Lux's Farewell

Chapter 206 [0203] Fight, fight, fight!

Chapter 206 [0203] Fight, fight, fight!
Planck, who merged with the Nether Abyss and mastered the Ou Chen language, had a lot of insights, but also had more doubts.

However, when he tried to question Tamm, the tongue-licking demon disappeared without warning—which forced Plank to keep his doubts to himself.

Moreover, when he woke up, the silhouette of the Siren had already appeared in his field of vision. Considering the limited field of vision in the state of black fog, Planck judged visually that the other party had reached the farthest range of the Nether. .

Like Sarah, Planck didn't give the order to fire immediately. At such a distance, no matter how professional a gunner fires, it can be regarded as a sound at most. It depends on luck whether to hit or not. Pressed by the illusory luck, he is now the captain of the ghost ship, as long as the distance is shortened, it is a sure win!

With this in mind, Planck quickly issued an order, and the ghost sailors moved quickly. While raising the sails at full speed, they were always ready to cooperate with Planck for another wave of drift, and directly used the side cannons to attack the challenger. Come to a meet and greet.

On the black sea, in the dark fog, the ghost ship of the Abyss, carrying Planck, and the armed battleship, the Siren, carrying Sarah Fortune, rushed toward each other.

In order to seize the T head that can be fired with full force, the bow guns of both sides kept silent until it was confirmed that the other party could no longer escape the coverage of the optimal range, and then each turned vertically to horizontally under the control of the steering captain, and swung the ship violently. body.

Following Planck's thoughts, the ghost ship of the Abyss quickly turned its direction. Relying on the amazing inertia and the huge vortex under the ship, it abruptly turned [-] degrees on the spot in an incredible way.

At the same time, all the guns and fire doors on the port side of the ship were opened, all high-explosive magic ammunition was loaded, and the black holed muzzles quickly locked on the opposite Siren.

On the Siren, Sarah beat the steering wheel to death, and threw a golden sea monster into the sea: "Mother Snake is on top, and all the main anchors on the left rudder will drop directly!"

Although under the condition of sailing at full speed, dropping the anchor directly would have the danger of capsizing the entire ship, but the sailors of the Cypriot still followed Sarah's request and directly dropped the largest anchor on the port side.

Although Bilgewater is one of the largest deep-water harbors in Runeterra, even the depth of offshore waters is amazing, but the seabed here is dominated by reefs and corals. After the left anchor of the Siren was dropped, the huge cast iron collapsed. The hook stuck directly to the bottom of the sea.

The anchor chain collapsed straight for the first time, and then broke suddenly.

But it doesn't matter, there is a second and a third.

The Siren is a ship that has been refitted many times. There are five main anchors and backup anchors on the ship—according to Bilgewater’s tradition, every time the ship is refitted, there will be some souvenirs, such as ghosts. On the Abyss, Planck liked to leave a gun; and on the Siren, Sarah liked to leave a spare anchor.

Three consecutive anchors were thrown into the bottom of the sea, and the Siren finally made a circle on the sea with the anchor point as the center, and reached a relatively parallel position with the Underworld almost at the same time.

"Guys, fire!" Simultaneously with Planck, Sarah also issued an order to fire, "Use gunpowder and lead, and entertain our former overlord!"


The battle on the sea is in full swing.

Under the surface of the sea, Lux's battle has officially begun.

Just as Planck accepted the will of the Abyss and merged with it, Lacus also found a suitable small sampan.

After dropping a golden siren, she rowed the sampan.He rushed into the fog and headed straight for the Nether Abyss.

If Sarah's departure was heroic, then the appearance of Lux paddling the sampan is a bit like Don Quixote rushing towards the windmill.

Not to mention compared with a thousand-foot giant ship like the Abyss, even compared with a typical armed warship of [-] feet in Bilgewater like the Siren, the fishing boat that Lux found was miniature.

It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of boat does not have to pay tithes when it goes fishing - not because it is not considered a boat, but because it hardly leaves the port of Bilgewater.

However... Lux rowed without hesitation, with a firm attitude.

Because Carya told him that the enemy she was going to face this time was a demon.

And before, Karya once said that in order to save her uncle's soul who was banished to the shadow world, Lux also needed to challenge a demon.

For ordinary people, demons represent power and evil, no matter which country's legends, these guys are always indispensable.

Whether it's the primordial fear, the two coats of greed, or the high-pained embrace of bliss, these stories turn demonic.

But Lux, who was holding a sword and swaying the scull, was fearless—she would definitely challenge the devil, and this time Sarah would personally fight against the devil's minions. According to Kalya, "the devil itself is just a special spirit. As long as you can't deceive people's hearts, the devil can do the same thing."

The disguise of a demon can fool many people, but it can never deceive Kaya-and in Bilgewater, the only possible demon is Tahm Kench.

And Tamm is a greedy demon.

Therefore, if Lux can restrain her greedy desire, she will be invulnerable in front of Tam!
Even Lux can take advantage of Tam's greed in turn to gain the initiative in this battle.

As a greedy demon, Tahm can not only take advantage of the greed of others, but also is extremely greedy himself-as he repeatedly emphasized to Plank, greed is a virtue.

Although Lux's quixotic charge seemed foolish, Tam couldn't bear it at all, and simply left Planck behind and came straight to Lux.

Karya knew better than anyone how attractive a person who was approved by Nagakaporos was in the eyes of demons.

From Tam's point of view, as long as he successfully lures Lacus, he will have a demon believer with divinity.

And if he can devour Lux, then he will get the divinity fragment of Nagakaporos!
Even if the greedy Tam knew that Lux was probably coming for him, he was destined not to give up this opportunity.

In this way, after Lux left the coast, Tam, who had completed the Mordekaiser deal, simply gave up on Plank and came straight to Lacus—Plank was only the one who had been confirmed by the snake mother. Now it is handed over to Mordekaiser according to the contract; Lacus is the one who has just been approved by Nagakaporos, and the success of the seduction is entirely her own!

So, the naval battle over there had just started, and Lux ​​had rowed less than a nautical mile, and Tam's round head was floating in the sea water in front of her.

"Oh, my dear little girl." Tam's voice was oily but not greasy. Although it was just a greeting, it seemed to be telling an interesting story, which attracted people to listen, "Old Tam smelled the smell of longing ——It seems that you have a big wish."

However, before Tam's words were officially launched, Lux had already dropped the oar and pulled out the broken sword.

"That's right, that's it." Carya smiled happily, "The most important thing to deal with the devil is never to listen to his bewitching!"

 Carya's Small Classroom · Summary of Gagen in April.

  It was supposed to add [-] more, but this month, on the one hand, the situation is not very good, on the other hand, I am also very depressed due to the epidemic situation, so in the end, only [-] chapters have been added.

  Continue to add next month, sorry.

  Well, this chapter is not included in the addition.

  Finally, the monthly pass is about to expire, so come and order!
(End of this chapter)

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