Lux's Farewell

Chapter 25 [0024] The Moment of Parting

Chapter 25 [0024] The Moment of Parting
The next day, Lux told Sona that she was going on a long trip.

Then, she learned from Sona that Sona had just joined the choir of the Illuminati under Mrs. Bouvier's recommendation and became the backup organist of the orchestra.

Although the choir sounds like a singing organization, the choir of the Illuminati is actually the highest music group in Demacia. It is called the choir, but it actually has a super-scale and super-level complete orchestra.

After all... an orchestra that can support an organist must at least have a pipe organ-and the pipe organ is often integrated into a whole church or auditorium.

It is precisely for this reason that the organist is the most important role in the choir besides the conductor and lead singer. Although Sona is only the backup organist and the third backup, considering her age, this still represents a A very proud recognition.

After learning that her friend also had a new mission, the parting emotions between Lux and Sona were naturally diluted a lot.

I will go to disaster relief, you will be a musician, and everyone has a bright future—under such circumstances, even if it is the first time to part, it seems to have the meaning of starting again.

So, the originally sad farewell quickly turned into a vision of the future of two 12-year-old girls holding hands and chattering.

And this time, Kalya did not disappoint and proposed to make up a make-up lesson, but quietly listened to their chirping as a listener.

12 years old, what a wonderful age.

12 years old, in Karya's previous life, on Blue Star, she should still be in elementary school - precocious girls have already started to care about their appearance; boys will talk about "who is stronger" in any aspect, Start a debate between Guan Gong and Qin Qiong.

For these elementary school students, parting may mean that a classmate will transfer to another school and leave due to a change in their parents' work. Even if they cannot understand the true meaning of parting, they will feel sad for a while.

At the age of 12, when Kalya first came to Runeterra, she had just bid farewell to the age at which she could get her own name—a 12-year-old child would be counted as a member of the tribe and half of the labor force for the first time, and would also lose The right to immunity after the destruction of one's own tribe.

In that era when civilization was still ignorant, Kalya, who had traveled to Runeterra, could only do her best to be a child king and protect those who had just stepped into this cruel world. "Big Kids".

At the age of 12, in the current Demacian noble family, it is also time to take responsibility, especially for the precocious noble ladies, they will soon ignite the flame of love, and the flame will be extinguished by the family soon .

Thousands of years have passed, and although Kalya was once brooding over his failure, he still firmly believes that the wheel of history will roll forward...

Although infected and corrupted by the void, Kalya can at least be a teacher, spreading the fire of hope.

This is enough.

Thinking of this, Karya resolutely joined the conversation, taking the initiative to tease some of the incongruous fantasies of Lacus and Sona.

"Be a dragon knight? Lux, do you really understand dragons? Those elemental creatures are not comparable to dragons and birds—"

"I want you to take care of it?!"

"Hold a concert in Preshidian? Sona, you need to practice Ionia's religious repertoire a lot, that kind of solemn tune is not easy to play..."

"I will work hard."



Beside the garden pond of the Crownguard family, Kalya finally stood (referring to being inserted on the shore) beside Lux and Sona as a real friend, talking freely with another generation of young people.

It was just like when, 3000 years ago, in the icy cold night of the Shurima Desert, he and the orphans with no family adopted by the tribe around the campfire created their own words.

Just like when, 2000 years ago, at the first human university in Shurima, he defied the royal family and publicly announced that the school would always open its doors to anyone.

Just like 1000 years ago, when the rune war was in full swing, he barely managed to wake up, guide the holder, and lead the group of people westward to hide in the rune forest.

Karya is not a successful guy.

In terms of strength and talent, he who traveled through the body somewhat humiliated the identity of the ascender and the traverser - he was weak in body and could not feel magic power. Even after ascending, he could only rely on his own attributes to fight.

Committed to bridging the gaps between the various races but ultimately failed to stop the alienation of the Icathians-although he always treated students from all over the world equally, he could not stop the pride and discrimination of other Shurimans.

The carefully cultivated rune tree did not wait for the harvest, and he became a dark descendant in the war. The plan of the millennium tree fell short in the end, and in the end he could barely shelter some refugees in the rune war.

