Lux's Farewell

Chapter 214 [0211] The days when Lacus is not around

Chapter 214 [0211] The days when Lacus is not around
After Lux left, although various departments had prepared work plans, when everyone's responsibilities overlapped or even conflicted, a reliable person who could solve problems was still needed.

Ino played that role.

It was just dawn, and Ino, who got up early, had already arrived at the government affairs building in Zaun.

As Lux's secretary and Zaun's municipal secretary, her usual work is closely related to Zaun's core information, and it is natural to take on heavy responsibilities when Lux is away—and because the secretary's work cannot be let go, so She is now in a state of "one person doing the work of one and a half people".

However, although the task was aggravated, objectively speaking, Eno did a good job during this period.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zaun seems to be competing with Piltover through joint cooperation experiments, but in fact, for Zaun now, the second three-year plan is the most important.

The specific content of the three-year plan still needs to wait for Lux to come back. Currently, Zaun is in the summary stage of the first three-year plan. A large amount of data needs to be compiled, and a large number of work reports are being submitted.

Dealing with these data and information is undoubtedly a headache.

Fortunately, Yinuoben is the secretary-general. At the beginning of the first three-year plan, the specific implementation plans of each plan were released by her hands—so she was quite comfortable when collecting data and sorting out the information. the taste of.

Everything seems to be in order, as if without Lux, the sun in Zaun still rises as usual.

However, Yinuo knew very well that this was just an appearance.

The people of Zaun who can’t get in touch with Lacus usually haven’t changed in any way, but those high-level leaders in Zaun who can get in touch with Lacus and know that Lacus is not there are somewhat worried—going to work early is also stable. people's hearts.

As the person who is most familiar with Lacus and has always been inseparable from Lacus, after Lacus left, Ino should have been the one who was most uncomfortable.

But in fact, Yinuo is not as far behind as others.

Not only did she not feel uncomfortable, she even took the initiative to release the others so that everyone would not be under too much psychological pressure—because she knew from the beginning that she and Lux ​​would leave Zaun.

The vast majority of Zaun people regard Lux ​​as the savior of Zaun and the true king of Zaun.

But only Eno knew that Lux's goal had never been this.

In the very beginning, Ino's ideal was to be Lux's maid—at most, the chief maid.

In her eyes, Lux is the true light of light, even if she exhausted all her strength, she might barely catch up with her footsteps.

However, with the longer and longer contact with Lacus and the deeper understanding of Lacus, Ino's thoughts finally gradually changed.

It's hard to tell whether this change came from Lacus or Kalya, but what is certain is that now Ino's ideal has nothing to do with the head maid.

From longing for the dazzling Lacus to accepting the not-so-perfect Lacus, Ino spent several months.

It took Ino two full years from accepting the not-so-perfect Lux to understanding Lux's dream.

Ino is not Lax. She grew up in a very ordinary peasant family. It is a wise act to be a maid in the lord's house, so her perspective is completely different from Lax.

If it weren't for Kalya's guidance, Lux, who grew up in rich clothes and rich clothes, would probably regard most of the hard-earned things as ordinary.

And Yinuo probably couldn't understand what kind of life Master Ren would lead.

Although Lax's aunt Tiyana almost sacrificed Ino for Lax, she was her aunt after all, and Lax couldn't directly tell Ino what kind of creatures the nobles were—or, in other words, the human race. How a group of people exist.

Therefore, it wasn't until Zaun was reborn, and Eno helped Lux ​​manage Zaun, and saw a lot of ups and downs, that she clearly realized what Lux's ideal meant.

Lux has this ideal based on her kindness and her inability to accept injustice.

And Yinuo agrees with her ideal because she has personally changed.


Taking out the key and opening the door of the office, Ino sat in his own seat.

On the way, she had already bought breakfast, and when she went upstairs, she took today's newspaper by the way—she made herself a cup of milk powder, gnawed on the bread, and opened the newspaper that still smelled like ink.

Not Zaun's newspaper—for the paper's information was hardly more detailed than the documents assembled in front of Eno—but the Piltover Daily.

First one edition.

Well, the same style as before, joint cooperation experiment, Piltover has another major breakthrough... This is already the fifth major breakthrough this month, but even if it has broken through five times, Victor's Hex body modification plan is not finalized.

On the second page, a flowery article was published in a large area. The theme was to praise peace and look forward to the future-this is an extremely politically correct article. There was no mention of Trevor's reaping of the war dividends in the Ionian War.

The third edition is the gossip section. Although the protagonist Eno of this issue knows each other (it is Jess and Mel, the news said that they are on the verge of breaking up, etc.), she is obviously not interested in this part at all.

The fourth and fifth editions are new inventions. Even the most professional Hextech scientists have been transferred away, but Piltover still has a steady stream of inventions emerging.

Although these inventions may not be really useful in China, their birth itself marks a kind of civilization evolution.

Although the advertisements on the sixth and seventh pages were trivial, Eno quickly scanned them from top to bottom.

Compared with before, the recruitment information has decreased significantly, while the information on job hunting and investment has increased a lot. Even though the first and second editions of Piltover are booming, the paid advertisements on the sixth and seventh editions are not deceiving.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Eno glanced at the news on page eight, as well as the jokes and political caricatures in the corner, then ate the last piece of bread and closed the newspaper.

There was a knock on the door, and a secretary sent the documents that need to be processed and confirmed today. Yinuo nodded and took the thick stack of papers, stretched long, and put the burden on his chest on the table Go up, pick up the pen, and officially start today's work.

"Exhibition of Three-Year Plan Results Exhibition", "Fifth Street Sewer Renovation", "Official Trial Operation of Alchemy Power Plant", "Joint Cooperation Experiment Request to Start the Second Phase of Experiment"...

Eno patiently flipped through page after page of documents, giving instructions on the documents that could be decided, and keeping important ones from being published.

After this stack of documents was simply classified and approved, it was already noon before we knew it.

There was another knock on the office door.

"There is no need to deliver food today." Yinuo lowered his head and sorted out the stack of documents, and subconsciously said, "I'll just go to the cafeteria to eat - I heard that there are new dishes today."

The next moment, the door opened.

Ino raised his head somewhat unexpectedly, and was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar figure.

"What new dishes are there in the cafeteria?" Lux, who was wearing a cloak, took off his hood, and held a saber, was looking at her with a smile, "Yino, you are a little plump, it seems that the food in the cafeteria has become more and more popular recently. It's getting better and better... Well, let me go, I'm going to be suffocated to death—"

 Carya's Little Classroom Piltover Newspaper Sales Strategy:
  As a commercial city, everything in Piltover was about money, even the newspapers.

  Therefore, even a newspaper like Piltover Daily needs a lot of gossip and advertising space to maintain the salaries and bonuses of reporters and editors.

  Add more 17/30, the perspective returns to the Twin Cities—however, there is not much about the Twin Cities.

(End of this chapter)

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