Lux's Farewell

Chapter 221 [0218] Escape and pursuit

Chapter 221 [0218] Escape and pursuit

Physis, who had his key points under control, was completely discouraged.

And Tamara, who finally controlled the target, pulled Physis and rushed out of the laboratory building with strides—then, when the security personnel at the door asked what was going on, she threw An activated hex crystal appeared.

With a loud bang, the door of the Joint Cooperation Experimental Building was blasted open, and the security personnel guarding the door instantly lost consciousness, life or death unknown.

Even though Tamara had prepared herself and found cover immediately, she still felt as if someone had punched her in the chest, making it difficult to breathe.

But even so, she still acted before the smoke cleared.

Tamara quickly activated the three pre-arranged explosion points on the wall. Under the astonishing power of the Hex crystal, the tall and thick wall was blasted, and the flying masonry cleared a smooth passage.

Under the cover of the explosion and dust, Tamara dragged Phixis like this, and fled directly.

When everything went well, she even had time to do "thought work" for Physis.

"We in Noxus have always valued talent."

"I know you specifically. As long as you serve Noxus, you will have a far better status than you are in Piltover."

"The empire is far more generous than the patrons of Piltover, and as long as you can prove your worth, you will get everything you want in Noxus."



On the other side, facing such an explosion, the unprepared law enforcement officers quickly fell into chaos.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Caitlin stood up immediately.

Although she had no experience in commanding, after she calmed down, Caitlin still followed the Law Enforcement Officer Regulations and asked a large force of law enforcement officers to protect the scene, and at the same time send "flexible and mobile personnel to follow the suspect" in an effort to rescue the hostages.

Considering that other law enforcement officers may not be reliable, this flexible and maneuverable person is ultimately a few law enforcement officers headed by Caitlin herself.

In terms of chasing people, Caitlin is still very confident. She had surveyed the surrounding terrain when the laboratory was built.

In Caitlin's view, the security of the laboratory is perfect, and such a situation should be a crime of passion.

Especially Tamara's gesture of coercing Physis, no matter how I look at it, I think it has something to do with emotional disputes-you know, the laboratory is registered every morning and evening, even if there is a vicious crime, the biggest possibility can only be vendetta , Retaliation and the like.

The explosion looked terrible, but Caitlin knew very well that it was a hex crystal explosion, and it didn't require too complicated preparations!
Therefore, Caitlin chased without any scruples. She believed that as long as she caught up with the prisoner, she would be able to take him down.

However, after a while, things started to go wrong.

On the one hand, the hostage-taker fled in a strange direction, running all the way to the eastern suburbs outside the city; on the other hand, it was because some people dressed as workers or small businessmen gradually appeared around.

Caitlin's observation skills are very keen, and she immediately realized something was wrong!
So Caitlin reached for the pistol on her waist.

Seeing that Caitlin was about to draw out their guns, the war masons who came to cover them no longer considered the issue of exposure. They nodded to each other, and they simply and neatly showed the weapons hidden beside them, and surrounded Caitlin.

And not just Caitlyn.

Behind her, the law enforcement officers who followed her also had war masons staring at them.

Want to chase Tamara?

no way!

Such an unimaginable situation finally made Caitlin a little panicked.

She never expected that this was actually a gang crime, and it seemed that the other party's organization was still very tight!
In a critical situation, Caitlin opened the safety and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Caitlin's shooting skills were good, seven bullets easily knocked down the six war stonemasons who surrounded her.

But the problem is that the law enforcement officer's standard gun only has seven bullets, and even with the magazine empty, Caitlin still has to face five strong and armed war masons.

In this case, Caitlin retracted the pistol and drew out the baton at the same time.

Caitlin tries to hit five.

But it's a pity that her fighting skills can't compare with her shooting level. With just one move, her baton was blown away.

Seeing these strong guys swarming up in front of her, Caitlin's heart sank.

It’s over.

Then, just when Kaitlyn thought she was going to pay with her life for her recklessness, Wei arrived.


Wei came to check on the explosion—because the elevator was disabled immediately after the explosion, so she simply went around the eastern suburbs to find out what was going on.

As a result, I happened to meet Caitlin who was besieged.

Although she has been competing with Caitlyn recently, seeing that Caitlyn is in danger, Wei is the first to help.

Of course, helping is not in vain, and taking the opportunity to sarcasm while helping is completely due.

"Miss Gila Mann, you'd better go back to the lab now." Wei knocked down a guy wielding an iron bar with a fist, and at the same time shouted to Caitlin, "This kind of thing is not for you, Don't worry, we Zaan are not interested in you Picheng people...Picheng people, I will go after them, and I will return them to you if I catch them!"

"Hmph, no need." Caitlin snorted dissatisfied, "This is at best joint law enforcement!"

"Law enforcement is to deal with criminals and make them lose their combat effectiveness, rather than being surrounded by criminals and beating them with sap." Wei killed another unlucky guy, "Or is this the characteristic of Piltover's law enforcement?"


Caitlin was silent, but when she struck, she was obviously holding back her energy. She kicked a guy who was blocking her. Judging by the location of the shoe prints, this guy was lucky to have an egg left. up.

"Hehe, it's okay." Seeing that Kaitlyn also simply picked up a target, Wei raised her brows in surprise, "I thought you would run away."

"I am the law enforcement officer of Piltover!" Caitlin gritted her teeth, "Don't look down on people—maybe you can fight well, but just being able to fight is definitely not enough!"

Wei pouted.

And Caitlin looked at Tamara, who was dragging Physis to run wildly, and pulled out her pistol again.

"I heard that your shooting performance is not very good?" Caitlin, who had changed the magazine, strode to a dirt slope, holding the gun in both hands, aiming with one eye, "It's a coincidence, my shooting level has always been good."

While speaking, she pulled the trigger.

With a clear gunshot, a hundred yards away, Tamara, who was dragging Physis, suddenly staggered.


When the gunshot came, Tamara's left calf had already softened in severe pain.

"It's unlucky." Looking down at her bleeding calf, Tamara cursed bitterly, dragged Physis forward and hid behind a tree, "Physis, Are you Picheng law enforcement officers so daring to shoot at the kidnappers who are holding hostages from a hundred yards away—you offended her?"


With his mouth tightly gagged, Physis could only make a whimpering sound.

Tamara didn't expect him to talk, and asking was just to distract herself—taking this opportunity, she tore off a piece of clothes and wrapped her wound tightly.

Doing so may cause problems with subsequent wounds, but at least it can guarantee that Tamara can still move now!
Tamara grinned at the combination of numbness and pain, but at least her left leg was able to work a little more.

Arriving the dagger at Physis's vitals again, she took her "trophy" and plunged into the jungle on the eastern outskirts of Piltover.

It's not far from the place where the empire will meet him, just hold on... Just hold on and you'll be there!

 Carya's Little Classroom Law Enforcer's Pistol:

  The pistols of Piltover law enforcement officers have limited lethality - but as a person who likes to shoot, Caitlin's equipped guns have undergone a special modification, which is a bit stronger than the standard ones in terms of range, accuracy, and lethality.

  It's a pity that she didn't add extra drums for portability.

  PS. There is another chapter after midnight, children who go to bed early, don't wait!

(End of this chapter)

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