Lux's Farewell

224 [0221] Caught you

224 [0221] Caught you
With the three axes flying together, Wei finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing the flying ax approaching, Wei, who was almost desperate, couldn't help closing his eyes.

However, the expected pain did not appear—just when the throwing ax was about to hit, a translucent barrier stood in front of Wei, blocking the throwing axe.

At the critical moment, Camille, who moved quickly through the hook cable, finally arrived at the scene and saved Wei's life with the spreading hex barrier.

"Little girl, you did a good job." Camille, who landed lightly, even had time to joke, "Are you interested in working in Piltover?"

"Not interested." Wei curled her lips and glanced at Camille, "Are you the Gray Lady of Piltover?"

"That's right." Camille nodded, and while maintaining the shield of the Hex Barrier, she stepped gracefully, "Have you seen me before?"

"I've just heard of it." Wei snorted, "I hope you are as capable as Lux said."

"Oh? Listen to what you mean, Miss Lacus has praised me a few times?" Camille's electronic eyes flickered a few times, as if she was very interested in it, "I thought she would hate me as an old woman..."

Such demeanor made Draven, who thought he could harvest Vi's life and take Caitlin to avenge Tamara, very upset. Seeing a throwing ax being bounced off the Hex Barrier, he just bullied himself and ran away. Come up, come and engage in close combat with Camille.

"The little girl first, and then the old woman, today's battle is really not challenging!" The twin axes were flying like flying, and Delevingne simply changed his target, "Mrs. Cinder... sounds like a guy with a lot of background. .”

"Be careful!" At this time, Tamara had just picked out the bullet in her leg and quickly reminded, "She is Camille, the strongest in Piltover!"

Tamara's intention was to tell Draven to be careful.

But in desperation, she used the wrong word.

The term "the strongest" obviously didn't make Delevingne cautious, but made him extra excited.

"Ha, the strongest!" Draven strode forward, the sharp ax in his hand spun rapidly, and slashed at Camille's waist, "I like strong ones!"

Facing the slash of the sharp axe, Camille gracefully raised her leg.

Wei's gloves were not good at parrying the black iron throwing ax head-on, but for Camille, it was not a big problem to block it head-on.

The blade of the ax collided with the blade of the leg, and Camille's posture was still graceful, but Draven's throwing ax changed from forward to reverse - just as Draven could use physical strength to suppress Vi before, Camille can also use Heck The body after Si's body transformation suppressed Delevingne.

The blow was ineffective, Draven couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his face was full of surprise, and even the two mustaches that swayed in the wind revealed disbelief.

"I understand that bastard Darkwill a little bit now." Draven licked the corner of his mouth, avoided Camille's kick, and threw the throwing ax out of his hand at the same time, "You are far better than watching Get stronger."

"Muscles don't represent strength." Camille missed a hit, leaned forward, and unilaterally declared her victory with a calm and ruthless deal, "I've got you!"

Draven still wanted to fight back, but as Camille activated her hex core with overload, the amazing energy strengthened her hex shield, and the invincible throwing ax was no longer magical this time.

This is not over yet.

In addition to filling the shield, the Hex Core also built a Hex Force Field.

The full energy seems to have physically controlled Draven in it. Under the tremendous pressure, Draven's throwing ax finally couldn't spin anymore.

Seeing Draven struggling hard but still unable to get rid of the Hex power field, Wei and Caitlin let out a sigh at the same time.

Recalling the standard operation in the law enforcement officer's rules, Caitlin held a gun in one hand and took out the handcuffs.


The arrest of Draven went smoothly. After realizing that he had no ability to resist, Draven simply threw away the throwing axe and was put on a large shiny white bracelet honestly.

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, Tamara in the back was finally caught—Tamara, who failed in the operation, did not do such a thing as venting her anger to the hostages, and Physis finally saved her own life.

"Draven, why are you the only one to meet me?" After being handcuffed, Tamara couldn't help but asked in a low voice, looking at Draven who didn't seem worried at all, "Didn't you say Is there a warship to respond?"

"Warship? Who said that?" Draven glanced sideways at his friend, showing a look like you were kidding me, "If I hadn't heard that you were in trouble, this wouldn't even be a ship. Leave it to you."


Hearing what Delevingne said, Tamara was finally a little dazed. She clearly remembered that in the war masonry organization, her superior once said that in order to obtain Hex's body modification technology, the empire would even launch a war.

But how did it come to Delevingne, that even the support of his solo action was "out of personal relationship"?
Wait, how did Draven know that he was going to kidnap someone?
This is a confidential mission of the War Mason, and Draven should never know about it!

Slightly squinting her eyes, Tamara finally fell into silence - vaguely, she noticed a subtle atmosphere.

"Don't be so nervous, Tamara." Although Draven's hands were handcuffed, he still looked foolish, completely unaware of being a prisoner, "Just do what you should do, relax your mind, don't worry. Something will happen!"

"What the hell, only people like you can relax without knowing anything!" Tamara couldn't help snorting, "Forget it, let's just take a vacation—— I heard that stillwater prison in Piltover is difficult to escape, but the conditions are not bad..."

"I'm sorry, but I need to make a correction here." Camille, who had been listening to their conversation, corrected. "Last year, the Piltover Council passed an amendment. The maximum penalty for espionage is the death penalty."

"Oh, that really scared me to death." Draven raised his handcuffed hands above his head indifferently, and then pillowed it behind his head, "It's a pity, I guess Tamara and I are still dead No."

"That depends on whether you are worthy or not."

Draven curled his lips and stopped talking.

And behind him, Caitlin, who was in charge of the escort, spoke to Wei in a low voice after a long silence.

"Sorry." At this moment, Caitlin's tone was full of loss and frustration, "Maybe you are right, I'm just a useless young lady..."

"At least your marksmanship is not bad." Wei didn't care much, just lowered his head and fiddled with his gloves distressedly, "If you want to apologize, don't come towards me, I hate people who grind .”

 Carya's Little Classroom Piltover's Law Amendment:
  It seems to have learned the previous lessons. Last year, the Piltover Council finally passed a series of legal amendments. Those who betray and betray the interests of Piltover will face relatively severe sanctions.

(End of this chapter)

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