Lux's Farewell

213 Chapter 0210 [[-]]

Chapter 213 【0210】Successful retirement

At the beginning, Lux was quite critical of Sarah's behavior of engaging in maritime monopoly by relying on Bilgewater's openness and aboveboard.

However, after Carya reminded her, she quickly realized that in fact, only Piltover and Noxus were excluded by this monopoly—except for them, Bilgewater’s Ionian trade had almost no competitor.

Ionians don't know how to sail a ship at all.

No one in Zaun currently knows how to sail a boat.

The Shurimans do not engage in maritime trade.

Demacia even has very little foreign trade.

Thinking about this, Lux's mood immediately improved.

After the Pirate Conference adjourned, she found Sarah and formally proposed the idea of ​​establishing diplomatic relations and signing a cooperation treaty, and Sarah readily agreed to Lux's idea.

After a series of trials, cooperation and even fighting side by side, both Lux and Sarah have great sincerity for this cooperation.

Lux is willing to provide Sarah with Shadow Stream's network resources to help Bilgewater people gain the trust of Ionia, buy Ionia's special products, and will acquire and distribute these special products.

Sarah, on the other hand, recognized Zaun's "sole distribution rights", and even agreed that Zaun's Municipal Chamber of Commerce would pay for it by itself, purchase the ship's logo, and enjoy the same treatment.

Of course, compared to Bilgewater’s own people, the price of the Zaun City Chamber of Commerce’s ship label will be much more expensive, and Zaun will not be able to participate in the trade for a while, but leaving this hole has fully proved Sarah's sincerity.

The verbal intention is reached, and the next step is to fall on paper.

With the help of Kalya, Lacus quickly drew up a very strict contract, and Sarah, who was watching her writing hundreds of detailed rules with her arms around her shoulders, had a curious expression on her face from the very beginning. It gradually turned into disbelief.

When Lux finished writing all the terms and handed it to Sarah for review, the shrewd and capable "Queen of the Twelve Sea Regions" rarely showed a headache.

"My dear Lux." Sarah, who felt her temples were starting to ache after reading thirty articles, simply threw a thick stack of treaties on the table, "Is there anything else you don't know? Why don't you even You can do things like drafting a treaty so easily and comfortably?"

"It's probably because I'm a genius." Lux hummed a Demacia tune subconsciously in a happy mood, "And I have a good teacher."

"Your teacher must be a very remarkable person." Sarah nodded, then rubbed her temples helplessly, "However, he is also a lucky guy to have a student like you."

Lacus maintained a decent smile on the surface, but she couldn't help showing off to Kalya in her heart - did you hear me, this is your luck!

But this time, Kalya didn't say anything disappointing, "You're the worst class I've ever taught" and so on, and kept silent, which provided enough room for Lux to show off.

In the end, Sarah and Raven got together, studied the terms of the treaty for most of the night, finally made a few symbolic changes to the wording, and finally signed their names.

As she and Lux ​​exchanged the treaty documents, both of them let out a long sigh of relief.

"Next, I will wait for Zaun to build a port." Sarah put away her own treaty document, "After two months at most, the first batch of ships will arrive—if Zaun Without a port, we'll just have to sell to the Piltrowers!"

"Don't worry, it won't take two months!" Speaking of the construction of the new port, Lux was full of confidence, "The efficiency of Zaun's construction industry will definitely surprise you!"


The signing of the treaty represents the successful completion of the purpose of Lux's trip.

At the same time, it also means that she needs to go home and return to Zaan.

Three days later, just like when she came, she bought a ticket anonymously and boarded the boat to Piltover quietly.

Standing on the deck of the ship, Lux looked at the busy slaughtering dock again—this dock full of sea monster slaughtering workshops was still full of sewage and blood.

Compared with more than a month ago, there are a lot fewer busy people here. The wave of flames and the subsequent pirate war have indeed dealt a heavy blow to the population of Bilgewater.

However, Lux believes that with the development of trade in Ionia, this port city will become more prosperous and prosperous in the near future.

At that time, maybe the smell of the slaughter dock will not be so bad, right?

Amidst the cries of seagulls, the ship that Lux was on finally lowered its sails and pulled its anchor.

Lux took a deep look at this ruined port city, twisted her neck, and finally returned to her cabin while holding on to her sword hilt.

"In any case, although there were some twists and turns, everything went smoothly during this trip to Bilgewater."

"Yes, yes, your luck is quite good." Kalya also seemed to be a little emotional, "However, my dear Miss Laksana, this is not the time to lie down and rest-you have passed the mother snake's test. After the trial, you have obtained the protection of His divinity, and next, you should pick up the magic learning that you have put down for a long time."

Lux's originally relieved smile froze instantly on her face.

She subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Kalya seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, and blocked her words in advance: "You have not made any progress in two years except for magic power, and even Ino is a bit stronger than you." Big cut!"

"Ah, it's because I'm usually busy." Lux put on a gesture of a little bear spreading his hands, "Don't you feel that my trip to Bilgewater has made a lot of progress?"

"Yes, it's quite big." Kalya snorted coldly, "I've already learned how to overdraw my magic power. After so many simulation trainings, have I practiced on dogs?"

"Oh, that's right! Magic power overdraft! My magic power overdraft is still not healed!"

"Magic power overdraft will not delay your learning of spell models. When you clean up Hecarim, if you don't need me to guide the construction of spell models on site, the mana consumption will be greatly reduced!"

"But...but I'm a little seasick!"

"Hehe, the construction of the spell model in a bad state is a rare training opportunity." This level of misery has no effect on Kalya, "Get up, sit in front of that low table for me, we have nothing to learn today. The spell structure of the elemental damage shield - the shadow flame magic is a very effective basic spell model..."


"It's really shameful, a demon is standing there for you to chop, you can't break through the defense, and now you are still wailing with me here?!" Carya's tone was somewhat inexplicably joyful, "You are really the one I taught you. Worst student ever!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Shadow Flame Magic:

  This is a special spell model that has a pretty good destructive effect on various shields.

  PS. There is another update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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