Lux's Farewell

Chapter 24 [0023] Shame and courage

Chapter 24 [0023] Shame and courage

Although Kalya patiently expressed her apology and explained the reasons for this situation in detail, the "excellent graduate combat record" still stimulated Lacus.

In the next period of time, she devoted herself to carving magic circuits and conducting simulation training—and the opponents of the simulation training changed from the scarab at the beginning to the more cunning desert jackal and desert hyena , venomous desert iguanas and desert snakes.

In the case of facing different enemies, Lux has gradually learned to solve problems according to local conditions and deal with enemies in a targeted manner, because no matter what kind of animal it is, it has appeared in Karya's bedtime stories.

After realizing this, Lux will actively think about their strengths and weaknesses, and then deal with them accordingly.

Gradually gaining experience, Lux finally has the tendency to exchange her talent into combat power.

This success continued until Chapter 5 of the virtual training.

Here, she met Sand Pirates.

This is the first time Lux has faced a human being as her training opponent. Even though she knew it was a fake, a product of a memory, when she actually saw these sand robbers, she was a little stunned and couldn't go down at all. hand.

Unlike what she thought was vicious, the sand robbers who appeared in the simulation training were actually not much different from the scavengers she had seen before. They were dressed in the same rags and emaciated.

The only thing that can separate them from the scavengers are the weapons in their hands and their bloodthirsty eyes.

After discovering Lux, the sharp scimitars of the Sand Bandits unsheathed one after another, and the blades were particularly dazzling under the sunlight.

Pairs of greedy eyes were fixed on Lacus, and the salty eyes seemed to be looking at every part of Lacus from head to toe.

Even in the scorching desert, even wearing a long robe, Lux still couldn't help shivering.

Lux doesn't know ancient Shurima, she can't understand what the sand bandits are saying.

However, from their expressions and eyes, Lacus still felt the malice that pierced the soul. This kind of undisguised greed was even more direct and full of bestiality than the hyena she faced before.

They are men, but more terrible than beasts.

The Sand Pirates swarmed up.

When these guys did it, they clearly wanted to capture Lux alive—as for what would happen after the capture...

Lux would not think that they wanted to make friends with her.

The little hesitation in her heart when facing the same kind was completely erased. Lux took a deep breath, raised her left hand to condense a ball of brilliance in the palm, and then lightly brushed the blade.

Wherever it went, the long sword in Lux's hand became completely sparkling.

The next moment, under the astonished eyes of the Sand Pirates, she swung her sword forward!

The "enchanted" long sword easily cut off the desert scimitars of the sand robbers.

This astonishing outburst caused the Sand Pirates to scatter, and Lux ​​chose the two slowest runners, and gave them a quick treat.

And after all this was done, even though she had become familiar with the smell of blood in the battle with jackals and hyenas, Lux still felt sick.

Then, before she could calm down and completely suppress the urge to vomit, the sand robbers ran beyond the "safe distance" and took out their slings and spears.

This is the first time for Lux to face long-range attacks. The whizzing stones and whizzing javelins made her feel a little overwhelmed for a while--the previous battles made her a little accustomed to solving battles at close range, It was the first time for Lux to be pulled away by the enemy.

However, Lux, who has gone through many simulation trainings, is no longer that rookie. She estimated her physical strength silently, then pursed her lips, inserted the long sword into the sand under her feet, and raised it high. left hand.

In the palm of Lux, the dancing light elemental spirit suddenly turned into a furious punisher of light. The bright light first spread and exploded on the top of Lux's head, and then crystallized into a solid needle-like beam, intensively stimulating shoot out.

The light was like a heavy rain, attacking the sand robbers who were still throwing stones and javelins.

Just as heavy rain can wash away all filth—this shower of crystalline light also washed away a bunch of filthy souls.

When the dust settled, Lux once again felt a rare sense of loss of strength, and she fell on the sand dune with her head up, panting heavily.

It was completely different from the previous situations of defeating jackals, hyenas, iguanas, and poisonous snakes. This time, Lux did not feel any joy of victory.

"It's not a good habit to lie down in place after a battle." Just when Lux was feeling uncomfortable, Kalya came to her side, stretched out his arm, and pulled her up, "After strenuous exercise, Even if you don’t have the strength, you have to walk as much as possible, so as to protect your body from injury.”

Lux didn't speak - she felt the roughness of Kalya's palm, even far better than her own father.

Obviously this guy claims to be a teacher... Why are his palms so rough?

Recalling the enemies she encountered and the environment she had seen during the simulated training, it was only at this time that Lux truly realized that what Kalya said "I am just an old guy who has seen too much suffering in the world" does not mean No joke.

