Lux's Farewell

Chapter 222 [0219] Charming 4 shots

Chapter 222 [0219] Charming
Tamara can still move.

Even grinning, even faltering.

The woods on the eastern outskirts of Piltover were not very dense, and every step she took, a red footprint would be left on the ground, which was clearly printed on the dead leaves or the soil.

Seeing her walking with blood oozing from her calves, Physis, who was abducted, was a little dumbfounded.

This woman is really cruel!

Originally, Physis was still thinking about whether he could take advantage of Tamara's injury and run away, but seeing Tamara being so cruel to him, he resolutely dismissed this idea.

The dagger at the vital point was still there. Looking at Tamara's posture, Phixis still didn't dare to move even if she was injured.

At this moment, facing Tamara, who was walking beside her and bleeding, Physis could not help but secretly sigh in his heart: What did I think before, and I actually fell in love with such a woman in the laboratory? character.

Well, as expected of me.


What Physis didn't know was that Tamara, who seemed to be resolute and unyielding, was actually almost reaching her limit.

The injury on her leg was not too serious, and it was far from fatal.

Caitlin also didn't have the habit of poisoning her own bullets, so the worst result would be necrosis and amputation-this kind of thing is completely drizzle for Noxians.

And considering that she brought Physis back this time, even if she really amputates her limbs, she can give priority to Hex's body modification.

But the problem is that Tamara is not only injured, but has been exercising at full capacity for more than three hours.

From subduing Physis before, to detonating the explosives, and dragging him all the way out of the city, Tamara's physical strength could no longer support her. She was able to continue threatening Physis, all relying on steely willpower.

Spies don't have stamina training.

Fortunately, after entering the woods here, the last three miles are ahead.

As long as he gritted his teeth and survived this period, the support of the empire would take care of him!
With this thought in mind, Tamara limped and led a captive through the last stretch of the road abruptly.

During this process, in order to prevent herself from losing consciousness due to exhaustion and blood loss, she kept telling Physis about Noxus' policies.

In the beginning, her narration was clear.

Afterwards, the conversation became more and more chaotic, and Tamara gradually began to lose her words.

However, when she finally passed through the forest smoothly and came to an unknown small river, what appeared in front of her was not the expected naval warship, but moored beside "it looked like a pier" of a boat.

What's happening here?
Just when Tamara's head began to be dizzy due to blood loss and surprise, a familiar figure in the boat straightened up like a sit-up, and then, ten people saw nine people clenched The face that wanted to hit him with a fist appeared in front of Tamara.

"Isn't this our Miss Mason? I haven't seen you in a few years, why are you so distracted?"

"Shut up, Draven!" Tamara breathed a sigh of relief, and said fiercely, "There are still two pursuers behind, I need to bandage them!"

"Go, go." Delevingne stood up shaking his head, his exaggerated mustache fluttering with the wind, "There is a medical kit in the box at the bow——I remember I reminded you to learn from me. Learn how to position yourself..."

Then, before Draven could finish his sentence, Tamara's dagger was on his mustache.

Sensing this seemingly substantive threat, Draven finally shrugged his shoulders, then took out two specially-made throwing axes out of nowhere, and walked towards the direction Tamara was walking along.

But Tamara silently put away the dagger, found the medical kit that Delevingne said, and after disinfecting her wound, tried to pick out the bullet stuck in the muscle.


Because of this forest, Caitlin and Wei's pursuit speed has been slowed down a lot—in Runeterra, although there is no such thing as "no forest is allowed", but the forest with obstructed vision and complicated environmental conditions, After all, it is best not to enter if you can not enter.

However, after carefully observing Tamara's footprints, Caitlin and Wei both read the eagerness in each other's eyes.

Chasing, why not chasing?
They have already injured the target, how could they give up!

"Is there any spare magazines?" Wei quickly replaced a pair of spare gloves for himself, "I always feel that guy has accomplices."

"Law enforcement should not rely on intuition, but reason." Caitlin corrected, "However, from a rational point of view, that guy definitely has accomplices—from here to the east, he will soon reach the seaside."

"So, do you know the identity of the other party?" Wei glanced at Caitlin who seemed to have made up her mind, and asked curiously, "What did you find?"

"The other party is probably a Noxus war stonemason." Following the bloody footprints, Caitlin walked into the woods first, "Now that I think about it, those guys who tried to stop me before were probably professional spies .”

"How did you find this out?" Wei took a step behind in a strange way, "Or, are you just guessing?"

"It was just a guess at first." Caitlin strode quickly, almost without looking at the footprints on the ground, and quickly walked in the direction of Tamara's escape, "But after entering this forest, I finally remembered—to the east of the forest, Near the coast, there was once a Noxian garrison."

"The garrison base?" Wei's eyes widened in astonishment, "Why is there a Noxian garrison base on the outskirts of Piltover?"

"It nominally belongs to the Midarda family, but it is actually controlled by the Noxians..."

"It's outrageous." Wei couldn't help but swear, "Are all your congressmen stupid? How could they allow the Noxus to build a base here?"

"Watch your words!" Caitlin snorted, "My mother is also an MP!"

"So?" Wei said indifferently, "Why, are you planning to go to the Zaan Law Enforcement Bureau to complain about me, and then deduct my bonus? Sorry, you don't have the right to complain—"

"Unbearably vulgar..."

"It's better than putting on airs!"



In this way, Vi and Caitlin bickered and followed the footprints quickly through the woods.

Then, in the blank area at the edge of the woods, they saw a guy with a sharp haircut, a beard, and an expression that didn't want to be punched.

"You guys are here!" Draven happily turned the throwing ax in his hand, then turned his head to look at Tamara in the boat, "Have you bandaged it? Open your eyes wide when you are done bandaging it. Take a good look, study hard, and then Draven will be glamorous!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Noxian Garrison Point:

  In fact, Caitlin's description of this port is not very appropriate + it used to be the private territory of the Myrdalda family, but it was requisitioned by the Noxus when the mine exploded three years ago-at that time This is where the Karim Chapter landed.

  However, it was soon abandoned, and the parliament passed laws to strictly control Piltover's private port to avoid similar situations.

  PS. I fell asleep while I was writing, very embarrassing - if you are too late, this one will not be considered as an update, everyone just pretend nothing happened, woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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