Lux's Farewell

209 New Era [0206]

209 New Era [0206]
The letter Tahm left behind looks like an invitation, covered in twisted Daedric language.

Although Kalya could understand part of it, he still asked Lacus to destroy it directly. Judging from the demonic language on the letterhead, it seemed that the content was about secrets, but it was a pity that Kalya didn't plan to read it carefully.

From the appearance of this letter, it seems that Karya has tricked Tamm.

But no one can guarantee the real situation—even among the many demons, Tamm is the most cunning one. If it is not necessary, Karya does not want to have an intersection with him for the time being.

With Karya's reminder, Lux was on guard for quite a while, but Tam did not show up again.

This greedy demon seems to have probably gone.

"Sarah and Plank should be finishing their fight soon, right?" Relieved, Lacus turned her head to look for her small sampan. Can La win..."

"It depends on Sarah herself." Kalya didn't dare to promise, "She passed Illaoi's trial, but the combination of Plank and the ghost ship is indeed strong enough. The outcome is still unknown. what!"

"So, are we going to help now?"

"You can only make trouble now." Kalya flatly rejected this idea, "Insufficient mana, exhausted, and using uncontrolled spells, I guess you will be bedridden for the next three days, now You need to go back and get some rest."

"But I can't rest assured." Lux looked at the occasional flames in the black mist, and said with some hesitation, "If Planck is the winner..."

"Then it's impossible for him to return to the king." Kalya said bluntly, "Regardless of victory or defeat, Planck's era is over—don't forget, Illaoi is still here!"


Lux wanted to say something, but a severe headache interrupted her thoughts, so she could only shut her mouth and quicken her pace. She needed to hurry back to the land of Bilgewater while she still had her magic power.


Lux chases Tam away.

On the other side, the battle between the Siren and the Abyss has also reached its final moment.

Just as Lux feared, in this sea battle between the new king and the old king, the Abyss completely suppressed the Siren.

Although the sailors under Sarah's command are all old sea dogs, the stormtroopers are brave and fearless, and the gunners are lucky, but unfortunately, compared with Plank and his ghost sailors, they are still too immature.

In addition, the Siren is inferior to the Underworld in terms of the number of artillery, deck thickness, ammunition performance, and hull size. The two sides merged at the same time. Just couldn't hold it anymore.

The high-explosive shells of the Noxus are so powerful that every shot the Siren takes at close range means that an airtight cabin loses its effect.

As a last resort, seeing that the artillery confrontation was completely at a disadvantage, Sarah simply and neatly arranged a gang fight - the draft of the ghost ship was unusually deep, which gave Sarah the opportunity to fight at close range and fight to the death. Chance.

"Avoid, the high-explosive bombs of the Nether Abyss, we have a chance!"

Therefore, after giving up the position of parallel engagement on the side, the starboard front side of the Siren stretched out a ladder and a hook lock, and covered the deck of the Abyss.

Sarah, Raven, Drizzt, and Graves, who were ready, each held their weapons, and rushed onto the deck of the Nether Abyss with the death squad at the first time.

Sarah's dual guns have limited damage to ghosts, but she is not limited to using dual guns - after passing Illaoi's trial, Sarah can easily dismember ghosts even with a butcher's knife, allowing them to temporarily dismember ghosts. I can't put myself together for a while.

Although Raven lacked lethality, he protected the flanks very well.

On the other hand, Drizzt and Graves cooperated tacitly, breaking through with large-caliber shotguns and dexterously slipping cards, they broke through the block of the ghost sailor from left to right.

With these four people at the head, even though these ghost sailors could get up by themselves shortly after being cut down, the stormtroopers of the Siren still quickly cleared the deck after paying a certain amount of casualties.

Planck didn't show up for the first time.

Just relying on these slightly sluggish ghost sailors, there is no way to stop Sarah who has been approved by Nagakaporos!

The situation looks good.

However, the good times did not last long.

Just when the entire front deck was about to fall into the hands of the stormtroopers and the sailors of the follow-up Siren began to prepare to jump gangs, Planck appeared.

As the disaster of the ocean walked out of the captain's cabin, revealing its dark green eyes, the ghost sailors of the Abyss seemed to have found their backbone, and began to cooperate with each other familiarly and tacitly.