However, no matter how many times he failed, Karya, who woke up again, still did not lose hope!
He didn't yearn for a powerful body, nor did he want to be a tyrant while he was still conscious.

He prefers to stay by the children's side like this now, laughing and cursing with them, then secretly remembering their dark history, grabbing their braids, and recording their every day in the most funny and relaxed way. To grow up step by step, remind them not to forget the past, not to betray the former self.

Infection of the Void was never a big deal.

As long as she can wake up again, Karya is willing to sow the seeds of hope again and loosen the soil for these seedlings.

Until one day, the 12-year-olds of Runeterra no longer have to carry the weight they don't need to carry in advance.

Long, long ago, Setaka asked Kalya why he did this, but Kalya didn't answer that time.

Because in his opinion, everything is as it should be.

It's just that what Karya takes for granted is out of reach for many people.

That's it.


Three days later, Lacus took her saber, packed her luggage, and under the protection of a team of elite guards, boarded the carriage to the northern border of Miyin City.

The little girl who left the Xiongdu of Demacia was both excited and sad. She looked at the scenery flashing by the carriage window, and Kalya endlessly imagined her trip to Mithral City this time—because she was a little too emotional , Lux even showed the symptoms of running the train with her mouth full, and she didn't know what she was talking about.

Fortunately, Cullen interrupted Lacus by taking the initiative to speak. Although this loyal old butler is not surnamed Crown Guard, he still has a considerable amount of weight for the entire Crown Guard family. Augesa sent him out to show that this line of attention.

Mr. Cullen is usually engaged in management work. He is the housekeeper of the family. He is closer to a "professional manager" and cannot be regarded as "watching Lacus grow up". Respected and valued.

Especially when seeing Lacus leaving Xiongdu for the first time, although her eyes were full of longing and excitement looking out of the carriage, her face remained calm.

Worthy of being our little crowning princess!
Now, while he has time, he needs to talk to Lacus more about tax issues, because compared to the need to flexibly deal with disaster relief and disaster investigations that seeing is believing, auditing is undoubtedly the most professional thing on this trip.

Facing Cullen's patient teaching, Lacus could only stop talking nonsense with Kalya in her heart, and started studying respectfully.

This is a great learning.

Cullen, who was ready to teach all the way, was stunned by Lux's learning performance.

From Cullen's point of view, my young lady is simply extremely talented!

This is the first time I came into contact with the accounts, and I was able to make everything clear through the form of mental calculation, and even found omissions by drawing inferences from one instance.

Cullen couldn't even find problems at such a speed!
Could it be... Madam didn't tell the truth before, but she actually taught Miss?
No, Madam doesn't need to make such a joke with herself.

Moreover, judging by the young lady's appearance, this is indeed the first time she has come into contact with these things, and she can't even draw the symbols commonly used in bookkeeping...

Although he was somewhat puzzled, Cullen undoubtedly showed more respect on his face—different from the previous respect for Lux's identity, this time he was respecting Lux's strength.

However, if Cullen knew the actual situation, he would be disappointed and even beat his chest.

Lux is so talented?

She knows how to check accounts with a hammer!
Only a guy like Kalya who has been in charge of logistics management all year round can figure out everything so easily.

Kalya didn't want to help Lacus here.

Even if Lux begged him, he was unwilling,
However, when Lux pointed out that she missed many class hours in her course, Karada did not hesitate to step in and take over.

That what... Cullen, teach me quickly!

You can leave after teaching.

Next, Lacus will have to make up lessons—she attended various farewell banquets a few days ago, and her magic studies have fallen behind!
Seeing Mr. Cullen leaving in a hurry, Lacus couldn't help but secretly laugh in her heart.

And Kalya didn't seem to realize that when she helped Lacus check the accounts, it looked like a math teacher asking for leave for a physical education teacher.

Sure enough, after being a teacher for a long time, there will always be some occupational diseases.


This chapter introduces a little bit of Karya's past - of course, there will be more in the future, which will appear in various forms in other people's memories, stories, and Karya's own half-truths.

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New week, new recommendation, I beg all readers to do it, turn over the last page to complete the follow-up, follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
 Thanks to the second rudder of this book [Shu Tiantu] for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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