Lux's Farewell

Chapter 216 [0213] Communication

Chapter 216 [0213] Communication
"The essence of trade has never been a specific pier, a port or a city, that's really good!"

After reading the last paragraph of the front page article of today's Zaan Daily word by word, Wei put away the newspaper with satisfaction.

Lacus had told her the story of Janna before, so her feelings about this passage were undoubtedly more profound.

From Vazuan to Zaun, the people living here have been using their own hands to build their own homes through labor. For this, Wei is full of pride in her heart.

However, apart from being proud, she was also a little bit annoyed—although she was relatively close to Lux, Vi still didn't know that Zaun had started the port construction, let alone that Zaun had already had a relationship with Bilgewater. A complementary strategic cooperation has been reached, and while she is proud, she still feels resentful that the Picheng guys control the Sun Gate.

Obviously, it was built by the people of Zaun bit by bit, and Janna even devoted all her divine power to it, and almost fell to the ground.

Putting away the newspaper and stuffing it into her pocket, Wei came to her work station while thinking about taking back the Sun Gate.

The joint cooperation experiment between the two cities has reached a stage where certain cooperation is required, so compared to the simple security work before, she is now responsible for a lot more tasks.

The transfer of a lot of data and materials, as well as the mutual visits of personnel require the communication and cooperation of the security departments of the two sides - and today, it is time to exchange data and materials.

Wei led the team personally, and Kaitlyn in Piltover was no exception. After counting their own personnel and supplies, the two sides protected the exchange personnel and started a cooperation exchange meeting.

This is not the first time such a meeting has been held.

At the beginning, Wei listened curiously, but soon she found that although she could understand most of the words spoken by the experts, she was completely confused when they were connected together.

So, after the meeting started, she simply started to patrol around the meeting place herself-compared to standing stupidly at the door, she preferred to walk around the meeting place irregularly.

Interestingly, unlike the previous situation, Vi, who was patrolling around today, was surprised to find that Caitlin, the head of security in Piltover, did not continue to listen.

This well-dressed Picheng guy, even wearing a very correct hat, left the venue for the first time, and started patrolling like Wei.

If it was normal, Wei would treat it as if she hadn't seen it.

But her mood was a little delicate, so after meeting Caitlin, she took the initiative to say hello: "Caitlin, right? Don't pretend today?"

"Pretend? Pretend what?" Caitlin, who was suddenly caught by the cue, blinked, and looked at the head of Zaun security in front of her in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"I see you have been listening to the meeting before." Wei raised her brows, "I thought you could understand - now it seems that you can't understand either!"

"I could understand it before!" Kaitlyn frowned, "I learned the theoretical basis of Hex technology from Mr. Jess!"

"Who knows if you understood it before." Wei spread her hands and shrugged, "But you studied with Jess before? Is it the Jess I know?"

"That's right." Caitlin didn't seem to care about Wei's question, but nodded proudly, as if very proud of this, "He used to be my tutor!"

"Then why did you come to be a law enforcement officer?" Seeing that the Piltover man looked very serious, and seemed to not care about his teasing at all, Wei's tone became much calmer, "Being a Hex scientist doesn't matter. Okay?"

"There are always some things that Hextech cannot change." Kaitlyn puffed up her chest, "Efficiency may not bring justice, I have my own ideals!"

"Ideal, justice, Caitlin, your joke is really funny." Wei looked at Caitlin with a serious face, couldn't hold back for a moment, and laughed on the spot, "To be honest, you are the most humorous Picheng I have ever seen people."

"This is not humor!" Caitlin, whose ideals were questioned, countered, "Wei, right—don't use your own thinking to speculate on others, I'm not you, and I didn't rely on family relationships to get to this point!"

"You said I relied on my family relationship?" Wei put away her smile, "Ha, that's really interesting, why didn't I know that I still have family relationships?"

"Your adoptive father is the commander of the Zaan Security Office, and after you joined the Zaan Law Enforcement Officer, you barely received a salary for the first month because of your recklessness, but you are still the head of security here." Caitlin, who is dismissive of ideals from Zaun, strikes out with a sharp punch, "I have personally confirmed this news, and it is definitely not a reporter's random fabrication."

"Then your reporter must have not reported my law enforcement officer application results?" Wei who was being questioned raised her face slightly, crossed her arms with her chest, showing a proud expression, "Although shooting only got excellent, but the physical strength test, observation In the test and the fighting test, I got record-breaking perfect marks—but you, I remembered, you are the little princess of the Gilaman family, right? I don’t know if you had any experience before you became the security chief here What is an outstanding achievement?"

Caitlin gaped.

Although theoretically speaking, her resume is quite bright, but when you open it, it is full of positions in charge of security for various large-scale events.

But Caitlin knew very well that these "big events" were hosted by the Gilaman family. Although they were of great significance, they were the kind that could not go wrong.

In other words, it's all gold-plated resumes.

Compared with Wei's three perfect scores, Kaitlyn's resume now gives people a feeling of "all at home".

If another person were here, maybe he could list the list without any obstacles, as long as he didn't mention any relationship with the family.

But as a rare and shameless Piltover, Caitlin could only keep her mouth shut, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Do you want to say that you have studied shooting, investigation, and interrogation?

Seeing that the other party had nothing to say, Wei was in a good mood—seeing Caitlin whose face was gradually turning red, she finally burst out laughing contentedly.

And Kaitlyn gritted her teeth and looked at Wei, neither leaving nor staying.

"Honestly, you're not bad at what you're doing." After laughing enough, Wei finally stretched happily, "But it's just not bad. If you really want to prove yourself, then come up with something convincing." Come on—speaking of which, you guys in Piltover don’t have any exams?”

"There are exams, but law enforcement officers don't." Kaitlyn clenched her fists, "When I become the sheriff, I must change this, kick out those bastards, and recruit truly reliable people... "

"It's quite possible. The Gilaman family is quite famous. I see that your family's name is printed on many experimental equipment boxes..."

"Not by the family, but by myself!"

"Yes yes yes, rely on yourself... Puff ha ha ha!"



 Kalya's Small Classroom Piltover Law Enforcement Enrollment:

  Although they are law enforcement officers, in fact their entry threshold is quite low, ability is not important, what is important is loyalty to the patron.

  That's right, Piltover law enforcement officers are sponsored, and their salaries come from the sponsorship of the Merchant Federation and the big chaebol.

(End of this chapter)

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