Lux's Farewell

Chapter 218 [0215]

Chapter 218 [0215]

At the request of her superiors, Tamara began to develop in the direction of cross-border-war masons are indeed stonemasons, builders, and surveyors in name, and they actually work as spies, but things like kidnapping important officials are up to them To be responsible is really crossing the line.

Under normal circumstances, Darkwill would not issue such reckless orders. Even if he really wanted to kidnap important officials, he would send professional assassins to cooperate with the war stonemason.

However, after the failure of the Ionian War, the rule of His Excellency the Grand Commander Darkwill has come to a precarious situation, and the professional assassin group also has a faint tendency to take the Grand Commander's orders seriously.

It's not that Darkwill forced the ducks to be put on the shelves and assigned tasks beyond the capabilities of the war masons.

It's that His Excellency the Grand Commander has no cards to play, so he can only rely on the War Mason!
Don't look at what the order says is "Noxus will not hesitate to launch a war for this reason", but in fact, unless Tamara and the war stonemason can directly obtain a reliable Hex body modification that can be used directly Technology is used to prolong human life and bring his rule back to life, otherwise the war masons would not have received any support from the empire!
Today's Noxus has already reached the verge of reshuffle. The failure of the Ionian War is not enough to seriously damage the vitality of the empire, but it is enough for this war machine to take the initiative to replace a wave of talkers.

And Tamara didn't know any of this.

Although she has a delicate mind and strong adaptability, her loyalty to Noxus made her never think that the empire would give up her child. In Tamara's view, this task was assigned to the war stonemason to a large extent. It should be because the other organizations are really unbearable-the former Miss Cassiopeia, who was born noble, ended up messing up the good situation, and even indirectly helped the rise of Zaun.

This time the empire directly assigned the task to the War Mason, and also provided the possibility of war as the final guarantee. It must be because the Grand Commander trusts the dedicated War Mason more!

Therefore, even though the bold and careful Tamara was faced with an extremely daunting task, she still chose to face it, accepted the task without hesitation, and quickly started crossing borders, researching what to do. Kidnapping by the country is such an easy-to-speak thing.


Tamara is trying to kidnap Piltover's hex prosthetic specialist.

On the side of the Piltover Council, it was caught in an endless struggle.

For three full years, Camille used her identity and strength to forcefully suppress all dissatisfaction, allowing Piltover's Hex Technology to take off—with the official opening of the Hex Fly Gate not long ago Everyone has seen the huge profits brought by this emerging technology.

This would have been a good thing.

However, with the end of the Ionian War and the sharp drop in Sun Gate income, the contradictions between the old and new chaebols have gradually become prominent.

The birth of emerging industries will inevitably squeeze the investment obtained by the original old industries. This is a very normal thing-in Camille's prediction, Sun Gate Trading and Hex Technology will be Piltover's Two legs, the former provides sufficient funds, and the latter guides a bright future.

However, the situation in Runeterra will not change according to Camille's ideas.

After the Ionian War, without large orders for military supplies, Sun Gate's income began to drop sharply.

Even so, the toll income of the Picheng Canal can still be described as making money lying down, but for the relevant families and chambers of commerce that rely on this canal to make money day by day, less profit means loss of money.

Losing money... that's unacceptable!
But at this time, Hex technology was advancing by leaps and bounds, and the vast space in it made these old money people see an opportunity, and they began to enter the market one after another, hoping to get a share of it.

It's a pity that the Hextech circle has already formed at this time - with Mel's help, many people who were "abandoned" by Noxus gathered around Jess, forming a stable interest group, At this time, a solid professional barrier has been formed.

Didn't come to invest earlier, now want to get a share?

Stay where it's cool!
In this way, the high-class people in Piltover were finally divided into two circles. One was based on the Sungate Canal, Sungate Port Transportation, Sungate Related Materials Machinery, and Sungate Port Service Industry. Basic old money; an upstart circle centered on Hextech patents.

When the economy is booming and everything is booming, everyone can still be safe and develop separately.

But when the economy is not so good, the two sides start to tear up investment resources.

The old money believes that Ionia is a big market, and Piltover has a unique geographical location. We must make good use of it, and the focus of commercial cities must return to commerce.

The upstarts think that Hex Technology is the direction of the future. Even Sun Gate Port can be upgraded and managed through Hex Technology. Instead of focusing on new trade routes, it is better to upgrade industries.

In this way, the two sides were arguing about what is right for the public and what is right for women. In the council of Piltover, they quarreled over the future of Piltover.

Originally, Camille wanted to grab both hands. While joining forces with Zaun to engage in Ionian trade, while continuing to develop Hex technology, it is best to let Zaun come back spontaneously through the advantage of dumping goods. Work as a factory for Piltover.

However, just today, the headlines of the Zaun Daily gave Camille a blow, directly hitting her with stars in her eyes.

"Strategic Partners - Same Rising from the Ruins".

As the official mouthpiece of Zaun, after obtaining the consent, the Zaun Daily directly announced the cooperation news with Bilgewater.

As a public media, the Zaun Daily has captured the pain points of the Zaun people well. Although the pirates of Bilgewater are notorious, they have one thing in common with the Zaun people—poor!

Everyone is barefoot, it's bitter haha!
And, don't forget, besides pirates, gamblers and villains, there are also many sea monster butchers and fishermen in Bilgewater!
If Bilgewater was mentioned in Zaun before, people's first reaction would be "shameful stinking pirate".

But now, that impression is rapidly beginning to shift.

The pirate leader who did all kinds of evil before is finished!

Now the people of Bilgewater are willing to cooperate with us to engage in trade, trade can make money to buy better daily necessities, so that everyone can live a better life together - in this case, there is no problem if everyone cooperates!

 Carya's Little Classroom Piltover's Hexagate:
  This invention took Jess three full years. In the eyes of many ignorant people, this is simply teleportation magic, but in fact, its principle is based on the suspension of the hex force field, and Space doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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