Lux's Farewell

Chapter 219 [0216] Surprise changes in the laboratory

Chapter 219 [0216] Surprise changes in the laboratory
In the past period of time, the Zaan Daily and the Picheng Daily had a fierce war of words, which greatly attracted the attention of the people of Shuangcheng.

As for the outcome of the battle...

In general, the two sides are in a state of even strength.

However, with the publication of the article "Strategic Partners - Also Rising from the Ruins", the situation has become more subtle.

The Piltover Daily had previously vowed that Ionian trade would become a new economic growth point for the city.

With such rhetoric, on the one hand, it is encouraging the public's emotions, and on the other hand, it is also the old money who are creating public opinion pressure.

After all, in Piltover, there are a large number of relevant personnel in the Sun Gate, and Piltover trade is an out-and-out "waterworker with millions of clothes and food".

The result is good, Picheng is still looking forward to the future, and Zaun has directly put forward some cooperation agreements.

The distribution center of Ionia's trade is right here!
For Mrs. Piltover—especially the people in Piltover whose work is related to the Sun Gate, this result is undoubtedly unacceptable.

It didn't even take old money to fan the flames, these Piltovers who had recently had their jobs cut and their salaries cut off took the initiative to make noise.

Some people even shouted "The people of Zaun have robbed our business" and began to attack the joint cooperation laboratory of the two cities.

It happened suddenly.

Fortunately, Caitlin made perfect preparations for the security of the laboratory because of the rivalry with Wei Zai. These angry Piltovers didn't really cause any damage, so they were directly arrested and thrown into Stillwater Prison.

The Piltover Council quickly held an emergency meeting. Camille showed up in person and warned the old money councilors not to add fuel to the flames at this time.

Facing the astonishingly powerful Camille, although these guys felt uncomfortable, they could only nod slowly in the end, and took the initiative to say "this chaos has nothing to do with us" and so on.

Camille looked at them as if she was looking at a group of fools.

Nothing to do with you?

Then why did these people go to the Joint Collaborative Laboratory to find trouble?

Under normal circumstances, wouldn't they come to the parliament to petition when such a problem arises?
Faced with Camille's disdain, the three old money members of the parliament looked at each other, and they were a little uncertain about the situation.

They all believed very well that they did not do anything at this time, but they were not sure whether the other two people did something at this time.

Seeing these three guys looking at each other in blank dismay, several other upstart councilors twitched their lips, but Camille sensed something was wrong.

Although these three guys are sticking to the interests of the Sun Gate, they are not simple people after all who have been able to stand firm in the turmoil of the past few years.

Camille thought it was just a test and a warning. Someone wanted to put pressure on the parliament at this time to let Piltover participate in the trade competition and increase its influence on the drilling.
However, judging from the current situation, it seems that none of the three of them did anything!
If this is the case, then something is wrong - if it is not these people, then who else is instigating the people?

Just when Camille was deep in thought, hurried footsteps and whistles suddenly came from the corridor of the parliament building.

The next moment, Caitlin's deputy pushed the door open and brought a piece of news that stunned all the councilors.

"Something happened to the Joint Collaborative Laboratory. The main person in charge of the fifth department, Professor Physis, is missing!"


After getting the news, Camille simply left the parliament after warning all members.

And behind her, Jess, who was worried about the progress of the experiment and Victor's health, also hurriedly left and went straight to the laboratory.

Mrs. Gilamann set off with Jess. She was not worried about Victor, but Caitlin—it was her deputy who came to inform the news, which meant that Caitlin might have already taken action.

Caitlin is there for gilding, not for actually dealing with vicious events!

When Jess, Mel, and Mrs. Gilaman arrived at the periphery of the laboratory on the edge of Piltover, Camille had already made a survey here.

The situation in the lab was dire.

Inside the enclosure, thick smoke was billowing above the laboratory, and a strange smell permeated everywhere. The experimenters working here poured out anxiously, and then they were arranged to confirm their identities while registering to leave to go to the designated place to rest.

Outside the laboratory, a huge hole was blasted in the wall. Judging from the traces of the explosion, the direction was from the inside to the outside—broken bricks and stones splashed all over the ground outside the wall, and there were obvious cracks on the ground. of blood.

"Where is Caitlin?" Seeing this situation, Mrs. Gilaman found a law enforcement officer at random and asked anxiously, "Where did your chief go?"

"She...she left with the person who made the explosion." The law enforcement officer who was named recognized the congressman, and did not dare to neglect, "After the explosion, Miss Caitlin went to check the situation for the first time, and then saw Professor Physis was taken away by a masked man, so she immediately chased after him."

"How many teams of law enforcement officers did she bring?"


The lawman hesitated, and finally held up a finger.

"A team of law enforcement officers... twelve people facing such a guy, I'm afraid it's not enough. She needs support."

"It's one—because someone ran over to protest before, half of the law enforcement officers on duty today are escorting people to Jingshui Prison and haven't returned yet." The law enforcement officer swallowed and explained in a low voice, "The explosion When it happened, there were only two teams of law enforcement officers here, and Miss Caitlin asked us to stay at the scene and act in accordance with the law enforcement officers' regulations to prevent the accomplices of the prisoner from taking advantage of the chaos to expand the incident..."

"So you stayed?!" Mrs. Gilamann raised her tone, like an angry lion, "You guys are dereliction of duty!"

"I also tried to catch up, but I didn't catch up." Although Mr. Law Enforcer was tall and fat, he seemed like a frightened quail when facing Mrs. Gilaman's roar, "Only the next door Zaun The head of security at the laboratory followed Miss Caitlin..."


Mrs. Gilaman, who could no longer contain her emotions, raised her arm and slapped the law enforcement officer in the face without hesitation.

Among the astonished or terrified expressions of the law enforcement officers, she left a sentence, "What's wrong with Caitlin, you're all going to die", and then went straight to Camille.

"Dear Lady Gray." Madam Gilaman said with a trembling tone, "Caitlyn is my only child, and nothing can happen to her—no matter what, nothing can happen..."

"Don't worry." Camille's eyes flashed a dangerous red light. "Things are not as bad as you think. Although the enemy is cunning, they are not strong—that kid Caitlin will be fine."

 Carya's Little Classroom Piltover Council Seats:
  After Camille took the initiative to come to the fore, Piltover's parliament went through a series of changes, and finally fixed seven MP seats.

  Add more 18/30, the final chapter of the Battle of Two Cities finally kicked off!
(End of this chapter)

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