Lux's Farewell

199 Battle Mage [0196]

199 Battle Mage [0196]
A Maiya, who did not want to be named, once said that the addition point of a mage should be full strength and endurance, choose one-handed sword proficiency, and fully point block, crit, charge, whirlwind dance, beheading and armor piercing, and finally Just a little lighting.

This is a stalk that only Karya knows, but because of the particularity of Demacia... Lacus is completely proficient in one-handed swords.

In the case of lack of mana, Lak did not hesitate to come up with a solution to the limited mana condition in the simulated training - no spells that consume mana, just give himself an enchantment on the broken blade, and then rush up to melee to fight All right!
For this choice of Lux, Kalya can be said to be quite pleased.

This is the best choice.

Facing an old silver coin like Thresh who likes to hide in the dark, the best way is to fight him one-on-one. If you really want to compete in spells, Carya believes that he will not lose, but now he and Lux's tacit understanding, guided by himself, and Lacus casting spells, may not necessarily catch up with Thresh's rhythm!
Facts have proved that Karya's judgment is very accurate.

When Lux rushed towards Thresh with a lightsaber in his hand, and a wave of whirlwind slashed first, Thresh was obviously in a hurry.

For Thresh, the current situation is obviously a bit wrong - when he came, he didn't see Lux wielding a sword to clean up the undead, but only saw Lux manipulating the dragon of light, so he subconsciously thought that Lux was a A gifted spellcaster.

But until now, Thresh was completely dumbfounded seeing Lux's extremely familiar charge followed by Whirlwind.

Are you not a mage?

Why did the mage suddenly hold the sword and charge up to Whirlwind? !

Thresh is actually very familiar with things like enchanting weapons. Those Sentinels of Light who brought him a lot of trouble and fun, they use this attack method-but, unlike Lux, they The quality of its own soldiers is actually relatively limited, and they are highly dependent on weapons.

But Lacus was different. In Karya's simulated training, she was experienced in many battles. Although her skills were simple and unpretentious, her moves were just right. Facing Thresh's melee opponents, she easily mastered the rhythm of the battle.

Thresh's victory is in his hands, based on the fact that "Lax is a mage with insufficient magic power".

But it now appears that she is not just a mage with insufficient magic power.

In addition, she is also an elite one-handed sword swordsman!

If Thresh feels flustered.

The feeling that Lux felt at this moment can only be described as hearty.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the simulated training, because of Kalya's various conditions, she suffered so much before, and now she is facing her Thresh.

Compared with the majestic kingly crushing, Karya himself is actually better at doing dojos in snail shells due to the limitation of talent. Therefore, as his student, Lacus is also very good at doing things in various uncomfortable states. down to fight.

And fighting with insufficient magic power has always been the focus of Karya's training.

Thresh thought that he could win the subsequent battle by consuming Lux's magic power with Hecarim's stupidity.

But he never dreamed that even if Lux really didn't have any magic power, it would be very difficult for Thresh to take her down one-on-one.

Thresh can think that Hecarim, who likes to rush without thinking, is a fool.

But for Lux... this simple threat is actually far more than Thresh.

In melee, Lux can't beat Hecarim.

But this didn't stop her from crushing Thresh!
Charge, whirlwind, whirlwind, heavy blow, thrust, thrust... Lux's offensive continued like a tide.

Although Thresh was surprised, he quickly came up with his usual method of dealing with Hecarim, trying to mislead and interfere with spells, combined with verbal temptation and intimidation, in order to regain the rhythm of the battle, but regardless of Hammer No matter what kind of tricks Shi used, Lux couldn't be fooled at all.

Misleading?see through!
Intimidate?Don't be afraid!
Lux herself is not very good at this kind of weird outside tricks, but Karya knows everything!

Speaking of this kind of small trick, it is no exaggeration to say that he can be said to be the ancestor of Thresh!

Therefore, Thresh became more and more frightened.

He found that the little girl on the opposite side seemed to control everything about him, and everything he was proud of didn't work on her at all - there were even several times when the spell interference had already taken effect, when Thresh threw it When she got off the chain and wanted to hook Lax, Lax suddenly woke up, and then launched a counterattack while she was throwing the chain, and almost cut through her soul lamp with a sword!
From Thresh's point of view, this is clearly the insidious little girl in front of her pretending to be fooled!

Thresh, who was crushed and beaten, could never have imagined that Lux was actually hit by those few times-it's just that with Kalya's help, the control effect was instantly released...

In the end, Thresh, who was in a panic, did not intend to continue entanglement.

The Nether Prison was originally a barrier he summoned to prevent Lux from escaping.

But in the case of being unable to fight, these five translucent walls became a cover for Thresh to escape.

Can't beat it, slip away!

Reluctantly resisting another slash from Lacus with the chain, Thresh ignited the soul-inducing lamp neatly, and his whole body quickly escaped into the translucent wall of the Nether Prison, and then floated all the way to pier.

As long as you are on the surface of the sea... you are safe!

Lux naturally couldn't let him go easily.

Seeing that Thresh was about to run away, she swung her sword to split open the translucent prison without hesitation—but, as Thresh's trump card, this move was obviously not as simple as five walls.

With the shattering of the Nether Prison, the shadow energy escaped, like countless pairs of desperate arms, pulling towards Lux's legs.

Even though Lax purified the astonishing shadow entanglement for the first time under Kalya's guidance, when she regained her freedom, Thresh had already run far away and was about to disappear into the black mist.

"Do you want to chase?"

"Naturally we have to chase—maybe there's still time."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus turned her head in surprise, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that Sarah, who had been conducting trials before, finally opened her eyes.

"Bilgewater is not where you can come and go whenever you want!" Sarah, who had passed the Nagakaporos test, looked full of high spirits at this moment, "The scum in the black mist Let's welcome the baptism of artillery!"

Saying that, Sarah quickly filled a special bullet into the magazine, then raised the muzzle of the gun high, and pulled the trigger towards the sky above Thresh's escape direction.

The next moment, a tracer bullet with a long white tail flame pierced the dark sky of Bilgewater.

The Siren, which was on standby a few nautical miles away from Bilgewater and out of the black fog, responded immediately.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thresh, who was running away, never dreamed that one day he would be stopped by mortal gunfire, which would hinder his escape.

 Carya's Little Classroom Sarah's name:
  Sarah's full name is Sarah Fortune, and the free translation is Sarah Lucky - Fortune is Fortune, which means lucky.

  However, when you use Miss Fortune to call her Miss Fortune, the homonym will become bad luck, so she is Miss Fortune and Miss Fortune.

  There are more changes at night.

(End of this chapter)

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