At the same time, the Nether Abyss, which was originally just a dilapidated ship, now seemed to come alive, and began to reject and even attack the living.

Things went from bad to worse for the stormtroopers.

The stormtroopers who followed Sarah to the deck soon encountered a terrible strangulation, and the ladders and hook locks connecting the Siren and the Abyss were also cut off, and many sailors who followed up climbed directly fell into the Sea.

To make matters worse, the two ships quickly staggered after the connection was undone.

Under such circumstances, Raven, Drizzt, and Graves fired with full firepower in a tacit understanding, temporarily stopping the besieged undead.

Sarah seized this opportunity, took the initiative to find Planck, and challenged him.

Faced with Sarah's provocation, Plank readily accepted it.

Just relying on the siege, it is very possible for Sarah to escape directly with the help of Drizzt—but in a one-on-one duel, she cannot escape.

As long as Sarah is eliminated in this naval battle, Planck can return as king!
Although times have changed and identities have changed, when it comes to Bilgewater, Planck's thinking has not changed in any way—he wants to punish all those who disobey him, so as to command the entire Bilgewater!

Holding the sailor knife in one hand, Sarah's other hand rested on the handle of the gun on her waist.

The outcome of the battle with Planck is hard to say, but at this time Sarah has no time to think about success or failure.

In the previous trial of Nagakaporos, she experienced a long period of self-torture and soul training. She was very confused and didn't know where the future was, but fortunately, Lux provided her with a new Possibly—in addition to revenge, she began to think about changing Bilgewater.

It was this thinking and desire that made her finally survive the trial of Nagakaporos, allowing her to stand in front of Planck at this time.

"Hahahaha, come on." Sarah pulled the sailor knife out of its sheath, and let out a hearty laugh, "Planck, thank you for giving me this chance of face-to-face revenge—in that firework show, My biggest regret is that I didn't see your distorted face when you lost everything."

"Then you are doomed to be disappointed." Planck also unsheathed his scimitar, "Or you can go to a mirror now, and look at yourself before you die, to see your embarrassment and stupidity, tsk tsk tsk, blinded by this picture Your face is tender."

Usually facing such frivolous words, Sarah would be furious in her heart even if she kept her face calm.

But this time, she was unusually calm, so that when Planck took the opportunity to pull out the pistol neatly, pointed at Sarah and pulled the trigger, she reacted immediately.

Almost as soon as Planck moved, Sarah lowered her body and raised her pistol.

Unlike Planck's single-shot gun, Sarah's pistol is fired in bursts - after aiming at Planck, she directly presses the trigger to death, and the lead bullets that rained down made Planck have to avoid it edge.

Although he was already a half-dead soul, Planck did not foolishly resist the hail of bullets. He lowered his waist while grabbing a cable. After swinging on the deck, he drew a beautiful S-shaped The path came directly in front of Sarah, then raised his scimitar, and slashed at Sarah fiercely.

Plank is full of confidence in his physical strength, coupled with the powerful demon arm... close combat is the part of his most confidence!
Sarah dropped the pistol with a clip empty and held the knife in both hands to block Planck's blow.

The two knives intersected, and with a harsh collision, Sarah staggered back two steps.

In terms of strength alone, she is far behind Planck.

"Hehe, that's it?" Planck stepped forward and raised his scimitar again, "Those who hide behind the scenes and play tricks—that's all!"

Before she finished speaking, Sarah took out another pistol, opened the safety with one hand, and pulled the trigger again.

At the same time, the scimitar in her right hand pierced Planck's heart like a poisonous snake.

The flying lead bullets swept across continuously in a fan shape, and Planck, who was still taunting just now, was hit directly - his chest was pierced, and white bones could even be seen from the wound!
Shooting seems to work fine.

But even so, Plank still used the scimitar in his right hand to completely block Sarah's stabbing attack. Not only that, he also relied on the strength of the devil's hand to slash with the knife and cut it off with one blow. The sailor knife that Sarah used to block.

After cutting off Sarah's sailor knife, the scimitar in Planck's hand continued unabated, and directly cut Sarah's lower ribs.

The wound didn't feel any burning sensation, and an indescribable cold completely overwhelmed Sarah.

The next moment, Planck raised his scimitar again.

"Seeing your parents, you can say hello to them for me." The scimitar in Plank's hand slashed heavily, "Farewell, bounty chick!"

