Lux's Farewell

Chapter 211 [0208] Pirate Conference

Chapter 211 [0208] Pirate Conference
After taking a bath and eating, Lux felt that she was finally alive.

Although she was still a little light when walking, and her head still hurt badly, at least she was able to move independently.

After packing up, Lax thanked Illaoi for her support, took her saber, left the temple of Nagakaporos, and wandered towards the place of the pirate meeting.

The black mist faded away, and it seemed to take away the anger of the Bilgewater people.

(Of course, it is also possible that Okao died so badly that everyone calmed down.)
The various gangs that were originally organized into a group, now at most cling to their territory, and finally stopped shopping.

Under such circumstances, Bilgewater miraculously recovered a lot of life.

Soon, Lux, who was walking around with her arms behind her back, arrived at the venue of the pirate conference—the venue was none other than Sarah's flagship, the Siren.

The Siren was severely damaged in the artillery battle with the Abyss. At this time, it should actually be dragged into the dock for repairs, but for Sarah, every scar on the Siren is a testimony of her victory, so She rejected the idea of ​​a pirate meeting at Butcher's Bridge, choosing the location on the Siren instead.

Raven had persuaded her that the Siren's dilapidated appearance was not enough to deter pirates.

But Sarah believes that if it is for deterrence, defeating Planck is enough-she does not intend to rule Bilgewater in the way Planck once did, so there is no need for too obvious demonstrations.

Rather, she hoped that the people of Bilgewater would remember Planck, and the struggle for power after Planck's death had brought pain to the port.

Bilgewater has shed enough blood.

It was still early for Lacus to arrive on the Siren. Seeing her appearance, Sarah, who was preparing for the meeting, brightened her eyes.

"You're here!" Sarah walked quickly and grabbed Lacus, "I have an idea, and I want to study it with you!"

"what idea?"

"About the trade in Ionia..."


Because she was an invited guest, Lacus was arranged in the "audience seat" behind Sarah - sitting here, she could clearly see the gang leaders who came to participate in the pirate conference, see their facial expressions and little tricks.

Not to mention, after leaving Demacia, Lacus, who has been the focus of people's attention for a long time, is now sitting on a chair, holding on to the hilt of her sword, watching the expressions of the participants, and talking to Carya in her heart. Whispering... This seemed to bring her back to Demacia.

When she was in the Xiongdu of Demacia, she was almost in this state at many noble banquets, but at that time she had to maintain the seemingly impeccable noble etiquette.

And even if these pirates faced Sarah, the "Pirate Queen", they didn't have any etiquette at all, and the pirate conference didn't even have the simplest opening speech.

"I called this meeting for only one reason." After the roll call, and after confirming that there were no desperate refusals to attend the meeting, Sarah went straight to the point, "Move first, and Bilgewater needs to change!"

For Sarah's request, the pirate leader and the captains didn't seem to resist much.

In Planck's time, the pirates were relatively free, but to be honest, no one wanted to serve a marine disaster who would kill others and be obsessed with bone carving art from time to time.

Sarah was willing to loosen the restrictions on everyone, which is something everyone is happy to see.

So, after Sarah made this request, the pirates raised their hands in agreement after discussing for a while.

"Listen to you!"

"It's time for a change in Bilgewater's rules!"

"That's right—"



Of course, many people remained silent—these silent guys were all people who had guessed what Sarah was thinking. They watched with cold eyes and did not open their mouths immediately.

"The Ionian War is over. Without the war, we can't feed so many mouths in Bilgewater just by plundering, fishing and hunting." Sarah continued, "In order to find a way for everyone to survive, I'm going A hand in the trade of the Onias."

The deck, which was lively just now, suddenly became quiet.

Those who applauded and applauded closed their mouths, while those who had been silent narrowed their eyes. Everyone's eyes were locked on Sarah.

"Ionia's products have a source of supply and a market. As long as they change hands, the profit in the middle is enough for you to drown in the wine pool and die on the belly of your flesh and blood." Sarah made a vulgar analogy, "The sea The monster fishing boats and sea monster butchers can continue to work, but without the cargo of the Noxians, the pirates and privateers who have troubled the Noxians before will always find a way out."

"Thank you, Ms. Sarah." In the silence, a one-eyed man stood up, "Thank you, the pirate king, for thinking about us stinky pirates, but to be honest, everyone is just an old seal living at sea. But after half a lifetime of hard work, I haven't saved three melons or two dates, and trading...we really can't play it well."

Someone started a conversation, and none of the fishing boat captains and the sea monster butchers said a word—if the pirates who had lost their jobs could find another way out and not come to the fishing industry, they were obviously happy to see it happen.

But other pirate chiefs and local villains were obviously not very willing to make the transition.

After a moment of silence, they all followed suit.

"Yes, Ms. Sarah!"

"We have no money!"

"Can Ionians still pay on credit?"

"I don't know if anyone bought the soil of Ionia?"



Judging by their rushing to run, it was obvious that they had communicated beforehand.

"It's not a big problem if you don't have capital." Sarah was obviously prepared for the verbal run on these pirates, "As long as you are willing to engage in Ionian trade, I will lend you money!"

The pirates who were still talking about it just now were suddenly stunned.

Then, before they could speak, the captain of a fishing boat raised his arm carefully: "How much profit?"

"One point." Sarah stretched out a finger, "Not one point per month, but one point per trip."

"One point per trip?" The other party obviously didn't understand what Sarah meant, "What do you mean?"

"Start from Bilgewater, buy something in Ionia, send it to Zaun to sell, get the receipt provided by Zaun, and return to Bilgewater-this is a trip." Sarah's face There was a smile on the face, "The whole process, as long as it takes no more than three months, it will be considered a profit."

Sarah's move stunned everyone present.

Three months, one cent of profit... Even if you borrow money from Sarah and resell it to usury, it is a proper huge profit!

"Of course, in order to prevent you from spending the money indiscriminately, I will send a special person to keep accounts and check the accounts on the ship-it is agreed in advance that if there is any safety problem with the bookkeeper, the captain, first mate, second mate And the boatswain will be hanging under the Butcher's Bridge... Do you understand?"

With Sarah offering this low-interest loan, the mood of the meeting finally changed.

Pirates don't want to go to sea merchants.

But if there is low-interest investment, the fishing boats that were originally fishing may not be able to transform into merchant ships!

Pirates who are used to business without capital are unwilling to do business honestly, but fishermen who fish are not the same-and what Sarah wants is this effect.

 Karya's Little Classroom Bilgewater's Usury:
  Because the bad debt rate is too high, and there are too many gamblers, the usury interest rate here has rolled to the point of insanity, not only recurring interest, but also low interest rate nine times out of thirteen.

  PS. I was planning to update two more chapters, but I didn't write it... I went to bed early, and I will add another update tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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