Lux's Farewell

Chapter 205 [0202]

Chapter 205 [0202]
Amid the cheers of the sailors of the Siren, Sarah quickly came to her own command position.

Seeing his own captain descending from the sky, the sailors of the Siren cheered, and Lei Wen immediately handed over the command knife.

Sarah naturally took over the command, and Drizzt and Graves were also incorporated into the stormtroopers as sharp knives.

"These two guys are well-known masters." Sarah deliberately announced their identities when she handed them over to the charge captain, "Back when Planck was finished, it was all thanks to them!"

Hearing what Sarah said, the expressions of the sailors around were a bit subtle, but the carefree Graves was very satisfied with the status of this "Planck Terminator", even though he almost died for Planck's cannon; but his mind was more flexible Drizzt clearly sensed Sarah's hidden meaning.

Let yourself and Graves come, not only for free prostitution, but also for the introduction of two catfish?

But... the taste doesn't seem to be bad.

"The gunner returns to the designated position!" After arranging Drizzt and Graves, Sarah quickly issued a follow-up order, "The visibility in the black mist is too low, let's get closer and fight again!"

"Yes, Captain!"

"The Abyss is at five o'clock, we want to seize the T head, let those outdated guys know how powerful the Siren is!" Sarah came to the helm, "Full sail, black fog and no wind, we Take every opportunity!"

"As ordered!"

"Put away the extra things on the deck, sailors, get ready for the boarding battle!" Sarah looked at the compass and began to quickly change her course, "Don't forget to add fuel to your scimitars and muskets, and the group from hell The guy who crawled out of the sky doesn't need to pay attention to any feelings!"

"no problem!"




It's different from the hot Siren.

The Nether Abyss traveling through the black mist seemed like a real Nether Abyss, completely silent.

Planck held the steering wheel, and all the undead sailors followed their schedules and performed their duties, making the entire Nether Abyss run like a clockwork machine with incomparable precision.

The shelling just now hit the sky above the Nether Abyss, and two shells fell on the deck—however, the ship seemed to be able to repair itself, and the damaged deck returned to its original appearance in a blink of an eye.

When the deck was being repaired, Plank felt a palpitation for no reason.

"My sailors aren't bastards who can't kick a fart with three legs." Plank started to think to Tamm while steering the steering wheel, "Your old friend gave me a bunch of fakes, these The guy comes to fight, who can he beat?"

"Don't worry, my disaster of the sea." Tamm finally appeared next to Plank without any scruples this time, "It's not that they are silent, it's just that you can't understand their words."

"I just lost an arm, I'm not deaf." Plank shook his head, "Look at them, even the statue in Illaoi's hand is more lively than them!"

"How is that possible." Tam flicked his big tongue, "You just haven't mastered the way to communicate with them."

"The way to communicate with them?" Planck froze for a moment, "What the hell?"

"They are all dead people. The dead people speak Ouchen language, and you don't understand Ouchen language, so naturally you can't understand it." Tam took it for granted, "It's a bit difficult for you to learn Ouchen language now, but, As the captain of the Abyss, you can become one with the Abyss, so that you can understand the words of your sailors."

"The Abyss is a part of me!" Plank thought Tamm was referring to the old Bilgewater proverb that "the ship and the captain are one", so he corrected proudly, "I know her well." every plank, every cable!"

"That was the Nether Abyss." Tam heard this and let out a hehehe laugh. "Now, she has a new life!"

"The newly born Nether Abyss is also my Nether Abyss!" Planck blushed, "She and I are one!"

"Very good, she heard your request!" Satisfied with the key words that Plank said, he patted his little short hand, and the cable of the Abyss suddenly stretched out, binding Plank Ke, "However, it seems that if you want to reunite with the Nether Abyss, you still need a little communication..."

Planck finally realized something was wrong, he tried to struggle hard, but his most powerful right hand couldn’t exert any strength, and these cables entangled him like parasitic vines, absorbing his energy, the next moment, although Planck He still maintained the posture of holding the steering wheel, but his consciousness entered another world unknowingly.

In a trance, Planck seemed to become the Nether, whose body was torn apart by the endless artillery fire and sank into the deep sea.

Around Planck, countless sailors are wailing and praying that Planck can clearly hear their last wishes and clearly feel their persistence—in this case, Planck subconsciously calls out these sailors.

Unfortunately, these sailors could not hear his voice.

Then, the black mist of Soul Devouring Night hit, and the will from the black mist seemed to control Planck and his sailors. Planck struggled hard, but felt that he was gradually succumbing to the black mist.

At this moment, a wonderful voice appeared in Planck's mind.

It was just a language he had never heard before, but Planck miraculously understood this language. Under the guidance of this voice, he got rid of the control of the black mist, regained his will, and understood The unconscious ravings of the sailors.

Originally, Planck had gradually sank to the bottom of the sea, and the sailors had become a feast for fish and shrimp.

However, under the guidance of this voice, the souls of Planck and the sailor got rid of all the shackles of the rules of this world, and floated to the surface little by little.

During this period, Plank swore an oath to be loyal to the owner of that voice, become his admiral, and never betray.

In this way, Planck and his sailors slowly floated to the surface of the sea, and then saw the "other self"——until this moment, Planck suddenly realized that everything he had just seen was true. It is a story belonging to the Nether Abyss!

Plank opened his eyes.
The amber eyes have now turned into a dangerous dark green, and the skin on his body has also turned as pale as a dead person - only the demon's right arm is still strong and powerful.

Blinking his eyes, Planck finally realized that he had really merged with the Nether Abyss this time, and because the Nether Abyss was an out-and-out ghost ship, Planck himself had become a ghost ship. The refuge between life and death exists.

From Planck's perspective, the Abyss was completely "lively" at this time, and the sailors' obsessions turned into whispers in Ou Chen's language, echoing on the deck and dissipating in the black mist.

"Mordekaiser." Planck smacked his lips, "The old friend of the devil claims to be the master of the underworld...It's really interesting."

 Carya's Little Classroom: Undead and Undead:
  The undead under the influence of the black mist escaped death, but the true undead did not, they embraced death.

  It's the last day of April, the monthly pass is handed over!

(End of this chapter)

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