However, at this critical moment, the battle on Tamm's side was over.

As Tahm retreated, an unspeakable weakness appeared in Planck's right hand.

After the master was injured and retreated, the strong demon right hand lost its astonishing strength and became extremely weak like muscular dystrophy!
This sudden change distorted Planck's movements. He originally wanted to slash Sarah completely, but after the strength of his right hand was gone, the slash was directly flawed.

Planck's knife cut off nearly a pound of flesh on Sarah's left shoulder, but failed to cut her in half.

Sarah, on the other hand, seized this unattainable opportunity, quickly raised the gun, and opened the safety.

The chest is not a weakness.

Then try your head!

There was no need for any aiming, Sarah and her pistol were in the same mind, she just raised her hand very naturally, and her muzzle was aimed directly at Planck's head!

A shotgun hit Planck's head at close range, directly smashing half of his face.

Planck's body as strong as a bull collapsed.

His left hand was on the sidearm just as Sarah pulled the trigger.

But in any case, Planck was a step slower after all—when he fell to the ground, his fingers pulled the trigger inertially.


Planck's bullet finally hit the sky.


The coldness of the wound and the weakness of the massive blood loss made Sarah stare.

But even so, she still stepped forward and filled Plank several times.

And as Planck twitched unconsciously on the deck a few times, the entire Nether Abyss seemed to have come to a standstill, and the ghost sailors who had been moving in an orderly manner were now visibly sluggish.

However, Sarah saw clearly that Planck was not really destroyed.

His body is being slowly repaired, and the fire of his soul has not been extinguished. The Abyss is still moving the cable, trying to drag its captain to a safe place...

Planck was no longer human.

Maybe it won't be long before he wakes up.

At that time, the Nether Abyss will become active again.

The fight seemed to only come to halftime, but Sarah was giving it her all.

She couldn't make it to the second half anyway.

In this case, Sarah narrowed her eyes.

She raised her head slightly, glanced at the Siren that had finally seized the prefix T, and a sad smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Bending down, barely pinching the wound in her lower rib, Sarah picked up another gun, and tremblingly fished out a tracer bullet from her pocket.

"Drizzt, take Raven away." She said weakly, "Your task has been completed, my treasure...he knows where it is."

Drizzt and Raven stared together.

"I'll watch this bastard." Sarah pouted at Plank on the deck, and continued, "Don't worry, this bastard is destined to never have a chance to return to the king."

While speaking, Sarah filled the tracer bullets into the magazine, then raised the pistol high, and pulled the trigger.

A red thread jumped out of the barrel, and finally exploded into a rose firework in the sky above the Nether Abyss.

This is the signal to the Siren.

Its meaning fire at the target.

Raven pounced on Sarah, but Drizzt gave him a head shot without hesitation, and then dragged him and Graves into a circle of card circles shining with golden light.

The Siren's gun doors were opened.

Sarah sat weakly on the ground, looking at Plank who was still repairing himself, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth again.

The Siren's gun fuzes were ignited.

Sarah raised her hand and shot Plank, who moved her fingers.

Then, countless shells whizzed and smashed at the Nether Abyss, smashing its deck and breaking its mast, like a wave of flames.

The Nether Abyss began to sink, and the huge thousand-foot hull caused a moderate vortex in the sea.

After teleportation, Drizzt fell down on the deck of the Siren in embarrassment, instead of looking at Raven who was crying bitterly at his feet, he managed to get up and quietly took off his hat.

The Siren no longer has the singing siren.

The Netherworld is about to return to the Netherworld again.

However, just when the Nether Abyss was about to sink completely, the vortex that swallowed the ghost ship suddenly became bigger and bigger.

Under the astonished eyes of the sailors, countless translucent tentacles protruded from the vortex under the Nether Abyss, like a gorgeous flower blooming above the sea.

As the "petals" opened, Sarah, who had lost consciousness, quietly suspended in mid-air.

At the same time, Illaoi's deep voice appeared in everyone's ears.

"The vortex is honor, the movement is superior—a day like no other."

 Carya's small classroom, the vortex is the respect, and the movement is the top, an unparalleled day:
  These three lines are all Illaoi's lines.

  Plus 16/30, a large chapter of nearly [-] words, no broken chapters, all in one go!
  So... ask for a monthly ticket (with confidence)!

(End of this chapter)

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