Lux's Farewell

Chapter 215 [0212] Public opinion war

Chapter 215 [0212] Public opinion war

The return of Lux made the fearful people of Zaun relieved.

More importantly, she brought back the treaty signed with Sarah - next, as long as Zaun can build ports and build roads in the eastern suburbs, they will become exclusive distributors of Ionian products.

This will provide Zaun with valuable jobs, as well as rare foreign exchange.

You know, even if Zaan is no longer what it used to be, after taking care of the Alchemy Baron, it’s okay for the people of Zaan to produce and sell their own products and guarantee the basic supply, but if you want to get some special products from other places, that’s really It is as difficult as climbing the sky.

"Alchemy rune steel" and a few special products such as the magic marsh frog can exchange a certain amount of foreign exchange for Zaun, so as to buy some things that they cannot produce themselves, but the production of these things is too limited, and the exchanged foreign exchange can only be used to purchase the most urgently needed materials for Zaun.

Improve the living standards of Zaun's residents?
Sorry, no money.

With the start of the joint cooperation experiment, it is foreseeable that Piltover will rely on its own industrial advantages to hit the Zaun market with cheaper consumer goods, influence the culture of Zaun, and even buy the people of Zaun—— And the opening of Ionian trade and the exchange of foreign exchange through the distribution of Ionian goods to combat the erosion caused by the dumping of such consumer goods are the top priorities of Zaun at present!

So, after having lunch with Ino, Lux immediately held a high-level meeting in Zaun, and the heads of all departments in Zaun must attend the meeting!
At the meeting, Lux briefly introduced the earth-shaking changes that had taken place in Bilgewater—she concealed her part and the part of the devil, and only talked about Sarah's superiority and the agreement between the two parties.

"In this way, we have our first practical ally." Lux summed it up in this sentence, "Of course, I prefer the term strategic partner to an ally."

After Lux’s speech, the attendees had different expressions, but most of them were more excited. It is a recognized fact that Zaun’s supplies are insufficient. After eating well, they will pursue better food, and after they have a place to live, they will seek to live better. common sense.

Now that there is a "golden business road", as a distributor, in the next period of time, even if there are not so many infrastructure projects before, Zaan still has a clear development direction and work ideas, which is very important to everyone. A good thing.


The next day, the headline of Zaun Daily published an article "Meeting a Peaceful Future".

It seems to be a tit-for-tat confrontation with yesterday's Piltover Daily. This article also talks about the future outlook after the end of the Ionian War, but the content of the outlook is completely different from that of the Piltover people.

The logic of the Piltover Daily is simple: peace will bring about a stable business environment, which in turn will promote the prosperity of the market.

However, the Zaun Daily pointed out more pointedly that peace would bring a stable business environment to Ionia, which in turn would promote any market related to Ionia to enter a stage of prosperity.

In addition, the Zaun Daily also pointed out in no uncertain terms that Piltover was a broker who made war money before. With the end of the Ionian War, without the previous war dividends, Piltover will It will obviously intensify the internal oppression and so on...

Through the contact window of the joint cooperative experiment, this kind of statement quickly spread to Piltover, and was recognized by many insightful people-everyone knows in their hearts that in the case of Hex Technology as the engine of economic development Now, the market in Piltover is still not booming recently, which is very self-explanatory.

Many of the data in Zaun’s report were investigated by Lux himself and obtained from Shadow Stream. Whether it is detailed or logical, it far surpasses that bowl of chicken soup mixed with chicken blood in Piltover.

Under such circumstances, the Piltover Daily naturally couldn’t be content to lag behind. On the third day’s headline, their gold medal reporter published an article titled “Piltover, the Fulcrum of Ionian Trade”.

Unable to logically refute the claims of the Zaun Daily, the Piltover Daily simply began to boast. On the one hand, it praised Piltover for its business environment that advocates progress and pays attention to contracts. On the other hand, it listed the shortcomings of various coastal commercial cities.

The port of Ni Town is small, and the locals are prenatal education students. Small-scale trade in Ni Town is okay, but it is completely impossible for Ni Town to become the fulcrum of Ionian trade.

Bilgewater is a city of pirates with no future. They prefer to plunder rather than trade. You don't expect pirates to be merchants, do you?
The size and location of the city of Besilico are good, but it is a pity that it is a Noxus city. Although the war is over, Noxus and Ionia obviously cannot carry out direct trade.

Nashilami is neutral, big enough, and has enough merchants, but any goods that want to reach Nashilami have to go through the Gate of the Sun—in this case, wouldn’t it be better to collect and distribute directly in Picheng?

Although I don't deny the importance of Ionian trade, but the behavior of obstinately emphasizing Piltover's advantages is a bit blunt and messy, but it is undeniable that compared to the previous bowl of chicken blood mixed with Chicken soup, the content of this article is indeed beyond reproach.

For trade in Ionia, it seems that the best fulcrum is indeed Piltover.

On the fourth day, Zaun Daily responded again.

You said that there are all kinds of problems in other places, and it is impossible to become the fulcrum of Ionian trade?

Well, let me explain one by one what each city needs in order to become the fulcrum of the Ionian trade you mentioned.

Mud Town needs professional merchants. If Mud Town is willing to introduce foreign merchants, they will become strong competitors.

Besilico was originally dissatisfied with a series of policies of Noxus. Separatism has become serious recently. If Besilico is willing to raise the flag of rebellion, I believe that the hawks in Ionia will spare no effort to support them to Noxus. looking for trouble.

Bilgewater has just experienced a wave of flames, and the new pirate queen intends to rectify the order. In this case, even if they cannot bear the responsibility of the trade fulcrum alone, they are still the best transporters, transporting by sea In terms of, no one can compare with them.

Nashi Latin America is indeed too far away, but Nashi Latin America, which has a large number of land trade routes, can completely become a part of trade in the form of a sub-distributor.

Even if Zaun is willing to open up a port, it can become a strong competitor through low labor costs, a good business environment and special preferential policies.

On this track, Piltover looks to be leading, but that's just what it looks like!

At the end of this article, the author also quoted a historical event quite meaningfully:
"It is true that Piltover has accumulated a lot of wealth brought by the sea trade in Runeterra, but before the Gate of Sun was dug out, even if it was only on the shoulders, the trade flow between the Sea of ​​​​Watch and the Sea of ​​Conquest never Not Prohibited - The essence of trade has never been a particular wharf, a port, or a city."

 Carya's Little Classroom: The public opinion war between Piltover and Zaun:
  Since the joint cooperation experiment began, the public opinion war between the two cities has kicked off-and at this point, both sides seem to be very confident.

(End of this chapter)

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