Lux's Farewell

Chapter 223 [0220] 1 enemy 2

Chapter 223 [0220] One against two
Although she didn't know the guy with the mustache fluttering in the wind and the extremely excited expression in the open space ahead, Caitlin at least knew the armor on him.

This kind of black iron armor is also a specialty of Noxus. It is said that only the special ore from the Iron Spike Mountains in the north can make the forged armor both light and strong.

Therefore, Caitlin raised the pistol without hesitation.

The distance of seventy yards has already entered the effective killing distance of the gun in his hand.

At this distance, as long as he hits a non-protected position, the opponent will lose his combat power on the spot!

Caitlyn's reaction was quick, but the opponent was even faster - almost as soon as Caitlyn and Vi rushed out of the woods, the two special throwing axes in Delevingne's hand drew two arcs of light, one left and one right attacked them.

At the same time as throwing the throwing axe, Draven himself ran wildly and rushed straight to Caitlin who had the ability to shoot, as if he planned to solve this problem first.

The special center of gravity of the throwing ax is rather peculiar. When flying, the speed is extremely fast and the trajectory is erratic. As soon as Caitlin raised the pistol to shoot, the throwing ax had already arrived in front of her, forcing her to give up aiming and lean down to dodge.

The pistol only has seven bullets. At such a distance, Kaitlyn can't use it for burst fire coverage!

As a result, the throwing ax that was attacking Caitlin was dodged, and the one that was flying towards Wei was blocked by Wei without any hesitation—however, even if Wei was wearing a full protective glove, the flying ax that was flying towards Wei was blocked by Wei. After picking up the throwing axe, he still couldn't help grinning.

Compared to Wei, Delevingne has obvious advantages in physical strength. Regardless of Wei's perfect score in fighting, she is too young after all.

Coupled with the power loss caused by the long-distance pursuit, Wei clearly realized the huge difference in strength between himself and the opponent with just one blow.

Just like that, one of the two throwing axes returned to Delevingne's hands, while the other was thrown out.

"Aha, at least it's not trash." Delevingne said in an exaggerated tone, and took out the third throwing ax from behind, "Then, the show begins!"

While speaking, he threw two throwing axes again.

Caitlin, who originally planned to aim and shoot, had to cancel the aim again, rolling and dodging in embarrassment.

Wei, who tried to block once before, performed the same roll almost simultaneously - although the block just now caused the opponent to lose an ax, Draven did not stand still and throw the ax. At the same time as the two rounds of throwing axe, he was already running wildly, heading straight for Kaitlyn and Wei!

In this case, it's safer to dodge honestly!
Just like that, the two throwing axes went into the air, and after flying more than half a circle, they obediently returned to Delevingne's hands. When Caitlin was about to shoot for the third time, Delevingne had already rushed to a distance less than thirty yards away. In the position, the throwing ax that flew back was thrown by him one after another, and attacked Caitlin for the third time.

At such a distance, Caitlin finally gave up aiming. While narrowly dodging the throwing ax that was attacking her, she pulled the trigger with a rough feeling, and successfully hit Draven with three bursts of bang bang bang. ——the black iron armor.

Ordinary people were shot in the front, even if they were wearing armor, they would still be injured by the impact, but Draven seemed to be fine after being shot three times in a row, and his sprint speed did not even decrease at all.

Not only that, he also picked up the throwing ax that was blocked by Wei before, and then threw it towards Caitlin.

The three throwing axes flew in mid-air, and Draven let out a shout of excitement.

"Don't stare at your chest! What's so good about a man's chest?!" Vi lowered her body, avoiding one throwing axe, then rolled sideways, avoiding another, and yelled at Caitlin at the same time Said, "Stare at the head and hit him, and he didn't wear a helmet!"

Caitlin really wanted to say that she had no chance to aim and could only shoot intuitively, but was attacked by Draven's two throwing axes in a row, so she could only dodge with all her strength. Her physical strength is almost considered a heavy weapon for her—compared to the throwing axe, the modified pistol in her hand is simply a water gun!

Under such circumstances, Kaitlyn could only yell "Help me get a chance", and then took the initiative to retreat, trying to increase the distance and create a little space for herself to aim at the opponent's vitals.

To be honest, a law enforcement officer in Piltover asked a law enforcement officer in Zaun to fight a guy with amazing physical strength to create an output space for himself. This is a bit weird, but Wei didn't hesitate at all, and rushed forward neatly. up.

There are many cooperation courses in Zaun's law enforcement training course, and Wei's performance has always been good, so she has completed this kind of fighting mission quite well.

Caitlyn, on the other hand, seemed a bit restrained after Wei successfully entangled Draven and got a little shooting opportunity.

She is confident in her shooting, but she is still afraid that she will hit Vi.

To some people, trusting this kind of thing is just not worth showing off; but to someone like Caitlin, it is an unbearable burden.

What's more, this is almost the first time Caitlin has shot live ammunition outside the shooting range. Before, she was already considered a talent to hit Tamara after careful aiming. To hit the enemy's unarmored parts in a chaotic battle, It is too difficult for her to avoid accidentally injuring teammates!
In this way, amidst Caitlin's anxiety and hesitation, Wei's one-on-one duel was obviously at a disadvantage.

Draven's pair of heavy black iron throwing axes are heavy weapons used by the military, and Vi's gauntlets are designed to maintain law and order - and Draven is wearing armor, and Vi's body is just a thin law enforcement uniform , plus both sides are not on the same level in terms of experience or strength...

In just a few breaths, Wei has already been beaten and retreated steadily. Even if she hadn't realized the power gap between the two sides from the beginning, and the battle has always been dominated by Youdou, it might be over now.

"You should hurry up!" Wei slammed the throwing ax that was attacking him from the side again, and Wei finally couldn't help swearing, "If this goes on like this, we're going to die together!"

"It's not going on like this." Delevingne took the throwing axe, and took over the conversation cheerfully, "It's that you are finished!"

Stepping forward, Draven withdrew the throwing ax that suppressed Caitlin at a very close distance, and turned to fly towards Wei with three axes - between his skillful catches and throws, the heavy and sharp flying ax Like a wheel of death, the ax twisted toward Vi.

Wei managed to block a throwing ax with his left and right fists, but when the third ax came to her neck, there was no time to dodge it.

 Karya's Little Class Draven's Axe:

  Unlike Summoner's Rift, in Runeterra, Draven is actually a fighter - his throwing ax can be used for throwing, but most of the time it is used for melee.

(End of this chapter)

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