Lux's Farewell

Chapter 200 [0197] Roll the chapter to wait for rebirth

Chapter 200 [0197] Go back and wait for rebirth
In the vast world, people tend to live in what they once hated the most.

Calling naval gun support was once Planck's forte - the giant cannon ship and high-speed cruising were his magic weapon for winning across the twelve seas. Whenever Planck had to come to the shore, there would always be Prepare a tracer or signal flare, and ask the Nether Abyss for support at any time.

Although Sarah overturned his rule without hesitation in the wave of flames, to be honest, Sarah also learned a lot from Planck.

For example, the current artillery support.

However, although the Siren is considered a super battleship in Bilgewater, it is still not comparable to the Abyss before Planck.

Even if the sea is calm tonight due to the black fog, and the Siren's gunner's aim is very good, it is still impossible to completely prevent Thresh from escaping with artillery fire.

At most delay.

But for Lux, a delay is enough.

I haven't mastered the elementalization that Kalya said, but a lot of training and affinity for light elements still allow Lux to move quickly in the dark. The reason why Thresh was separated from the Nether Prison before is that Thresh is now The artillery fire is sluggish, how can Lux let go of this opportunity? !
When Thresh was hit by a solid shell, half of his body was scattered, and when he forced his way out of the area covered by the artillery fire and began to re-condense his body, Lux finally came to his side.

While condensing his body, Thresh lit the soul-inducing lamp, trying to protect himself with the dim light.

And Lux ​​drew the sword out of its sheath in an almost Iai posture without hesitation—the broken sword came out with a stream of light, drawing a perfect arc in front of her, and then, this bright arc moved towards After extending, one blow destroyed the light of protection emitted by the soul lamp in Thresh's hand.

"You're chasing powers you don't know." Thresh's tone was no longer as calm as before, "The black mist will swallow your soul..."

"If you have the time to talk big, let's swing the chain a few more times!" Under Kalya's technical guidance, Lux said a trash talk, "Undead—tsk tsk, don't you escape death, but you can't escape it? Is it old?"


Thresh was obviously not a broad-minded person, and Lux's mockery was enough to make him furious.

However, the previous battles had proved that he was no match for this little girl at all, so even though Thresh was half-dead from anger, he continued to run wildly without looking back.

As long as you are on the surface, everything will be fine!
Even if he was cut with a sword...

The light element may be able to purify the body of the undead, but Thresh believes that Lux's sword cannot kill him!
With such thoughts in mind, Thresh abruptly took down Lux's sword, leaving an arm behind, and rushed to the sea abruptly.


Thresh found a broken sampan easily within the shelter of the black mist that seemed to be real.

Lux couldn't find anything similar, so she took a step forward and tried it, only to confirm helplessly that she still couldn't walk on water.

Could it be that he just allowed this undead who sneaked up on him to escape?
"He can't run away." Sensing Lux's depression, Kalya laughed loudly, "This guy insists on finding a sampan... I guess he didn't prepare the Golden Siren!"


Lux blinked her eyes strangely when she heard the words——then, she saw Illaoi, who was full of consciousness, striding behind her.

"Profane undead, you have set foot on the land of the living." Although Illaoi had just presided over the completion of Sarah's trial, Illaoi was still in high spirits, "Now, accept the trial of the snake mother!"

"Your gods can't judge me!" Back in the shelter of the black mist, Thresh had no fear at all, "I know you, stupid priest, you may be able to pass the cumbersome rituals in the temple like a dog Come to pray for help from the gods in your mouth, but this is the sea, and it is a ruined place!"

Thresh, who had just been ridiculed by Lux and had no chance to spray back because he ran for his life, wantonly expressed his contempt to Illaoi, without any respect for the snake mother in his words-this is not Thresh himself, but the past. On Soul Eater Night, he had seen Illaoi clean up Hecarim.

As far as he was concerned, that was the case with Illaoi.

Unlike Lux who purified Hecarim with a single spell, every time Illaoi wants to deal with that idiot, she needs to go through a long meditation and call on the power of the snake mother. After each successful solo kill, she looks very exhausted.

Therefore, in Thresh's view, Illaoi is not a ruthless character.

But unfortunately, this understanding is a complete misunderstanding.

That's right, in the previous Night of Soul Eater, every time Illaoi only relied on the power invested by the temple and Nagakaboros to "reluctantly" clean up Hecarim.

But in fact, unlike Lux who directly destroyed Hecarim with elements, Illaoi has been trying to purify Hecarim's soul and dispel the curse of ruin on him.

For Illaoi, it is meaningless to send the undead back to the depths of the fog and wait for rebirth. Solving the undead from the root cause is the best response to the gods.

If it's just to simply eliminate Hecarim... there's no need to be so troublesome!

The sea seemed safe, and Illaoi's god had no chance of grabbing Thresh's soul.

However, before Thresh was far away from Bilgewater, a sudden change occurred on the surface of the sea.

Under the shroud of black mist, the sea surface, which was calm like a pool of stagnant water, suddenly surged with huge waves.

Even with the cover of black mist, such a huge wave still made Thresh in the sampan a little unstable.

Then, before he could continue to speak harshly, the big waves on the sea parted in front of everyone, and a giant anchor protruded from it, hooking Thresh neatly.

"The blasphemer must surely die!" The unprepared Thresh was caught by the huge anchor. In the icy sea water, only a deep voice remained, "The sea is boundless..."

Thresh was still protected by the thick black mist, but even so, he was still completely unable to resist the increasingly astonishing force that almost dragged himself into the water.

The undead cannot drown.

But if it is sealed at the bottom of the sea, then immortality will be meaningless!

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Thresh, whose arm had been chopped off by Lacus, simply chose to kill himself, and returned to the Shadow Island in the form of his soul.

"You guys wait!" After abandoning his body, Thresh finally left a cruel sentence, "When the day you are swallowed by the black mist, I will definitely find your souls and make them into the most perfect collection!"


At this moment, no one paid any attention to Thresh, who was still stubborn.

Everyone—including Lux—now focused their eyes on the huge body that emerged from the water.

Everyone who has heard of Tithe knows him, the legendary deep sea titan Nautilus.

 Karya's Little Classroom "Death" of the Undead:
  Under the influence of the Ruinous Curse, the undead will not die. Even if they are really killed, they will eventually be resurrected in the deepest part of the mist.

  Adding 14/30, Nautilus finally played directly.

(End of this chapter)

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