Lux's Farewell

Chapter 23 [0022] Karya never lies

Chapter 23 [0022] Karya never lies

Facts have proved that Sona is sometimes more reliable than Lux.

Because after half a month of thinking, her eighth training finally succeeded!

When Kalya announced that Sona had successfully passed the training, Lux jumped up immediately and hugged her friend excitedly: "Oh my God, Sona, you really did it—tell me about it , how did you succeed?"

"I... It was Yuhua who helped me." Sona, who was hugged by Lacus and was almost thrown up, hugged her piano while pressing the corner of her skirt shyly, "The last time I found those beetles The sound seems to have some rules, so I want to use sound to affect them..."

"Ah? Can it still be like this?" Lacus put down Sona in surprise, "You play a song to them, and they won't move?"

"How is this possible." Carya was quite helpless when he heard this, "Sona interfered with their cooperation with music, coupled with a wide range of indiscriminate attacks, the beetles were disturbed, and this made Sona succeed. lasted 10 minutes."

"How did you come up with this method?" Lux hurriedly began to learn from Sona, "Let them beat themselves?"

"I also thought of it occasionally..." Sona's face was flushed, and after being put down, she straightened her skirt and waved her hands frequently, "Lax, you don't have to learn from me, you must be able to—"

"That's right, I can do it too!" Lux nodded, "Come again, I don't believe I can't get rid of these nasty beetles!"

After resting for a quarter of an hour, the confident Lux started training again.

But this time, she persisted until 9 minutes.

The method is also very simple. Although the dazzling lightsaber is very cool, it will consume unnecessary magic power, which will cause the loss of physical strength - Lux attaches a small amount of light magic to the long sword, and then only relies on the most basic With a sweep, a large number of beetles were successfully eliminated.

If she hadn't accidentally increased the input of magic power with the nature of venting in the end, she would have passed the training this time even if she won!
It was also because of her emotional state that Karya satirized her again after the training failed.

However, this time Lacus didn't feel embarrassed. Faced with Kalya's sarcasm, she just said, "It's okay, just say it, anyway, next time you will show your true colors."

And the next time, Lacus passed the training as expected.

During the tenth training session, she not only successfully survived 10 minutes, but also killed a large number of scarabs, almost turning the blocking battle into an annihilation battle!
"Hey hey!" After Kalya announced her pass, Lux crossed her hips, "I passed the training, come on, Kalya, let me see how those scavengers survived 10 minutes with a stick !"

"Okay." Kalya didn't hesitate, but waved his hand, "Then just take a look, this is a real memory of mine."

The sand dunes in front of me blurred for a while, and soon, a scavenger with dark skin, ragged clothes, and a large bag on his back appeared not far away.

He held a long wooden stick in his hand, at least nine feet long, and a long and narrow piece of wood was tied to each of his feet, which is a common slipper used by scavengers when they move in the desert and climb over the sand dunes. Sand board.

"Look carefully." Carya's voice was unhurried, "Don't you believe that scavengers can easily survive for 10 minutes among a group of scarabs? Just watch!"

The next moment, the dunes began to boil, and a large number of scarabs emerged from the sand and rushed towards the scavengers.

However, the scavengers unhurriedly unloaded a sand board, and fixed it on the top of the wooden stick with a hook and a buckle.

In this way, the wooden stick and the sandboard are combined into the shape of a hoe.

Then, the scavengers picked up the hoe and dug down fiercely—the wooden stick and the sand board were easily fixed under the gravel by him.

There was no need to remove the other sand board, the scavengers hung the package on the end of the wooden stick, and the whole person clamped his legs, and jumped onto the upright stick as nimbly as an ape.

Although the menacing scarabs could jump, they had no ability to fly at all. Because the wooden sticks were too long, although they squeaked, they couldn't reach the scavengers who were close to eight feet from the ground, and could only leave in a huff.

