Lux's Farewell

Chapter 201 [0198] Shocking change!

Chapter 201 [0198] Shocking change!

As we all know, in Bilgewater, any ship, no matter how big or small, will throw a golden siren into the sea water as a tithe to the bearded lady.

And anyone who doesn't pay tithes will meet the "passionate" deep-sea titan, who will use a huge anchor to help clear the channel.

There have been countless unlucky people who have used the lesson of ship wrecks to prove the necessity of tithes—so, in the entire Bilgewater, everyone knows that as a captain, he must prepare a golden siren with him.

Unfortunately, Thresh did not know this.

He thought he had escaped and got on a small sampan, trying to rush out of Bilgewater's pier under the cover of black mist, but in the end he was targeted by the deep-sea titan because he hadn't paid his tithe. Just dragged it with a hook and dragged it into the water.

In order to avoid being pulled to the bottom of the sea, or even sealed, Thresh had to end himself painfully.

The undead don't die.

But returning to the depths of the black mist and waiting for rebirth is not a good experience—every death will bring the will of the deceased closer to the black mist, which is undoubtedly an extremely heavy price for Thresh, who has his own mind.

With Thresh finished, everyone was visibly relieved.

A cunning undead is always worrying, even if he seems weak.

However, the black mist has not dissipated, and it is even getting thicker - at this time, the night has just begun.


Most people in Bilgewater regard the arrival of the black mist as an "irregular night of soul-eating", but Okao, who has been in high spirits recently, regards it as "a great experience".

In Bilgewater, the worship of the Mother Snake is largely due to the priests who sheltered the city during the Night of Soul Eater.

The Bilgewaters don't have rune steel weapons that can destroy magical structures, and their scimitars and gunpowder can't deal with those really powerful undead-and Planck can become the plague of the sea and the king of pirates because he is The few guys who can help in Soul Eater Night.

(Of course, the people of Bilgewater don't know that Planck was able to deal with those undead in Soul Eater because he passed Illaoi's trial and was contaminated with the divinity of Nagakaporos. )
Soul Eater Night is a disaster that Bilgewater people avoid, and Okao thought so at first.

However, a newly surrendered guy offers him another line of thought.

The black mist is not a trouble, but an opportunity to prove himself.

As long as he can achieve something in Soul Eater Night, it can prove that he can become the new King of Bilgewater just like Plank once did!
Fighting against the overwhelming black fog with one's own strength sounds somewhat stupid.

But when he thought of being able to prove his own strength and become the king of Bilgewater, Okao's mind finally became hot.

So, when the black mist swept across, he faced it without hesitation, and then began to call out the "power of the snake mother".

The tide seems to have responded to his call, and the mighty tidal wave swept in, completely crushing many undead staggering and sneaking in the black mist. Seeing this scene, everyone following Okao cheered excitedly. .

This is a very powerful force, so powerful that it can easily destroy those undead that cannot be resisted by ordinary swords.

With such power, Okao will surely become the new king of Bilgewater!
However, among the cheering crowd, there was a guy wearing a mask, and his face under the mask became more and more distorted.

"Tam!" Plank growled in a low voice that he could hear, "What the hell are you playing? Is your goal to satisfy this clown's humble vision?"

"You know he's just a clown, so why worry?" Tamm's voice appeared in Planck's mind without warning, as if his arm was talking to his brain, "Dear Mr. Ocean Calamity, I can assure you that he will not be your successor, the final chapter of this story must be the return of the king..."

"I can't see even the slightest sign of the return of the king you mentioned." Plank whistled along with the excited crowd, while staring at the rising tide at sea, "This guy's spells are handy , looks even more amazing than Illaoi."

"Stop kidding, Plank." Tam seemed to be amused by Plank, "Compared to he worthy? Trust me, as long as you snap your fingers with your right hand, he will lose everything Then, like a drowning dog, it sank to the bottom of the sea in embarrassment."

Planck subconsciously tried to snap his fingers with his right hand.

But it's a pity that the arm that Tahm specially prepared for him doesn't seem to listen to his control very much.

"Don't worry, Plank." Tam's voice reappeared, "This guy is just a bait, and even in his current state, it's not enough to completely fight against the terrifying existence in the black mist. The night is still long tonight. The king returns, you have to be patient."

"Patience... I never have that thing!" Plank muttered, "Your delay makes me suspicious, devil, I hope your essence is greed and not arrogance."

"Of course it's greed." Tamm's hehe laughter sounded again, "far more than the kind of greed you imagined... Remember what I said, greed is a virtue, and you still have some strengths in this respect." Lack."

"Come on, I don't want to fall into your mouth." Not far away, Okao summoned a huge wave again, crushing countless undead, and Planck yelled again in a group, "Tell me, what is the truth? how long?"

"It's coming soon... Don't worry, I can already smell greed." Tam's tone finally became cheerful, "Do you smell blood?"

"Bilgewater smells like blood everywhere lately." Plank was a little confused, "Stop playing charades with me, Tam, I've heard enough stories like this recently."

"Okay, okay, now, bow your head and lie on the ground." Tam finally issued the order very directly, "Be careful of blood!"


Plank didn't know what Tam was talking about, but that didn't stop him from lowering his head obediently—and the moment he lowered his head, a dark red spear made of pure blood came out silently. Spreading out, it directly pierced the majestic Okao who was calling for the tide.


Before the complacency on Okao's face faded away, his body fell back and his head fell. The uncontrolled tide hit the shore, splashing countless foams. The pleasant voice clearly appeared in everyone's ears.

"It's really interesting." The voice was so greasy that Planck even felt a little nauseous after hearing it, "My dear nephew, I really didn't expect that I could meet an old friend here..."

 Kalya's Little Classroom about Ruined King:

  Due to the appearance of Karya, some subtle changes have taken place in Runeterra, and the story of the Ruined King will be different from the main universe.

  Well, huge difference.

  (The main reason is that the author really can’t accept Pan Sen, who can resist the will of the protoss and confront Aatrox head-on, and is controlled by the black mist when he turns around; he also can’t understand why Karma, who has gathered the will of Karma in the past, also Just be taken away—the skin group knows the League of Legends universe with a hammer.)
(End of this chapter)

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