Lux's Farewell

Chapter 210 [0207]

Chapter 210 [0207]
In the hazy black mist, Lacus only saw the outline of the "flower" blooming on the vortex of the sea from a distance, and then had to lower her head because of the severe pain.

With both mana and physical strength exhausted, Lux managed to stay awake and sit down against the wall of the temple, which was already her limit.

"Don't worry, Lacus." Kalya said in a rare gentle tone, "The statue of Shenzi was thrown into the sea by Illaoi, and it's all right now."

Lux let out a soft "hmm" from her nose, then closed her eyes, tilted her head back slightly, and after leaning against the wall, her breathing finally calmed down.

After a while, a uniform and fine snoring sounded, and Lacus held on to the hilt of her sword tightly, and finally fell into a deep sleep.


When Lux woke up, it was already full light.

The priests of Nagakaporos did not move her position hastily, but set up a huge sunshade above her head, and left a person waiting for her to wake up.

Lux, who regained consciousness, stood up slowly with the support of the wall—then, a strong sense of dizziness hit her, and she almost fell down on the spot.

"Be careful!" Kalya quickly reminded, "Magic power overdraft will interfere with your senses and judgment, so try to move slowly."


Lux didn't speak, but took a deep breath, supported the wall with both hands, slowly straightened up, then turned around, leaning her back against the wall, and let out a long breath.

The muscles all over her body were so sore as if they were broken. After the sweat and sea water mixed together, they were dried by the body temperature inside the rune steel armor, leaving behind salt particles all over her body, which rubbed her skin painfully.

Lacus licked her lips, but found that due to lack of water, her lips were severely peeled, and even cracked...

Since childhood, Lux has never been so embarrassed.

However, when she looked far away and looked at the sea and blue sky, she felt extremely comfortable.

"How is Sarah?" She looked back at the priest beside her, "And Illaoi, is she okay?"

"Ms. Sarah and Zhen Zhe are both fine." The priest lowered his head slightly and replied respectfully, "Ms. Sarah was injured, but it was not fatal. She woke up last night—the snake mother has been protecting her. As for Zhen Zhe Or...she's here."

The next moment, Illaoi, who was carrying the statue of God, came to the awning. She lowered her head, came to Lux, and handed over a ripe mango.

"Try this, it's sweet."

Lux blinked, but still took the mango, slowly peeled off the peel, and put the plump flesh into her mouth.

The sweetness and slightly sourness unique to mango diffuse on the tip of the tongue.

This is the best mango that Lux has ever eaten—except that the mango is not juicy enough, everything is perfect.

"Nice job, little girl." Illaoi watched as Lux gobbled up the whole mango. "Tam, that guy, he's had a hard time this time."

"You know him?" Lux, who was gnawing on the fruit core, froze for a moment, "That devil?"

"Of course I know." Illaoi carried Shensi on her shoulders, "Devils are the extremes of desires. Without desires, there are no demons. Bilgewater's pink face is so greedy, so Tam will naturally haunt here from time to time. .”

"What's the result of yesterday's battle?" Lacus gnawed all the mangoes, seemed to regain a little strength, and walked out of the sunshade a little bit, "I saw flowers blooming on the ocean."

"Sarah has found her own path." Illaoi grinned with a cheerful tone, "She has been approved by Nagakaporos."

"Planck is finished?" Lux blinked, "Won't you come back?"

"Well, it's not easy to say." Illaoi withdrew her smile, "That bastard lost badly, but he is no longer a human—the sea is boundless, but he may not be able to bury the dead."

"So, next time on Soul Eater Night, Planck will come back?"

"That's not true." Illaoi shook her head, "He is not the same as those undead in Soul Eater Night... The undead will be purified, but the undead are just the obsession of the dead, that bastard is I won’t return on Soul Eater Night.”

"That's it." Lux nodded, indicating that she understood, "All in all, this should be considered a complete victory, right?"

"Almost." Illaoi thought for a while, "Half of Bilgewater has seen the flower on the sea, although she is not the king of the Twelve Seas, but at least in Bilgewater, everyone has seen it." Hats off when it comes to her."

"Isn't that enough?" Lux asked doubtfully as she entered the temple, "She has been recognized by Nagakaporos, and also respected by pirates and sailors."

"However, before that, she is still one step away." Illaoi shrugged, "If her dream is to become the king of the Twelve Sea Regions and become a new disaster of the sea, then this is enough, unfortunately, she The dream is more than that."

Hearing what Illaoi said, Lux felt a surge of joy in her heart.

"She's going to give up most of the pirate business." Illaoi's next words confirmed Lux's guess, "She said that the era of Planck is over, and Bilgewater will usher in a new life."

Lux clenched her fists and let out an excited cheer in a low voice.

"Don't be too happy." Illaoi saw Lux's joy, "However, most Baru locals and sailors are reluctant."

"The Ionian trade will be lucrative enough for Bilgewater to live..."

"That's the future after all." Illaoi waved her hand and interrupted Lacus, "Sailors don't have such a big pattern—and my Baru compatriots are not very happy to deal with pink faces. "

Lux blinked.

"However, things may not be without opportunities." As if gasping for breath, Illaoi added, "At least Sarah now has the opportunity to hold a pirate meeting—not the invitation system before, but ordering everyone to come and attend .”


"Just tonight." Illaoi handed an invitation to Lacus, "You are not a member of Bilgewater, this is your invitation."

Lux accepted the invitation—well, it was actually an envelope with a note with the time and place stuffed inside.

Then, just as Lux was silently remembering the location, there was a grunt in her stomach.

"Before that, I suggest you eat something - you're a very attractive little girl, except when your stomach is growling and you're snoring."

Seeing Illaoi who smiled and took out a mango, Lacus blinked a little dully.

This passage...why does it sound so familiar?

 Carya's Little Classroom Pirate Conference:

  The Pirate King of Bilgewater has the right to hold a pirate meeting, and anyone who is asked to attend but fails to come will be regarded as challenging the authority of the Pirate King.

  There are two more chapters tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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