Lux's Farewell

220 Tamara who crosses borders [0217]

220 Tamara who crosses borders [0217]
Grabbing Physis whose upper body was tightly bound with one hand, Tamara ran wildly along the pre-planned route.

Although she hadn't escaped yet, and someone was still chasing after her, Tamara was full of confidence at this time—the goddess of luck was on the side of the Noxus Empire, and this reckless kidnapping could almost be regarded as The right time, place and people are ushered in!
Why do you say that?
That's because, when she started planning to kidnap a Hex body modification expert, Tamara discovered three difficulties.

First of all, it is very difficult to quickly subdue a person and take him away.

Second, the Joint Collaborative Laboratory is blocked from inside and outside, and it is difficult to escape.

In the end, although Caitlin didn't realize that there was a person hiding in the laboratory, she worked hard, and the security of the laboratory was tight.

You know, although there are dozens of war masons in Piltover, only Tamara can do it when kidnapping. With these three problems, no matter how Tamara plans, it will be difficult to perfect. implement.

However, just when Tamara was at a loss, Lady Luck smiled.

Is it very difficult to subdue a person and take him away?
That's right.

However, because Tamara has been running to the fifth research room recently to learn about the situation here, Professor Physis, who hadn't noticed her before, took a fancy to this healthy woman with wheat-colored skin.

This high-ranking Mr. Physis had just divorced his wife, and he was in a vacant period. He had a lot of grass in his heart, but because of his busy work, the task of joint and cooperative experiments was relatively heavy, and he didn't even want to pick a wild flower. It's just a chance.

And as Tamara ran to the fifth research room and began to inquire about the situation of Physis, this greasy middle-aged professor had one of the three major illusions in life, "she likes me".

Although he didn't know Tamara well, he heard that the little girl was an ordinary researcher—for a professor of the Academy of Science and Progress like him, isn't the researcher a random choice?
Physis, who was about to move, began to look for opportunities to "chat alone" with Tamara.

Tamara is overjoyed to have just put Physis on her list of targets for kidnapping.

And what about this good thing?

Of course we can chat!

The Physians are middle-aged, fat and bald, and have a big belly. For Tamara, controlling this kind of guy is like tying a pig before killing it—it’s definitely not possible in public, but if it’s one-on-one, that’s fine. It's so easy!

Great, first problem solved.

Then there is the second problem, the inside and outside of the laboratory are inaccessible, and it is difficult to escape.

It is impossible to swagger through the main entrance when someone is tied up, but it is also difficult for Tamara to get a guy under her control to pass the wall by herself. The wall is high and thick, and it is okay to climb over it alone, but it is too difficult to bring one person.

At this time, the joint cooperation experiment entered a new stage. After the meeting between Piltover and Zaun experts, a batch of Hex crystals were transported into the laboratory, and the manufacture of Hex body modification parts was officially started. .

This is a normal experimental procedure.

According to Tamara, the hex crystal is the best explosive!
When no one was around at night, Tamara secretly created three explosion points on the inner wall of the laboratory. As long as the Hex crystal was detonated, she could quickly break through the wall and escape.

Finally, there is the most troublesome problem left.

Outside the laboratory, the security intensity is too high, and Caitlin, who works hard, is not an easy fool.

Originally this was completely unresolved.

But at this moment, the war stonemason outside gave Tamara a perfect assist!

The Zaan new port project has attracted almost all the attention. Originally, the income of the Sun Gate has decreased, and many dock workers have a hard time. Now the people of Zaan have announced with great fanfare that they will build their own port, which directly hits Picheng. Human lung tubes!

As a result, many dock workers began to gather and protest.

This kind of protest was indeed spontaneous at the beginning, and these protesters were also dock workers who had problems with their jobs.

But as they took to the streets, the war stonemasons saw an opportunity to exploit, and after a brief meeting they quickly disguised themselves among the protesting workers.

Thus, someone who appears to be just "a hapless dockworker" is actually a war mason—and even if a few war masons did work on the docks, it was for covert surveying purposes.

The protesting workers wanted to shout slogans in front of the parliament building.

However, these war masons quickly came up with a "better idea"-more people went to the parliament to shout slogans, and the members of the parliament would at most close the door. When did they take it seriously?
If you want me to say, let's go to the Joint Collaborative Laboratory and shout, not only to the councilors, but also to the people of Zaun. Can the councilors close the door of the parliament building and block the ears of the people of Zaun?

The dock workers, who were originally excited, quickly got excited, so they simply turned around and rushed directly to the joint cooperation laboratory.

Tamara, who was thinking about how to break through the law enforcement officer's blockade in the laboratory, was pleasantly surprised to find that some people in Piltover started throwing stones at the laboratory—although this kind of behavior would not hurt anyone at all, and most of them even hit the wall. They couldn't lose it, but the law enforcement officers still acted quickly.

A considerable number of people were taken directly to Jingshui Prison, and the number of people on duty dropped by more than half.

Godsend opportunity!

Without even communicating with her colleagues outside, Tamara acted simply and neatly.

After tidying up her appearance, Tamara pretended to be "frightened by the cranky workers" and approached Physis for comfort.

Physis was overjoyed, and followed Tamara to the women's room on the second floor of the laboratory where almost no one came—then, just as his sperm was on his head, Tamara quickly covered his mouth, Quickly removed his shoulder joints.

From heaven to hell, Physis was completely dumbfounded. He subconsciously wanted to shout, but his mouth was gagged by Tamara, who had been prepared. Immediately afterwards, a cold dagger stuck to his chest. The point.

"Let me re-introduce, I'm Tamara, from Noxus." Tamara, who no longer had to pretend to be a little white rabbit, lowered her voice and leaned into his ear, "Mr. I don't want to spend the rest of my life... in pain, neither male nor female, right?"

Facing Tamara who claimed to be home and the dagger in her hand, Physis could only whine and nod frantically.

 Carya's Little Classroom: Battle Mason's Combat Strength:

  Because war masons need to disguise their identities, their main goal is not to be strong in combat—however, most war masons perform well in small-scale battles.

(End of this chapter)

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