Lux's Farewell

Chapter 26 [0025] 1 way north

Chapter 26 [0025] All the way north

Departing from the Xiongdu of Demacia to Mihril City, the direction is generally all the way north.

And because the terrain of the entire Demacia is high in the north and south (Dragon Ridge Mountains in the north, Shimmering Silver Mountains in the south), and low in the middle (Demacia Great Plains), after a short period of downhill, Lux and his party finally Started along the slightly upward road and slowly started climbing.

Lux had lived in Miraz as a child—or, more precisely, she had been born there.

It's just that almost as soon as she started to remember, Lux followed her parents and came to the capital of Demacia.

So she doesn't know much about her actual birthplace.

Coupled with the fact that this is the first time she has left the capital of Demacia alone, Lacus is full of curiosity about what she has seen and heard along the way.

The biggest impact of this curiosity on Karya is that... Lacus's frequency of slipping away while listening to the class has increased a lot.

Especially after Cullen returned to his carriage, Lux's heart was like growing grass, and she didn't focus on studying at all.

Obviously, it was agreed that Kalya would help with the study of accounting knowledge points, and then spare time to make up lessons, but because of Lux's half-heartedness, Kalya's progress in making up lessons was pitifully slow.

However, the fury and criticism that Lacus had expected did not come. Seeing that she was not interested in this, Kalya simply became a tour guide, and the style of magic teaching also changed, becoming a popular science lecture.

Natural knowledge is also knowledge, Karya generously said that Lux can ask anything at will.

And Lux ​​was not polite, and simply stretched out her hand, pointing to the sky.

"Kalya, Karya, what are those in the sky?"

"The group of snow geese that just flew over are snow geese that usually live in the north, and now they should fly south for the winter." Kalya quickly made a judgment, "They like to live in high altitude areas, so they stay in Longhua in summer. Ridge Mountains, and before winter, they will return to Shimmering Silver Mountains to build nests and lay eggs."

"The Gate of Sorrow is in the Shimmering Silver Mountains, right?" Lux thought for a while, "Papa is right there!"

"That's right, the snow geese you see now may appear on top of your father's head in five or six days."

"Is five or six days enough? They fly so fast!"

"Although the sprinting speed of the snow geese is not fast, they can fly very high and have good patience. Without this ability, how can they live safely in the area where dragons and birds are active!"

"That's it... Hey, did you see the one that just ran past!"

"It's a wading deer, and I see its horns."

"You can judge its identity just by seeing its horns?"

"That's right, because the horns of the wading deer are rare six-pronged horns, and they will grow a layer of white down when winter comes."

"You know this as well?"

"of course."

"Then tell me, what are the bushes on the side of the road?"

"A certain kind of rose miser, the carriage is too fast to see clearly, but they have an obvious feature, that is, when each bush of rose miser blooms, the height of the flowers is the same, and the fruits they produce are also of the same height. Sitting in a carriage, summer is a colored thread made of flowers, and winter is a black thread made of fruits."

"Is there no one to eat the fruit?"

"It's poisonous and can't be eaten—not only people can't eat it, but dogs can't eat it."



From the flock of birds flying in the sky to the beasts scurrying in the jungle by the roadside, there seemed to be nothing that Kalya didn't know.

Even if Lux showed a girl's astonishing curiosity, a hundred thousand whys didn't cause any trouble to Kalya.

When the team spent the first day of the journey and stopped in Edessa Town to rest, Lacus had already known many animals and plants unknowingly—even if she might not be able to remember all of them, but such endless Knowledge also dispelled the boredom of the journey and put her in a very good mood.

More importantly, although in Augusta's view, Lax is a "weak little girl", in fact, Lax's body is quite strong, so the bumps brought to her by long-distance travel are extremely limited.

Seeing that Lacus was full of energy and vitality when she came to the hotel where she was staying, the guards in charge of protecting her all heaved a sigh of relief—my lady is not only a talkative person, but also in good physical condition.

As long as she maintains this state, everyone will be much better off during this trip.

Even if they have not really experienced it, there are still many legends about the princess's disease in the circle of noble guards. Thankfully, the little princess of the Crown Guard family does not have this problem.

Among the entire team, only Cullen kept an extremely serious look.


Cullen's seriousness is not because of his inactive nature, but because the burden on his shoulders during this trip is too heavy.

On the surface, this trip to Mithral City is the training for Lacus to get in touch with family affairs, but in fact, Lacus is just a cover—or a title.

