, and the moment it got close to Lux, it was purified, and finally the distorted figure was completely dissipated in the light together with the phantom knight behind it.

Ren Er's ghosts and monsters are no match for the ultimate flash!
Although it looked like Lux was exhausted after this blow, and looked exhausted... But this kind of face-to-face single kill is still enough to shock people's hearts.

Considering that Bilgewater people are good at drinking and bragging, maybe after this night, the legend about Lux will spread throughout Bilgewater, and even spread throughout Runeterra along with the sailors of Bilgewater!
Then, just when these people finally realized that Hecarim was finished and he could breathe, a dark green chain appeared from the place where the black mist was thickest without any warning, and hooked directly to the gasping in place. Lacus.

Different from the face-to-face charge of Hecarim before, this time the sneak attack came silently. Even when the spectators realized that someone was sneaking, the sickle-shaped hook at the end of the chain had already come within inches of Lux. place.


Subconsciously, everyone watching the battle exclaimed.


Thresh was in a good mood.

Although a lot of precious souls were lost, judging from the results, this temptation was undoubtedly very successful.

Hecarim, the No. [-] idiot in the Shadow Isles, performed as steadily as ever. Like countless times in the past, he swaggered towards Thresh's target, and was purified by the light, completely dissipating in the radiant brilliance.

But his sacrifice was not without value.

In other words, for Thresh, Hecarim's sacrifice was just right!

Look at this panting little girl in front of you!
Hecarim's kind of guy who only knows how to charge face to face, no matter who it is, I'm afraid it will not be easy to deal with, right?

Thinking of this, Thresh grinned and let out a silent laugh. Looking at Lux, who was supposed to be resting, he finally threw off his chain.

Come on you!

Everything was going well, and Lux ​​didn't react when Thresh threw out the chain.

Then, just when Thresh thought he had successfully hit the target and was about to reap a delicious soul, his chain seemed to pierce a layer of soap bubbles.

This subtle change made Thresh realize that something was wrong, and before he pulled back his chain, a burst of blinding light burst out——when Thresh realized that he should bury his head down and not look directly at it, It's too late.

The bright light cleared away the surrounding darkness, leaving Thresh hiding in the darkness with nowhere to hide.

When he regained his senses and held his chains, Lux was ready to fight!
"What a cunning little girl." Seeing his family's sneak attack finally failed, Thresh simply swaggered out of his figure and let out bursts of grim smiles, "Come on, little girl, let's... let's go!"

The well-planned sneak attack failed.

But Thresh was not so depressed.

He could clearly feel that around Lux, the light elements were not as active as before—as the former warehouse manager of Fuguang Island and the actual "heir to the inheritance", Thresh's magical attainments were actually quite amazing .

Any souls who are dragged into the soul lamp by him, as long as they give up resistance during the torture, their knowledge will become Thresh's collection. In this way, Thresh also passively collected a large amount of magical knowledge Well, in terms of magic theory alone, he is so much better than Lux!

It's just that he, like Kalya, is not very talented. Even after being transformed by the curse of ruin, his strength is still relatively insufficient.

From Thresh's point of view, as long as Lux doesn't have that amazing magic power, he can easily win the next one-on-one.

Mage duel!
How can you, a little girl, beat me, a master of magic in Blessed Island?
What a joke!
Thinking this way, accompanied by a deep, teeth-itching laugh, a five-sided translucent ghost prison appeared around Thresh, wrapping Lacus and Thresh in it.

He was ready to give this immature girl desperate pain in the next spell battle!

However, what Thresh never dreamed of was that when the Nether Prison was set up, Lux did not panic in the slightest—she did not give Thresh a chance to counter her spell, but pulled out the broken sword and wiped it with her hand. , completed the enchantment of the light element, and then without hesitation, he raised his sword and slashed!

The spell duel suddenly turned into a melee competition... At this moment, Thresh suddenly panicked.

 Carya's Little Classroom Thresh Passive:
  For those souls absorbed into the soul lamp by him, Thresh can always grab part of their knowledge and power, and how much he grabs often depends on the tenacity of the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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