Lux's Farewell

Chapter 212 [0209]

Chapter 212 [0209]
Looking at the entire Runeterra, different regional characteristics have given birth to different civilizations, and different civilizations have also given birth to different customs - so, the social structures of different regions are very different, and this gap is manifested at the grassroots level. Extraordinarily obvious.

For example, in Demacia, the order at the grassroots level is maintained by the nobles and the government, and the lord and the magistrate jointly serve as the local speakers, and are responsible to the nobles and the king respectively.

In Piltover, the order at the grassroots level is controlled by large chaebol families and merchant associations composed of small merchants, the former pursuing monopoly and the latter working together to survive.

In Zaun, before the upheaval, the alchemy baron was the provider of work, and the famous and manned foremen were the actual maintainers of order.

But in Bilgewater, the grassroots order here is controlled by the captain of a fishing boat or a pirate ship, and the gang leader. The former is the absolute leader of a ship; the latter is the collector of an area's protection fees.

In the eyes of the outside world, Bilgewater is a kingdom of pirates. It seems that there are only pirates here, but in fact, there are not many other people in this port city.

Pirates have pirate rules, because they need to fight and plunder, so the captain of a pirate ship is often the most able to fight - in Bilgewater, on a normal pirate ship, the first mate or the second mate is the dog-headed army division , the captain needs to be the hardest fist in order to make everyone on board be obedient.

Therefore, the captain of the pirate ship does not want to engage in any trade. Trade requires calculations, forecasts, and exchanges, but it does not require the ability to fight.

Their advantage is that they can fight. Once they switch to trade, it means giving up all their advantages.

It is for this reason that Sarah tried to invite the captain of the pirate ship and the gang leader to study the Ionian trade together, but there was almost no response to her.

Now, though, Sarah figured it out.

Pirate captains are reluctant to transition.

But the captain of the fishing boat may not be unwilling!

Pirate ship captains are generally the best at fighting, but fishing boat captains are often not the best harpooners - they're the ones Bilgewater is best at running!

After figuring this out, Sarah resolutely expanded the scale of the pirate conference, and took the initiative to use Planck's treasure as a "reserve" to establish a "low-interest loan system with Bilgewater characteristics."

Pirates are not funny.

But there are people who are interested!

In this way, although the pirates were still not interested in Sarah's proposal, the captains of the fishing boat quickly became excited. Therefore, the atmosphere of a pirate meeting quickly became delicate.

On the deck of the Siren, all the strong, fierce and brave pirate leaders and gang leaders stared at each other, unable to understand the situation. Instead, the usual insignificant fishing boat captains swarmed around She walked over to Sarah's side and started asking questions about this and that.

Of course, even at this time, the pirate leader and gang leader didn't think there was any problem.

Fishing boats want to transform?
Then you can go and turn around—we will continue to be our pirates, the neighbors stock up on grain and I stock up on guns, and the neighbor is my granary.

However, Sarah, who is well versed in the mentality of pirates, how could she allow this kind of thing to happen?

After briefly answering some questions, Sarah then dropped another bombshell.

"Ships participating in the Ionian trade can buy ship marks from me. Any attack or plunder on ships with ship marks is regarded as a provocation to me."

As soon as this remark came out, the captains of the pirate ship exploded on the spot.

In the past, buying Planck's ship marks at most meant that they would not be robbed by Planck's Iron Hook Gang, but other pirates should do the same.

Now according to Sarah's meaning, as long as you buy Sarah's ship mark, all pirates are not allowed to rob?
Good guy, if everyone buys a ship mark, will all the pirates go to drink the northwest wind?
The pirate chiefs started clamoring one after another, rolling up their arms and sleeves one by one, as if they were going to fight on the spot—this kind of thing, even when Planck was in its heyday, would not have dared to say it, how can your bounty chick be so big? face?
Facing the excited pirates, Sarah was not nervous at all, because together with the ship's mark, she had another idea.

"I don't take all the money for the ship mark." She raised her pistol and fired a warning shot at the sky, "All Bilgewater pirates judge their strength according to the displacement of the ship, the number of sailors, and the number of artillery. According to their strength, they will receive from me." A part of the ship mark income!"

Ship mark!
This is something that Bilgewater has never had before—greedy pirates have always held the marks in their own hands, let alone several ships, even if it is a ship, except for the captain Well, no one else can get their hands on even a single copper herring in the ship's mark!

Pirates have always had a share in the spoils of looting.

But the money marked on the ship is the captain's private land!
But now, Sarah generously stated that she can divide the money for the ship bid, and the sailors and artillery of the ship will convert the strength and share this part of the money together...

After she swore to the snake mother that she would strictly follow the rules and maintain fairness, the pirates finally fell silent.

If it is really possible to get a share of the ship fact, it may not be impossible.

Anyway, for most of the pirates, the ship marks could not be sold. There were only three or four companies in Bilgewater who were qualified to sell ship marks. The others were not well-known, so naturally no one bought their ship marks.

But now, if Sarah is willing to divide the ship mark, then the ship mark income will be created from scratch. Even if the ship with the ship mark cannot be robbed, it may not really be a loss.

Big deal... Big deal, everyone is staring at other trade routes!
Where can I go in the twelve seas of Runeterra?

Just as the pirate captains were getting emotional, Sarah proposed a third strategy.

"For all the ships that don't bear the ship's mark, as long as you find special products from Ionia after looting, I will buy them at a high price and give you extra bonuses!"

Speaking, Sarah motioned Raven to unfold a huge sea map, and then stretched out her hand to draw a huge triangle on the map.

"I want no foreign ship within the triangle formed by Ionia, Bilgewater, and Zaun. Ionia trade is the future of Bilgewater, and no one can touch it!" Sha Ra's voice was loud and high-pitched, full of passion and appeal, "And this is just the beginning. In the future, everyone in Runeterra will know that the dark blue under the sun is the territory of Bilgewater!"

"There is only one corner under the feet of the Bilgewater people, but the ocean controlled by the Bilgewater people is endless!"

After looking at the huge sea chart and listening to Sarah's domineering speech, the pirate chiefs hesitated for a moment, and finally let out a burst of heartfelt cheers.

In the past, although the pirates of Bilgewater were notorious, no one except Plank would look at them highly—even in the dark alleys of Zaun, the flesh and blood were unwilling to entertain pirates.

But now, if what Sarah proposed is really realized, then in the Twelve Seas, no one who has anything to do with ocean trade will despise pirates anymore!
Even an unknown pirate!

Divide, win over, give dignity.

Although only a framework, Sarah successfully established the new order in Bilgewater.

Amidst the cheers of the pirate chiefs, she put on a captain's hat with satisfaction.

And as she put on the hat, all the pirate chiefs and gang leaders took off their hats obediently, revealing their greasy or bald heads.

This scene is neither solemn nor solemn, and even somewhat comical.

But the meaning it represents is not funny at all.

Because this means that Sarah Fortune has finally been recognized by the vast majority of people in Bilgewater, and is officially crowned as the king of the twelve seas.

After the disaster of the sea fell in the fire tide, at this moment, Bilgewater finally ushered in a new queen.

 Carya's Little Classroom Pirates' Hat-off:
  Taking off your hat is a courtesy, and for pirates who wear hats or turbans all year round, taking off their hats is even more important—because they seldom take a bath, and the food is not very healthy. People want to expose the top of their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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