Lux's Farewell

Chapter 204 [0201] New and Old Neptune

Chapter 204 [0201] New and Old Neptune
Compared with the time when Thresh was blocked, the Siren's artillery support this time was far worse in terms of intensity, reaction speed, and shooting accuracy.

It certainly wasn't because the Siren's sailors were slack.

When the Thresh was bombarded before, the ship was anchored and moored—but after the bombing, the Siren, under the command of Chief Officer Raven, immediately set sail and headed straight for the place where the signal was issued.

This burst of artillery support was only firing on the side, and it was firing in action. The current accuracy is already due to the extraordinary performance of the sailors of the Siren because they care about their own captain!

After Sarah heard the sound of the cannon, she simply climbed to the top of the temple and looked towards the direction of the sea.

Soon, in the opposite direction of the Nether Abyss, a familiar silhouette also appeared at the edge of her field of vision.

Very well, the Siren is close too!

So, she jumped down from the main hall of the temple neatly, took two steps in three steps, and came in front of Drizzt.

"Card player, I have a big job for you now." While sorting out the pistol and bullets on her body, she said quickly, "Use your card tricks and take me to the Siren."

"The Siren? Where is it?" Drizzt blinked, without stopping the action of cutting cards in his hand, "It's pitch black, I didn't see your Siren."

"One thousand gold siren." Sarah pinned her guns to her waist, "You pay when you arrive."

"Last time you tricked me into Planck's treasury, I understand a truth." This time, Drizzt didn't immediately agree, but continued his card-cutting action, "Some money, life I took it but lost my life."

"Planck is back." Sarah raised her eyebrows, "If I die first, you will be second."

"I don't have a Siren, and I don't have any loyal first mates and sailors. My only friend is this idiot." Drizzt grabbed Graves, then tilted his head, and put on a look Helpless, "Planck is terrible, but it is impossible for him to make the two of us into bone carvings... I believe Zaun will welcome us very much."

Saying that, Drizzt waved towards Lux.

"So, are you planning to go to Zaun to be an honest worker or businessman, and bid farewell to the sea forever?" Sarah stretched out her left hand and grabbed the card in Drizzt's hand, "Let's make a bet, Drizzt, if I draw a joker, you send me aboard the Siren, and with Graves, help me protect the deck."

"What if you can't catch it?" Drizzt narrowed his eyes, "There are 54 cards in a deck, and there are only two joke cards."

"Then I leave you with the keys to my estate—you can have everything I have."

"Are you going to give up your loyal first mate?" Drizzt speeded up his card cut, "What a cruel and heartless woman..."

"If I'm finished, everyone on the Siren will probably have already fed the sharks." Sarah put on a very confident smile, "However, this is impossible-because I am Sarah Fortune!"

The next moment, she quickly grabbed a card, and then pulled it out neatly and without the slightest hesitation, as if she just randomly selected a card from a stack of bread slices to roll a sausage.

This sudden attack made Drizzt a little dazed, and when he realized it, Sarah had already revealed the card in his palm.


"Looks like Lady Luck is on my side." Sarah held up the card high, "That bastard Planck thinks he can come back from hell, but unfortunately, he doesn't understand, Bill Givort's era has changed—he is just a remnant of the old era, and the new era has no ships belonging to him!"

Inside the temple, many people who had recognized the silhouette of the Nether Abyss were shivering.

However, after seeing the joker in Sarah's hand and hearing her "declaration of victory", many people's eyes lit up.

"I'm in a bit of a hurry to go out." Sarah stuffed the joker card on her chest, and then shouted, "The outfit is a little bit of a meaning—who has a captain's hat that isn't so dirty?"

"Here, my dear lady!"

"Wear my hat!"

"Mine is from sea dragon skin!"



As Sarah raised her arms high and hid in the Nagakaporos Temple, the guys who had mortal enemies with Planck responded one after another.

Looking at the captain's hats held up high, Sarah's eyes swept over them, and then she reached out and took an ordinary-looking hat.

She tore off a section of the hem of the jacket, used it as a headscarf, tied it on top of her head, and then put the plain pirate hat on top of her head.

"Let's leave those precious hats to your seeds—if there are any." Sarah, who put on the captain's hat, laughed loudly, as if mocking, but also as if she spoke like a promise, "I'm not ordinary Rank, you don't need these fancy things!"

These words really appealed to these stinky pirates and bastard sailors. For a moment, everyone either waved their arms excitedly or whistled.

Sarah raised her hands high, as if she was a queen inspecting her supporters, leading a stunned Drizzt and a bewildered Graves, striding out of the temple of Nagakaporos.


Above the sea, the black mist gradually thickened.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Sarah, Drizzt and Graves came to the beach.

"Let's go, go aboard the Siren!" Sarah took a deep breath, "Drizzt, let me see your card tricks again."

"I must be crazy."

Drizzt muttered, but the action of cutting the cards in his hand was terribly fast, a brand new deck of cards fluttered in his hands as if they were alive, shining with colorful brilliance—although there was already a card in his heart. expected, but when the spell began, Drizzt was still stunned by Lady Luck's favor.

"Stand over here!" He seemed to have finally been infected by Sarah, and took a deep breath, "Stand in the card circle... I hope you are very used to the deep sea!"

The next moment, there was an indescribable twist and squeeze, and the figures of the three disappeared in place—it was too difficult for Drizzt to teleport people, even with the blessing of Goddess of Luck, he The teleportation is still a bit off course.

After reappearing, they did not stand safely on the deck of the Siren, but fell from mid-air like dumplings, and landed on the half-opened sail of the Siren.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, at least it successfully reached the destination.

And on the coast, Lux watched the three disappearing people and the flashing card brilliance, and held the hilt of the sword again.

"Kalya, aren't we going to help?"

"This is a duel between the new king of Bilgewater and the old king, and it's not for us to intervene—isn't it obvious that Sarah didn't invite you?"

"But... Planck's ship is obviously abnormal." Lux said worriedly, "It seems that she may not be Planck's opponent."

"That's because Planck invited a foreign aid." Carya seemed to sense something interesting, and smiled happily, "So, our goal is to prevent that foreign aid from messing up and interfering with this great duel! "

 Karya's Small Classroom Lady Luck:

  Although the belief in Goddess of Luck exists widely in Dahe Wanderer, Ixutar, the former Blessed Island, etc., and sometimes there are almost miraculous performances, but there never seems to be a special religion.

  Maybe it's because... Ou Huang is not so easy to pretend?

(End of this chapter)

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