Lux's Farewell

Chapter 202 [0199] Planck's ghost ship

Chapter 202 [0199] Planck's ghost ship

The whole person was lying on a dirty wooden board at the pier, and Plank only felt that his nose was sore—the movement of lying down was a bit too hasty just now, his mask hit the ground, and the bridge of his nose was crushed It hurts.

"The good show has begun!" Tam's voice reappeared, his tone full of impatience, "Although it was a little bit beyond expectations, the reunion between relatives after a long absence is still my favorite scene..."


Plank propped himself up, raised his face slightly, looked at the two shadowy figures in the black mist, and murmured in his heart: Ghosts, how could they be relatives?
If Tam had heard Planck, the cunning demon would have flicked his tongue and laughed at Planck's folly.

Because in just one sentence, Planck made two mistakes.

First of all, none of the two guys who appeared in front of him were undead in the usual sense—so, they were not ghosts.

Secondly, the relationship between them is really relatives.


Vladimir was in a good mood.

The good reason is certainly not "reunion with relatives after a long absence" as Tamm said.

However, even though Vladimir had no relationship with Kamavia when he was sent as a hostage by his father, he didn't mind meeting his nephew Vyego at this time. recognize.

Vladimir was very interested in Vyego's state, and he was very glad that he came to Bilgewater in person at this time - in his eyes, even Elise's failure and injury were a little bit It means that it is a blessing in disguise, and it means that you know it is not a blessing.

However, Viego in the black mist obviously didn't intend to talk to the uncle in front of him.

The dilapidated black mist seemed to be invisible soldiers, surrounded by the haughty Vyego. He seemed to have never seen Vladimir, who was smiling and used blood magic to help him clear an obstacle, and landed in Birjivo swaggeringly. special pier.

Just now, he felt a special throbbing.

It was the familiar smell, the smell of Isolde, right here in Bilgewater!

Therefore, he completely ignored Vladimir's goodwill to him, and walked straight towards the direction where the breath appeared, and he had already left the pier in three or two steps.

Vladimir, who was left in place, looked cloudy and uncertain.

He really wanted to reprimand Fyego for his disrespect, but the black mist that filled his surroundings made him extremely afraid—blood magic is very strong, but no one can tell how effective it is on undead.

However, in any case, being ignored by Vyego should not be seen by others, so Vladimir did not hesitate to draw a lot of blood, turning the blood into thorns, entangled everyone present .

He may not be able to beat Fiego, but can't he still deal with these sailors?

Without the protection of Okao, the Baru sailors under his command are worthless in front of Vladimir-if they can form an formation in an upright manner like the regular army, then maybe Vladimir can only retreat. But it's a pity that these sailors are now in the dark mist, and they are in a trance. In addition, their leader has just died, and the team is unorganized...

To deal with this group of stragglers, blood magic is the craziest killing tool.

Vladimir, who walked through the bloody jungle, seemed to have the posture of a darkin who walked on the battlefield during the darkin war.

Planck, who was reminded by Tamm, immediately rolled away from the spot and plunged into the sea water.

And Tam, who took back the power of Okao, finally gave Planck Planck a part of his demonic power.

Having obtained this power, Plank finally understood why that fellow Okao was so crazy recently—with the blessing of demon power, he seemed to clearly feel the flow of this world.

"Am I going to get rid of that guy who looks so ugly? Or do I want to take down this disgustingly greasy bastard?" Between the waves, Plank asked Tamm's next plan, "The return of the king, there must be A worthy trophy, eh?"

"Don't even think about that flamboyant Fiego." Tam chuckled a few times, "As long as you repel that greasy guy, you will be rewarded with the Return of the King."

"What reward?" Plank asked in a low voice, "His spells seem difficult to deal with, I don't do things that lose money."

"Open your eyes, the reward is right in front of you."

Under the turbid seawater, Planck opened his eyes according to his words—then, he was pleasantly surprised to see an old friend.

Ming Yuan.

It was the Nether Abyss, which was destroyed by the overwhelming artillery in the wave of flames!

That is the old friend of Planck Across the Twelve Seas!
However, unlike the formerly gorgeous Nether Abyss, this Nether Abyss is now full of a cold and gloomy aura—somewhat similar to the Black Mist, but not exactly the same.

"This is the reward that my friend gave you, Plank." Tam's voice reappeared, "As long as you can defeat that greasy guy, it will be the biggest reliance on your return of the king."

"It's really interesting." Planck stepped on the water and quickly boarded the Nether Abyss. He touched the Cannon of the Goddess of Death with his hand, and then pulled a cable that looked almost decayed. "Your old friend is really supernatural. Big, Tam."

"That's natural." Tam seemed very proud, "His power and depth are far beyond your imagination..."

"However, I don't remember that the devil would honestly swear allegiance." Plank grinned, "I am your believer, the relationship between the devil and the believer should be closer than you and your friends, right?"

"Look at what you said." Tam didn't know when he appeared beside Planck, "Although it is true, I am a loyal person after all. My friend is generous enough and can bring me more There are so many virtues, so don't try to sever our friendship."

"It's really an enviable friendship between demons." Planck, who couldn't make a difference, didn't care much, but simply came to the rudder of the Nether Abyss, "So, loyal Mr. Demon, I need some sailors now , do you have any connections?"

"About this point, my friend has already prepared it for you!"

As he spoke, Tam patted his stomach—then, countless undead came out of the cabin.

Plank narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the familiar faces.

They were all capable members of the Iron Hook Gang, or died in the shelling of the Flame Wave, or were surrounded and suppressed by other forces, but now, they appeared in front of Planck.

Seeing these old guys, Plank couldn't help reaching out and grabbed an orange, took a hard bite of the pulp and the belt, and swallowed it together with the sea water.

"It's so exciting..."

 Karya's Little Classroom Vladimir and Fiego:

  These two guys are uncles and nephews - Vladimir is a prince of the Kamavia kingdom, who was given to the Darkborn as a hostage; and Viego is the last monarch of the kingdom.

  Another update tonight.

  Who is Tam's old friend, you should have guessed it?

(End of this chapter)

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