"How is this possible!" Seeing this scene, Lux hopped her feet in disbelief, "Those cunning bugs were so smart when they fought me, why didn't they bite off his stick when they saw the scavengers? You are cheating!"

"Do you think that the scavengers who can safely roam this desert are a bunch of fools?" Kalya gave Lacus a chestnut, which made the little girl crouch with her head in her arms. "The sticks in their hands are Their fortunes are either in the bones of animals, or in the branches of some poisonous trees, which scarabs would not eat!"

"This... this is not just a stick!" Lux refused to accept, "And, they know these bugs!"

"Well said." Carya nodded, "Well, how about I show you the performance of the outstanding graduates back then? Come and see, are you the worst one I have ever taught? session!"

"Just look!" Lux puffed up her chest again, "Who is afraid of whom?!"

"Okay, let me see..." Kalya stretched out her hand and touched her chin, "Who should I choose—it's you, Aatrox!"


After 1 minute, Lux felt that her world view had been impacted.

What kind of monster is this guy named "Aatrox"?

He was obviously just a young man who didn't look very strong, but he was carrying a big sword, and he took care of all the scarabs within 1 minute!
This is not the most outrageous.

The most outrageous thing is that during the whole process, Lux has learned every trick used by Aatrox, and if she uses it alone, she can do it to a similar level as him.

But even if Lux compares it now, she still can't be as fluent and swaying as Aatrox!
It was obviously a big sword, but in his hands it held the weight lightly. The man and the sword seemed to be dancing a ballroom dance. The center of gravity did not change much from the beginning to the end, but it ensured that every blow included its own strength and the gravity of the downward strike.

What's even more outrageous is that almost every sword of his cut between the scarab's weakly defended wings, and every sword is a clean two-stroke sword, never messy!

What is this amazing skill?

"That's all for the training—"

Before Aatrox could finish a sentence, Kalya waved his hand, ending the memory.

Seeing that thin figure disappear, Lacus was full of astonishment, her mouth almost couldn't be closed - she had witnessed the sword fighting performance of Sebastian Laurent, the patriarch of the contemporary Laurent family.

The [Heart-Eye Sword Art] handed down by their family is already the limit of gorgeous swordsmanship that Lux can imagine.

But even if it is the profound art of Mind-Eyes Sword Art [Sword Dance Waltz], it still cannot compare with the light-weight swordsmanship of the guy named Aatrox in front of him!

What an amazing talent, what an extraordinary talent!
It is obviously the simplest smashing, chopping, and stabbing, but with the fastest efficiency, it easily wiped out all the scarabs...

Lacus doubted life a little.

"This... this must be your best student!" Gritting her teeth, Lux felt that she could still argue, "Besides, it looks like she is purely practicing swords—"

"Well said!" Kalya seemed to agree with Lacus, "You are a natural spellcaster, so we should use the way of a spellcaster as an example, is that what you mean?"

"That's right, that's right!" Lux nodded frequently, "That's it! That's what it means!"

"Okay, let's take a look at Ne'zuk's performance." Kalya nodded, "He is an elemental mage like you—come, let's see how Ne'zuk performs."

As he spoke, Kalya waved again, and following a blur, a figure in a long robe appeared under the sand dunes not far away.

The sand boiled and scarabs gushed out.

The next moment, Ne'zuk raised his hands high, allowing the sun's brilliance to gather and deflect in his palms, and then swept out.

Wherever the brilliance went, the scarab was completely roasted.

At this moment, Lux suddenly remembered a knowledge point she had learned before: sunlight is not an element, but it can converge and deflect.

"Why didn't I think of it!" Lux was so anxious that she almost wanted to roll on the spot, "Ahhh, I can do it too!"

"Really? Try it here." Kalya chuckled, "It's right here, let me see if you can easily gather and deflect sunlight."

Lux took a deep breath, and tried to gather the sunlight in the way Kalya had taught her before.

