Lux's Farewell

Chapter 203 [0200] The return of the king!

Chapter 203 [0200] The return of the king!
Vladimir completed a massacre, and the Baru who followed Okao were worthless and vulnerable to blood magic.

Their blood turned into spears and thorns, and under Vladimir's control, they returned to themselves. Vladimir stood up happily from the dripping blood and nodded in satisfaction.

There is no shame when no one sees the shame...wait, what is that?
In front of Vladimir, the sea shrouded in black mist boiled like a boil. The furious waves rolled and howled, and finally tore a huge vortex. At the bottom of the vortex, a large black ship was lifted by the waves. With that, raised the bow of the ship and rushed out of the sea.

On the deck, the undead pirates chanted the chant of the underworld and untied the entangled cables.

Amid the cheers as if a hundred ghosts were crying at night, the wet sails clattered open, throwing out countless water droplets, and blossoming fireworks bloomed in the black mist, celebrating the rebirth of the Nether Abyss.

"Gunners are on their positions, open the fire door, and load the ammunition!" Planck raised his pistol high, stood at the forefront of the deck, stepped on the figurehead with one foot, and issued an order loudly, "Come on, guys, left Turn the rudder, half sail, get ready to go broadside, and tell everyone in Bilgewater that the King of the Twelve Seas is back!"

It's a slight pity that the bastards of the Hook Gang don't respond to their captain, they don't desert or slack off anymore, but they don't babble about bad jokes while working.

In the astonishment of Vladimir, this big black ship, which looked like a prehistoric monster, came through the waves, quickly adjusted its approach to the port, and entered the port sideways in a form that was almost drifting.

When Vladimir came back to his senses, the Abyss had already entered the mooring position, but unlike the normal ships entering the port, its huge size occupied the berths of five ships, and it almost threw the ship At the same time as anchoring, the side fire door was also opened at the same time.

A bad premonition was born from the bottom of Vladimir's heart. Looking at the black muzzle in front of him, a coolness soaked from the depths of his blood. Vladimir subconsciously wanted to turn around, but it was too late .

The next moment, artillery fire roared.

Even if Sarah's Siren is ready for artillery support, it can at most fire a few solid shells to hinder Thresh from escaping.

But the Netherworld is different.

Unlike the solid shells used by most other pirate ships, the Abyss is equipped with special high-explosive shells. These magical shells manufactured by Swain fell into Planck's ship along with his flagship Leviathan. In his hand, it was used on Vladimir tonight.

If one considers that even though Swain and Vladimir belong to Noxus, they are completely different, and these high-explosive magic bullets are used in the "correct" place by accident.

The Abyss once carried Planck to fight in the Twelve Seas, and its firepower was not comparable to that of Sarah's Siren—even though Vladimir had already evaded for the first time, he and his entire crew The area was still instantly covered by artillery fire.

Facing the raging artillery shells, Vladimir no longer had any scruples about his demeanor. He wanted to enter the water with his waist bent, while controlling the blood of Okao and the corpses of his Baru people, trying to build a barrier strong enough to withstand the shells. bombing barrier.

However, his beggar's version of blood magic is very easy to deal with mortals, but in front of the artillery salvo from the Nether Abyss, he can only be described as weak and powerless.

Driven by gunpowder, these cannonballs sealed with powerful magic power roared out of the barrel, and exploded quickly when they touched the blood. With the violent explosion of magic power, Vladimir's defense was instantly torn to pieces—then , When the second round of salvo came, Vladimir himself was completely enveloped by artillery fire.

After the two rounds of volleys were over, there were no more living creatures on the pier, and even the sea rats that came out to look for food at night were blown to pieces.

"Cruise along the coast!" Planck fired his gun into the sky. "Show me a bitter and fetid homeland with a grand parade, Bilgewater, your king is back!"


The sound of cannons in the distance made the nerves of the people on the temple side who had just cleaned up Thresh suddenly nervous.

Even many priests, including many priests, couldn't help shrinking their heads after hearing the iconic low-pitched gunfire of the Nether Abyss—they looked at each other, and they all had a ridiculous idea in their hearts.

"Is Planck back?"

Bilgewater doesn't have guns that sound like that except Planck and his Hades!
Then, before they could figure out what was going on, the surrounding black mist suddenly thickened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When everyone subconsciously clenched their weapons and their nerves tensed up, a pale figure finally appeared outside the temple.

"Isolde!" He chanted the name that he could never forget, "Has anyone seen my Isolde?"

"A new face." Illaoi carried Shensi on her shoulders, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the guy in front of her. "An undead who sticks to sports."

However, unlike the previous Hecarim and Thresh, Vyego has no interest in Lux, nor does he care about the hostile Illaoi at all. To everyone's surprise, he just appeared in a hurry , and then hurriedly left in the direction Thresh left, without even looking at the temple in front of him in the process.

Such a strange scene made Illaoi even a little stunned—in fact, the sea beast priest was already ready to fight. She was sizing up Fyego on the surface, but in fact she was already communicating with Na Gakaporos is preparing to completely purify him.

As a result, Fyego turned and left without the slightest hesitation, which made Illaoi's preparation completely useless.

The sea beast priest turned his head to look at Sarah, as if expecting her to call the Siren's artillery support again, to see if he could keep and purify this undead.

Then, before Sarah stuffed another signal flare into her magazine, a jet-black figure broke through the waves in the black mist.

Seeing this scene, Sarah couldn't help but froze the movements of her hands—she recognized the silhouette of the ship, and its hideous appearance Sarah could never forget in her dreams, even if the revenge of the flame wave had been successfully completed, It was still impossible for her to erase the ship from her mind.

The Abyss, Planck's Abyss!
Could it be that he also revived in the black mist and returned to Bilgewater in the form of an undead?

The emotions that had gradually calmed boiled in the blink of an eye. Sarah, who had completed the Nagakaporos trial, was full of confidence at this time. She quickly completed the loading of the flare and raised the muzzle again.

However, the direction of her muzzle is not above Foyego, but in front of the Nether Abyss.

In the tide of flames, she can only crush Planck's rule through conspiracy.

But this time, Sarah, who has passed the test, is confident that she can defeat Planck with dignity and complete her final revenge—and conquer the entire Bilgewater by the way!
The returning king may not necessarily be the fallen old king.

It may also be the new queen who has passed the soul trial and bathed in the brilliance of divinity!

 High-explosive ammunition for Carya's Little Classroom: The Abyss:

  These magic shells produced in Noxus were originally used to suppress pirates and suppress Ionia, but unfortunately, due to the lack of strength of the Noxus navy, it and Swain's flagship Leviathan Together, it fell into Planck's hands.

  Compared with the "army on deck" of the Noxus Navy, the Pirate King can make better use of this shell.

  Plus 15/30, this month is really hard to describe.

(End of this chapter)

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