Lux's Farewell

225 Tamara Doubtful [0222]

225 Tamara Doubtful [0222]
Camille was as fast as ever in solving problems.

Not only Draven and Tamara were arrested, but other war masons who helped in the operation were also arrested and brought to justice one by one.

Facing the interrogation, Draven and Tamara could keep silent, but other war masons may not be as reliable as them. Soon, someone confessed to the whole plan that they knew.

So, everything seemed to be in order.

The Noxus coveted the Hex body modification technology, hoping to use this technology to continue their lives. After discovering the joint cooperation experiment between the two cities, they thought they had a golden opportunity and entered the laboratory through lurking, trying to Steal this technology and make a copy in Noxus.

Comparing the confession, Caitlin quickly followed up and confirmed that "there are indeed many people with relevant skills who have recently left Piltover."

Undoubtedly, the Noxus' plan was very smooth. They managed to hide the truth from Piltover. At this time, many professionals had been poached, and the copycat plan was also proceeding smoothly.

If it wasn't because Noxus was in a hurry for some reason and asked to speed up the progress and carry out violent kidnapping, I am afraid that when Victor successfully carried out Hex's body transformation, Noxus' project would also start at the same time!
Caitlin, who got the result, quickly reported the news to the parliament, which caused an uproar—the shameless behavior of the Noxus caused half of the council members to run away on the spot, shouting loudly, "Give the Noxus a good look."

Although the other half were not so excited, after hearing the news, they still looked ugly-these old money depended on Noxus for trade, and Hex technology was not their core industry, but such unscrupulous behavior still made them Feeling dissatisfied.

Unfortunately, it's just dissatisfaction.

Even if Noxus has just experienced a disastrous defeat and fell into the sand in Ionia, it is not something Piltover can challenge-in theory, these arrested war masons should be executed, but the council It was decided to protest Noxus while sending them to the deepest part of Stillwater Prison.

As the executor of the kidnapping, Tamara was naturally the first to be imprisoned in the deepest part of the Stillwater Prison.

Tamara's living conditions in Stillwater Prison are actually decent.

Although she never opened her mouth, because she is the executor of the whole plan, Piltover still gave her a good treatment. I hope she can reveal some more useful information-this kidnapping case is frightening. Few people.

In this case, even though she was subjected to intensive interrogation, Tamara was only in a relatively poor mental state, and she did not suffer any terrible physical torture, and even her calf injured by bullets was bandaged.

Of course, as a war mason loyal to the Noxus Empire, Tamara would not betray the interests of the empire.

Even if she is sure that her colleagues may not be able to control their mouths and say something innocuous, it is not a problem.

To sell is to sell.

War masons must keep their bottom line.

In the end, it seemed that Mrs. Piltover lost all interest in her and simply dumped her in the deepest cell of the prison, never to be brought again.

At this time, seven days had passed since the shocking kidnapping case.

Tamara, who came to this single cell, can finally have a good sleep this time.

However, Tamara, who didn't have to face the interrogation, suddenly couldn't sleep.

At this moment, her heart was full of doubts.


In the dark prison, Tamara curled herself up in the corner.

For human instinct, darkness represents fear.

However, for Tamara, darkness is a symbol of safety in her childhood, and a dark gutter used to be her shelter—as long as the value of stealing things is controlled, and the value of stealing is not too expensive, get into it after success or failure. The gutter can often effectively avoid the follow-up pursuit of the owner.

The dark stillwater prison is a torment for many people, but for Tamara, it is a good place to think.

This failed kidnapping seemed normal at first, but the moment he met Delevingne, things quickly became paradoxical.

The "Noxus army" who would have been waiting there for him became a single-handed Delevingne, and according to Delevingne, his arrival was even based on friendship.

Your superior lied?

But why?

In addition, there is a new problem involved here - where did Draven know about the top-secret operation of the war stonemason?
Why did Delevingne tell himself what to do, just relax?
That guy is not a master who cares about people, and it is not Delevingne's style to give up resistance when the situation is not good!
Considering that it is impossible for Delevingne to inquire about the news or conduct analysis, could it be that Darius told him all the news?

But Tamara had heard the news that Darius had left Ionia and returned to the northern border several years ago, so the defeat of the empire in Ionia might not make him Being blamed might make him go one step further.

If the news is correct, how could Darius, who is in the northern border, pay attention to the matter of Piltover?

And if it wasn't Darius, who could reveal the news to Draven and prepare a boat for him?

Vaguely, Tamara felt as if she was in the middle of a huge plan.

The actions of the war masons seemed to be the beginning and foreshadowing of this plan, but Tamara herself, who was in it, knew nothing about this larger plan.

Considering the relationship between myself and Delevingne, maybe it is the best choice to relax my mind, eat and drink, and get through this prison in this situation, but as a professional intelligence officer, the analysis is Tamara's instinct.

Compared with her own safety, she cares more about the leader of this plan and the purpose behind this plan.

Even the supposedly top-secret war masonry operation is just a foreshadowing of the plan, so what kind of secret information will the planners know?
The more Tamara tried to analyze, the more clueless and question-marked she felt.

In the end, the exhausted Tamara couldn't bear it any longer, so she leaned against the wall in the corner of the cell in Stillwater Prison, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

In the pitch-black prison, apart from the barely audible sound of breathing, there was silence.

Just like the water surface outside Jingshui Prison, the waves are calm.

 Carya's Little Classroom War Stonemason sequence:

  As the spy organization of Noxus, most of the actions of the war masons are top secret. For the empire, these war masons are their emotional nerves—however, judging from the situation in the Ionian war, The Noxus empire's receptive nerves seem to be not as sharp as before.

(End of this chapter)

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