Then, before she could gain something, a burst of exhaustion struck from the bottom of her heart—she was exhausted again.

"How could this be?" Lux fell to the ground in embarrassment again, "Shouldn't the converging and deflecting abilities be very labor-saving?"

"This is the case when you are familiar with the process." Karya explained, "But if you are not familiar with this method of casting spells, the consumption will be even greater..."

"Hmph, it's not because I can't train!" Lux showed her last bit of stubbornness, "They have been training for so long, and they must have done a lot of actual training."

"That's true." Kalya continued to nod, but the smile in her words could no longer be hidden, "Well, let me show you a little girl's training record—that was her first official spellcasting. , and no one taught her before."

"Okay!" Lux turned over and sat up, "Come on, let me see! I don't believe it, are all the students you taught before are geniuses?"

Kalya waved the sleeves of his cloak, and Na'zuk's figure disappeared, and then, a shy-looking little girl appeared under the dune.

She has thick eyebrows, a slightly flat face, and her cheekbones are slightly reddened by excessive sun exposure, and her skin is dark.

After the scarab appeared, she first pressed her hands down, and then raised them tremblingly—and with her actions, countless boulders spontaneously gathered together under the yellow sand, forming a path like A stone curtain as smooth as a wall.

The little girl who succeeded once looked very tired. She carefully looked at the scarabs under the stone curtain, and after finding that they couldn't climb up, she raised her arms excitedly.

"Teacher, teacher, did you see that? I did it!" she exclaimed excitedly in ancient Shurima with an accent, "I can!"

With a wave of his hand, Kalya dismissed this memory, and a rare smile appeared on his face under the hood: "This is a little girl from a weaver's family. This is her first time participating in training. Before that, She has been suppressing her talent, fearing that this ability will hurt others, so this is her first time casting a spell."

The Lux people are already stupid.

"Who are these people..."

"She is indeed too talented. If you are not convinced, I still have Nasus's record - Nasus is one of my worst students besides you."


"This is Renekton, that idiot barely knows how to use his brain."


"This is Raast, he is the most cunning, he always likes to take shortcuts—"


"And Verus, he uses a bow..."




When Lux had watched the training videos of those big guys enough, left the illusion of simulated training, and returned to reality, she collapsed on Sona's body.

Holding her good friend's hand, the little girl's voice was full of tears.



"Whoa, whoa, I'm a waste!"


Looking at Lax who was crying heartbreakingly and her blond hair seemed to have faded, Sona, who was usually gentle, finally couldn't help it. She helped Lax untie her high ponytail and loosen her long hair. Kai, while carefully putting on the headband for her, he also glared at Karya by the way.

At this time, Kalya finally realized that he seemed a little too excited—these records were his most precious memories. Even Kalya, after seeing those familiar figures, couldn't help being a little absent-minded, so that Not paying attention to Lux's emotions hurt the little girl's fragile self-esteem.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry." Carya said in a rare and gentle tone, "After all, you are in Demacia, and you can only learn theoretical knowledge. It is normal for you to be weak in practice... Believe me, just now Among those people, except for Ne'Zuk and Nasus, none of them have as solid theoretical knowledge as you—"

It was supposed to be a word of comfort.

However, when I thought that those guys with "not very solid theoretical knowledge" passed the test easily, and I forcibly endured three years of cramming education, but failed eight times in a row, and I was in a mess...

Lacus couldn't help being more wronged and crying louder.


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
 Poor Lux, she saw the first lesson records of Aatrox, Ne'zuk, Weaver, Nasus, Renekton, Rhaast and Varus, she obviously didn't know the above names Which big bosses belong to, so that she was hit a little bit badly, in order to appease her hurt heart - go to the role column to compare her feelings for her!

  Lux don't cry, you will be stronger than everyone else!
  As for Carya...

  After many years, he once again won the first place in the mud seat at the bottom of the pond. Congratulations!

(End of this chapter)

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