Lux's Farewell

208 [0205] Who is the devil now

208 [0205] Who is the devil now

Tam's calculations were good.

Although being chased and slashed by a mortal seems a bit embarrassing, but this way can keep Lux away from the coast and the battlefield, and at the same time it can be regarded as showing weakness to the enemy.

Three times of injury for licking is not because Tam wants to be a licking dog.

In fact, the three licks didn't do any damage to Lux, but they did cause Tahm to tag Lux.

The wet tongue mark is essentially the exclusive mark of the devil, and it is a mark of communication with the soul.

For Tam, the world is a river, as long as he has a mark, he can enter the water from anywhere, appear in any place, and there is no limit to the plane - this is his demonic characteristic, in this way, he It can even appear in the spiritual world of others.

For Tam's verbal bewitching, Lacus can "not listen or listen, toad chanting scriptures", but if Tam is rambling in her heart, Lacus can't even listen.

Therefore, after confirming that Lux did have greed, Tam tried his best to get three unhealed wounds from the lightsaber, and also established a spiritual bridge to communicate with Lux.

Everyone is caring and communicating face-to-face - no matter how determined a person is, it is difficult to refuse his heartfelt desire!

Tam's plan was successful.

Although Lux had amazing fighting power and seized the opportunity to counterattack sharply, but because she didn't know herself, she was still hit.

After completing the positioning, Tam built a bridge of hearts and entered Lacus's spiritual world neatly. He is determined to arouse Lacus's greed and make her heart his captive!
Then, Tam, who walked into Lux's consciousness space, realized something was wrong before he started his bewitching.

Why is this little girl's spiritual world... a big desert? !
As a demon that arouses greed in people's hearts, Tam has seen many people's spiritual worlds. According to different emotions and desires, people's spiritual worlds are also different.

But without exception, the spiritual world should be very abstract and bizarre.

Even if it is an old sea dog floating on the sea all the year round, the spiritual world will not be a sea, but the broken ocean and the deck connected to the sailor's hammock mixed together, maybe there will be the smell of rum and some flesh and blood Half of Pi's face or a piece of chest, half of his buttocks, etc. are inappropriate for children.

But Lux's spiritual world is an endless desert, which is almost exactly the same as the real desert!

This scene left Tam dumbstruck, even as a demon, he had never seen such a situation.

How can the spiritual world be so barren at such a young age?

However, if that's all it is, it's not a big deal.

Before Tam found Lux ​​in this world, and he had just finished his well-prepared speech, a giant golden eagle appeared in the sky above the desert.

The giant eagle spread its astonishing wings, and after a sharp cry, it swooped straight down towards Tam—the golden sun shining on its back, dyed its body golden, and made the furrowed feathers retract. The claws swooped as if carrying the sun on their backs.

Almost in an instant, the giant eagle appeared in front of Tam, passing over his head, not only scratching his favorite hat, but also leaving eight dripping bloodstains on his round head.

Tam was dumbfounded.

The devil is the embodiment of emotions, so he can enter the spiritual world in the state of the body. In the spiritual world, even if he is the master of the world, he will not be the opponent of the devil.

But the current situation obviously completely exceeded Tam's expectations.

The power that the owner of this spiritual world can exert is even stronger than the demon that enters it. Is there any reason for this?
Seeing that the situation was not good, Tam uttered a few demonic swear words, and wanted to run away.

Then, before he could exit smoothly, the giant sculpture in the midair turned into a human figure with wings, and raised a stick in the shape of a scepter high up.

"Desert, lift up your gravel and block the sun's brilliance!"

Following the sound of these thunderous words, the endless desert seemed to have received an order, and a desert storm that covered the sky and the sun was rolled up.

Tam, who was in it, was instantly lost—in such a violent storm, the passage to this spiritual world could not be found.

The River King's river is now full of whirlpools, and Tamm can't get out!

This time, Tam's whole demon was completely stupid.

For a moment, he even wondered if he had stayed in Bilgewater for so long that he didn't know anything about the outside world—the level of manipulating the spiritual world of this giant sculpture was simply worse than that of a demon. Devil, has a new devil been born recently?


Although the induction between demons is not very clear, whether there is or not, this point is always very clear to Tam.

Since the birth of the pain demon (that is, Evelyn), Tam has never sensed a new kind.

Could it be that guy who was sunk before?
However, no demon is in the form of an eagle or a vulture!
Not to mention eagles, there are no demons in the form of birds... Wait, there are demons in the form of birds.

While dodging the giant eagle's attack in the sky awkwardly in the storm, Tam quickly recalled those old guys he was familiar with or unfamiliar, and quickly thought of a guy who disappeared because he was sealed by humans.

"Ramer!" Tam yelled in devilish language, "You cunning fellow, don't think that I can't recognize you because of the gold plating of the sun-a crow is a crow, and gold feathers are not eagles!"


This time it was Karya's turn to be confused.


Who is Lamer?

Is this guy Tam misunderstood something?
Talk about subconsciously stopping the attack.

Karya's cessation of attack was an obvious signal to Tam, and he was even more convinced of the idea that "this eagle is actually a crow with dyed golden hair".

"Enough, Lamer, I didn't know this girl was your target!" Tam sat down on the sand dune, took off his hat that was almost completely torn, and threw it into his mouth Li, while chewing, said vaguely, "Let's stop here... Although I don't know when you regained your freedom, we can indeed have a good talk."

Carya, who maintained the posture of an ascender in mid-air, blinked.

It seems that Tam... regards himself as a demon named Lamer?
"Stop pretending, I have enough secrets to satisfy your appetite." Tam took out a complete hat from his mouth and continued talking to himself, "To be honest, I still like you, At least you are greedy enough when facing secrets—greed is a virtue, but it’s a pity that many spoilers don’t understand at all..."


Karya remained silent—or rather, he hadn't figured out how to respond.

He didn't know much about demons, so he didn't know whether Tamm was lying or he really made his own "Ramer".

Even Tahm’s demonic language Karya didn’t fully understand it. Devil’s knowledge has been taboo since ancient times. Even if Karya is as knowledgeable as Kalya, his understanding of demonic language is very limited...

It is easy to cause trouble if the donkey's lips are wrong. The devil's language itself has a strong contractual nature, and Kalya doesn't want to kill herself.

After thinking about it, he finally temporarily canceled his ascension form, and turned into a twisted darkin appearance. After appearing, he coldly dropped a word in Devil's language.


The next moment, the desert storm subsided.

Tam immediately rolled out of Lacus's spiritual world and appeared on the sea in front of Lacus. The River King put on a helpless look, raised his top hat to Lacus, and then threw a Zhang letter paper.

After doing all this, Tam tidied up his tattered coat, plunged into the sea, and finally disappeared completely.

 Karya's Little Classroom Lamer:

  Lamer is also one of the great demons of Runeterra. Most people don't know who he is, but everyone is familiar with his later host-this person's name is Swain.

  Tahm is the demon of greed and Lamer is the demon of stealth.

  There are more changes at night.

(End of this chapter)

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