Lux's Farewell

217 Chapter 0214 [[-]]

217 Chapter 0214 [[-]]

Vi and Caitlin finally "forged a bridge"-they went from maintaining superficial politeness at the beginning to quickly developing into privately seizing every opportunity to compare and even mock each other.

At the very beginning, Wei, who grew up in the chaotic environment of the neighborhood as a child, always had the upper hand.

But as Caitlin gradually understood, Miss Gilamann, who had a great learning ability, quickly became sharp-tongued.

On joint projects, Piltover and Zaun are working very well.

But the security chiefs of both sides began to compete with each other.

And this kind of "competition within the allowable range" is acceptable to both Piltover and Zaun.

Anyway, this joint cooperation experiment was originally an official competition. Apart from the cooperation, Zaun and Picheng had their own goals, so the competition between Caitlin and Wei was not stopped, but intensified.

Even Caitlin and Wei would occasionally do a bit of a dog-and-mouse thing, to prove that they are the more professional one, and to create embarrassment for each other as much as possible.

In a sense, such rivalry can even be regarded as healthy competition, which has no effect on the experiment itself.

However, for Tamara, who was quietly lurking inside the Piltover Laboratory and stealing research materials, it was a catastrophe.

Originally, it was more difficult to pass information from inside the laboratory, but now, the security chiefs of Zaun and Picheng are crazy, trying to find each other's flaws, and helping each other patrol, this is the action of Tamara and War Mason. It brought extremely huge trouble.

House seemingly endless rain.

To make matters worse, Tamara got a new order after finally taking over with the War Masons.

"The commander-in-chief can't wait any longer. The war stonemasons must act as soon as possible—even if they use kidnapping methods, they must also obtain the technology of Hex's body transformation—this is an order from the empire, and we have no time to delay."

Tamara was dumbfounded after receiving the order.

This is different from what I said before!

At that time, didn't you say that you sneaked into the laboratory to collect information, then wooed colleagues in the same industry, stole core information, and then copied Hex's body modification technology?

Why is it that the plan is only about halfway through, and the domestic side suddenly becomes impatient?
War masons do espionage, and espionage... can kill you if you get impatient!

"The empire is ready for all forms." The connector continued, "Even if there is another war, it will not be a problem."

Hearing this, Tamara finally couldn't help but widen her eyes.

It's a pity that the time for the meeting is really limited. Tamara didn't have the opportunity to ask about the plan for the new mission in detail, so she had to return to the laboratory in a hurry to avoid the possible patrol team Zaun Patrol).

Difficult to accept is unacceptable, but Tamara will still do her best to carry out this task.

The country is in a hurry, and it is too late to slowly collect the related technologies of Hex body modification - fortunately, Tamara has obtained a list of manufacturers of Hex body modification accessories, and has a preliminary understanding of the required medical knowledge. Understand, if "Stealing Hex's Body Transformation Technology" also has a progress bar, then her task progress is about 60%.

Next, if you can understand the core Hex parts replacement part, even if the follow-up reconstruction surgery starts from scratch, relying on irregular human experiments, Noxus will have the opportunity to replicate this technology!
Therefore, Tamara, who returned to the laboratory and continued to lurk, quickly began to modify the entire operation plan.

Kidnapping... I'm afraid it's the only way for her.

After such a long period of lurking, Tamara herself has a specific judgment on the researchers in the laboratory.

Some people here are the cogs of the laboratory, conscientiously completing their own part of the work, but Du Yuhex's body modification itself does not understand.

But there are also people who are in charge of coordinating the overall situation. Even if they don't master every technology of Hex's body transformation, with their help, Noxus is still very likely to copy this technology.

There is no doubt that these people are Tamara's main targets next.


Among the figures who coordinate the overall situation, the one with the highest status and the best technical level is undoubtedly Kubricka.

This octogenarian is the chief engineer of the Philos family, and even if he is not too old, he can preside over a Hex body transformation work by himself.

If Kubrica can be tied back to Noxus, then Noxus may soon have its own Hex body transformation technology.

But almost in the next instant, Tamara crossed him off her list.

It's not that she pities the old man, but that Kubricka's identity is too special, and there are too many people staring at him, even if all the war masons in Piltover are mobilized, they will take the initiative to expose the cover. It was impossible to tie him out of Piltover even without cover.

Moreover, to be honest, as far as Tamara usually sees Kubrica, she doesn't think that the other party can stand a kidnapping that may erupt into violent conflict. If he is kidnapped back to Noxus, it is very likely that what he will bring back is a corpse.

So, even though kidnapping Kubricka would be the most rewarding, she gave up on that goal.

Since Kubricka can' about the lab's number two?
Rubbing her chin, Tamara found helplessly that the number two person in this laboratory was Mr. Silo, who was in charge of logistics—a businessman who was proficient in calculations and had been helping the council control the cost of this laboratory. And personally responsible for accounting issues.

Among the councilors in Piltover, Cylo is a very capable person, but unfortunately, he has nothing to do with Hex's body modification technology itself, and kidnapping him is meaningless.

Skipping the number two person, Tamara simply gave up this top-to-bottom, follow-through method. She patted her head, and suddenly realized that she seemed to be a little surprised because she received the task, so she behaved a little bit— — Shouldn't I check according to the laboratory department?
After taking two deep breaths, Tamara, who finally calmed down, quickly went through the list of experimental departments in Piltover in the entire joint cooperative experiment in her mind.

The first department is a group of engineers and craftsmen, responsible for the production of parts and special tooling, pass.

The second department is for measurement and calibration personnel. These theoretical personnel are very important, but they are not what Noxus currently needs, pass.

The third department is the rejection research room, which is mainly responsible for dealing with the possible rejection reactions of Victor. Noxus does not need this thing, pass.

The fourth department is the Hex crystal adjustment department, which is needed by the empire, but considering that kidnapping is a one-time deal, this department is not critical enough to pass.

The fifth department... yes, the fifth department is a replacement department!

This department can combine the parts of a department with Hex crystals to match the Hex body modification device acceptable to the human body. If the technical backbone of this department can be taken down and tied back to Noxus, That would make a big difference!
The follow-up body modification surgery Noxus will not know... Then use your strength to fly bricks and try more, as long as you experiment enough, there will be a way!

 Karya's Little Classroom Darkville's Anxiety:
  Although the defeat in the Ionian War can be pushed to Swain, the nobles of Noxus are not fools, and Brown Darkville's career as the Grand Commander has come to the countdown stage in the actual sense.

  PS. This chapter is considered a small transition, and there are two more chapters tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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