Lux's Farewell

226 Persistence and confusion [0223]

226 Persistence and confusion [0223]

A terrible kidnapping by explosion occurred in the Shuangcheng Joint Cooperation Laboratory. Even though it seemed to be resolved satisfactorily in the end, someone still had to stand up and take responsibility.

Kaitlyn thought that person would be herself—as the security chief of the entire laboratory, no matter from which point of view, she could hardly shirk the blame.

However, that night, after the council's resolution came down, Caitlin was surprised to find that she was rewarded instead.

The words on the commendation order are "Miss Caitlin remained calm in the face of emergencies. According to the relevant provisions of the Law Enforcement Officer Regulations, while maintaining the order of the scene and preventing larger-scale turmoil, she dispatched quickly. The kidnapper was successfully captured and the citizens of Piltover were kept safe."

This description is actually quite objective, but Caitlin, who received the commendation order, always felt that something was wrong. Shouldn't this be making up for it?
Why does it seem that the problem of the joint cooperative laboratory has nothing to do with me?
After get off work, Caitlin returned to the Gilaman family's manor, wanting to ask her mother what was going on.

Facing Caitlin's doubts, Mrs. Gilaman snorted, and then threw today's evening paper to her.

On the front page of the evening paper, the title of the article was boldly printed with a line of words.

Revenge of the Dockers - Construction of Zaun's New Port Is Taking Our Jobs

Seeing the title of the article, Caitlin's heart trembled suddenly - she grabbed the newspaper, and then found that the article really pointed all the blame at Zaun.

According to this article, it is entirely because the new port that Zaun started to build has stimulated the workers in Piltover who worked at the docks, causing them to act irrationally in anger.

Then, the article analyzes the possible impact of the new port of Zaun in large sections, and the hostility in it is almost visible to the naked eye.

They seem to be standing on the workers' point of view, describing Zaun as an out-and-out "roll king", claiming that those Zaun people will take away Piltover's jobs and resources at a lower price , and then using the distance of Zaun's low living standard, the words all imply that Zaun is a great threat.

As for the war stonemason and Noxus, this article doesn't mention it at all.

Caitlin, who read the entire article in one go, was stunned.

"'s not like this!" She looked at her mother in astonishment, "The Newport Project has nothing to do with this matter, the Noxus is the culprit—"

"But Noxus has no chance, Zaun is our competitor!" Mrs. Gilaman sighed, "Catelyn, you are no longer a child, be more mature!"

"Being mature doesn't mean turning black and white!" Kaitlyn frowned. "We all know that this was done by the Noxus. They are coveting our Hex body modification technology..."

"So should we tell the people about this, make them angry at the incompetence of Noxus, and let them protest the incompetence of the parliament?" Mrs. Gilaman sighed helplessly, looking at her daughter, "Dear , this is for the sake of Piltover—although this matter has nothing to do with Zaun, the construction of Newport is indeed a big problem."

"But one size is one size!" Caitlin still couldn't accept it, "Sun Gate has more professional workers and more skilled services, we...we can give Ionia's trade goods extra discounts, Japan The conditions of the gate are unique, and Zaan is no match for us!"

"Silly boy, how can things be that simple?" Looking at Caitlin who was still insisting, Mrs. Gilaman shook her head slightly, and took her daughter's slightly rough hand, "You should have met Mrs. Gray today. Bar?"

Caitlin nodded - this was the first time she saw Camille, and the strong and neat Camille left a deep impression on her.

"She has something I want to give you." Mrs. Gilamann finally said, "This world is neither black nor white, but a delicate ash."

Delicate gray?

Caitlin blinked, and finally just nodded mechanically.

During dinner, Caitlin seemed to be out of her mind.

She just took two bites, got up and said that she wanted to take a bath, and left in a hurry after speaking—Mr. Gilaman wanted to say something, but was held back by his wife.

"Let her think about it for herself." Mrs. Gilaman said in a low voice, "She is no longer a child. Sometimes, she has to figure out certain things by herself."


In the bathroom, Caitlin turned the shower to the maximum, and stood under the shower head, letting the warm water wash over her body.

After tossing for a long time, Caitlin's body was very tired.

But compared with the entanglement and pain in my heart, physical exhaustion is not a big problem.

Just like what Caitlin had said when Jess had an accident, she was an anomaly.

Caitlin is eager to realize her own value, so she embarked on the road of law enforcement officer-among law enforcement officers who collect black money, work fish, and shirk responsibility, she is undoubtedly the cleanest.

During the period of becoming a law enforcement officer, she also saw some dark things.

Without Kalya's guidance, Kaitlyn could not clearly realize the problems Piltover was facing like Lux, but she still felt that something was wrong in many cases.

It's just that because of the prosperity of Piltover's economy, most of these problems are hidden under the water. When the market environment is good and even odd jobs can lead a good life, many issues about fairness and exploitation can be seen. Naturally it doesn't sound that sharp.

However, with the end of the Ionian War and the gradual downturn in the market, many problems that Caitlyn had never been aware of finally emerged clearly.

When the profits flowing out of the port's controlling shareholders are no longer enough to support the dock workers' well-being, the dock workers will naturally express themselves.

In this regard, the parliament chose to characterize it as Zaun's "malicious competition", but Caitlin obviously could not accept this definition. She clearly saw that the truth was completely different from what the council said!
Therefore, Mrs. Gilaman chose to use Camille's adage to give Caitlin advice.

Black and white is the ideal, delicate gray is the reality.

As for this point, Caitlin couldn't convince herself to accept it—rather than accepting this chaotic gray, she hoped to make the world clear in black and white.

It's a pity that she doesn't know what to do...

Looking at the dense water mist, she recalled all the people she had seen, but the more she recalled, the more surprised she became. It seemed that all the characters who used to be black and white were no longer like this in the end—even Jess, who was once a different kind, Now he has gradually grown into a qualified political figure.

After thinking about it, it seems that only Wei, who competes with him every day, is the only guy who can distinguish between black and white.

 Carya's Small Classroom · Delicate Ash:

  [The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray] is Camille's motto and the source of her title of Mrs. Gray.

  These two chapters are transitional.

(End of this chapter)

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