Thinking of this, Lux, who was in a bad mood, suddenly felt... It didn't seem so uncomfortable.

She even felt sorry for Karya—so she opened her arms, stood on tiptoe, and gave Karya a hug. Like a little adult, she patted Karya on the back and said in a low voice, "It's hard work!" up".

Carya, who was robbed of her lines, was dumbfounded.

He originally wanted to comfort Lacus in the real-life battle, but he just pulled her up, but was comforted by Lacus in turn...

this girl!
"It's useless to be cute." With a snort, Kalya turned around, "Training will continue—don't waste time here, it's Sona's turn!"


Originally, Kalya was worried about whether Sona would hesitate when facing Sand Pirates.

Unexpectedly, Sona, who looks weak and weak, is more ruthless than Lax in her hands-under the interference of the sound of the piano, the sand robbers killed each other, and the final winner finally fell under the sound of the piano. During the whole process, Sona didn't even blink an eye.

"Why don't your eyes do anything?" Looking at the calm Sona, Kalya also felt a little helpless, "You and Lux ​​are also really strange. The first time you fought, you were not calm at all. Instead, it was the first time you fought with someone. When fighting, it's like nothing happened when it's over..."

Then, before Karya finished speaking, Sona suddenly stuffed Guqin Yuhua into his arms, bent down and retched.

In the simulated training situation, Sona couldn't spit out anything - but at least this reaction made her feel a lot better.

"I was completely immersed in the crazy movement just now..." Looking at Carya's astonished eyes, Sona's face turned completely red, "I didn't expect this to happen."

"Okay, okay." Kalya waved his hand, "In short, you all passed this round of training—tired, let's end, hurry up!"


In this way, after more than a month of training, Lacus and Sona passed Kalya's first round of simulation training, and truly possessed a certain degree of actual combat ability.

Then, just as Kalya started to prepare for the second round of practice, Augusta found Lacus and assigned her a "practice mission" belonging to the Crown Guard family.

"What, you want me to go back to Mithril City?" Hearing her mother's request, Lacus was quite surprised, "To investigate the situation of the frost disaster there, to count the tax situation, and to organize disaster relief?"

"That's right." Augesa nodded, and touched her daughter's long, soft golden hair. "You are already 12 years old this year, and you can already start learning to handle the family's internal affairs."

"But I've never been exposed to these before!" Although she didn't resist disaster relief, Lux was still very worried, "I'm afraid I'll mess it up..."

"Don't worry too much, baby." Augatha smiled, "Mr. Cullen will act with you-this time you are the leader in name, but in fact you have to focus on learning, what don't you understand? Just ask Mr. Cullen."

"... Huh, so that's how it is!" Lux patted her chest, "It's okay, but I'm afraid it will take a long time to get to Mitral City, Dad is at the Gate of Sorrow, and Auntie went to Irving Dale, there are only you and your brother left at home, isn’t it a bit deserted?”

"Your brother is also going back to join the army." Augatha corrected her, "But the location where he joined the army is not too far from Mithral City, and the last time Tiana wrote a letter, saying that her work in Irwindale is about to be completed Now—maybe the three of you can spend the New Year in Mihril City together!"

"What about you?" Lux frowned, "Otherwise... Mommy and I will go together, we will go back to Secret Silver City for the New Year this year, and let Dad stay with his soldiers at the Gate of Sorrow!"

"You can't say that about your father." Augesa grabbed the nose of her little padded jacket, "I won't go, there must always be someone in the family who stays in Xiongdu, and the little princess of our crown guard family leaves due to business, then I will Naturally, I have to stay and take over..."

Lux finally took over the task of disaster relief.

Back in the bedroom, Lacus couldn't sleep anyway.

On the one hand, she doesn't want to leave her mother, and she doesn't want to be separated from Sona; on the other hand, she is excited to go out and see freely—even if, as Augsa said, she wants to learn from Mr. Cullen Yes, but it still made her full of expectations.

"Kalya, Kalya, tell me, won't it be boring for Mom to stay in Xiong by herself?"

"No, she will only have more work, and she will take over all the banquets you attended."

"Kalya, Kalya, wouldn't Sona's learning progress be left behind?"

"During this period of time, she can focus on music studies, practice more, learn the classical music genre of Demacia, and even join an orchestra or something, so it's not too late."

"Kalya, Karya, have you ever parted with your friend?"

"Well, many times."

"Kalya, Karya—"




In the end, the dizzy Karya who was entangled by Lux had to end the hundred thousand whys with a story-then, when he just told the beginning, Lux fell into a dream.

"Damn girl." Kalya sighed lowly, "Forget it, let me think about it... Secret Silver City..."


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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