Cullen is the one who is actually in charge of checking the accounts!

As for Mithril City's debt, that is simply a bad debt!
Three years ago, a rare cold wave caused widespread snowfall and frost in the northern region, and natural disasters caused serious production cuts in large areas including Mithril City.

However, three years have passed, and Mitral City has reported frost every year, reduced production every year, and asked for tax exemption.

That's a bit outrageous, isn't it?

Even Irwindale, which is further north, has only been frosted for two years. How come it has been here for three consecutive years, every year in Mithril City?
In the second year, Augsa, who has been in charge of family affairs, sent envoys to Miyin City to inquire about the news and ask the clansmen who stayed there to supervise the territory, but the response they got was "It is true that there is a serious Frost, need to be avoided".

Under the unanimous opinion, Augatha should admit this and express her generosity as a nobleman by exempting herself from taxes.

However, just three years ago, the Noxians invaded Ionia.

At that time, the whole of Demacia was preparing for war because they were unclear about the situation. Although other places reported to the king to request tax exemption, Pete said that the frost for a year is not a big problem, and we can hold on.

It is possible to start a war, and it is time to spend money, so let's forget it.

As a result, other lords were exempted from the tax that was turned over to the treasury that year, but the Crown Guard family in Mithral City was not exempted.

Originally, Pete was dedicated to serving the country, and the annual land tax was not a big problem.

But the bad thing is that in the next two years, Mithral City also said that it was frozen and could not collect taxes.

The one-year land tax hole, Augesa gritted her teeth, and it was considered to be supporting the country, but the land tax could not be collected for three years, even if the industrial and commercial taxes in Mithril City were quite a lot, the mistress of the defending family also had some Can't take it.

In this case, she simply sent Lux to check the accounts and provide disaster relief.

Simply because the Noxians are fighting like a raging fire in Ionia, and Demacia can't fight anymore. When Lux comes back from the disaster relief, the land tax in Mithril City should be suspended for three years, and the previous extra payment should be made. Is that part of you back?

The above is Augsa's superficial logic, done with great fanfare for the Demacian noble council to see and gag their mouths.

As for the situation in Mithral City...

I am afraid that only after Cullen arrived in Mithral City, can he really investigate clearly.

And, according to Augusta's speculation, the frost is likely to be fake.

Regardless of the fact that Pete is the patriarch of the Crownguard family, Mithral City is the fiefdom of the Crownguard family.

But in fact, the focus of the current Crown Guard family is in Xiongdu, and the control over Mithral City is actually quite limited.

Although Peter's patriarch's clan is deeply trusted by the king and occupies a high position, the population is not prosperous, and the main contacts are in the military, lacking sufficient management personnel.

Therefore, in fact, those who manage Mithral City are more branch members of the Guanwei family. Vegetarian meals are considered a compliment!
What kind of scum is that, Augtha is as clear as a mirror in her heart!
Those bastards can use the name of the frost disaster to simply embezzle the land tax of the territory and bribe the envoys who came to investigate.

They can definitely do this kind of thing that the cubs don't care about their parents, and their own family cheats their own family.

After all, when Pete returned to Xiongdu, he had a very unpleasant fight with these crooked people because he was unwilling to recommend them.

At that time, Pete offended quite a group of "good relatives".

By the way, even in Demacia, nobles like Peter who are willing to suffer for the country are rare!
Why is Light Shield the closest to Crown Guard and Bouvier?
It's not that these two nobles are the most reliable!

The rest of the nobles...

Most of them are just insects.

Originally, Augtha, who was well aware of Mi Silver City's situation, could have made an early move.

But on the one hand, Mithral City was indeed in disaster three years ago. On the other hand, the downsizing of the family led to a vacancy and turmoil in power. Pete has been running around all the time, and she has not been able to free up for a long time. .

In addition, Augsa still cared a little bit about the decency of the nobles, so she gave the collateral clansmen a little chance.

I thought that these bastards were almost done, and after three years of fishing, they were full. I didn't expect that when the autumn grain statistics were received this year, Miyin City would still be "frost in the territory, please forgive me"!
Good guy, three full years!

These "good relatives" in Miyin City dare to report Frost, and they are not even willing to make up a new excuse!
This group of fat guys are really floating!
This time, Augesa didn't intend to talk to them about her family's decency.

Frost, huh?

Tax free, right?

Okay, then I will check the accounts for the disaster relief!
You are not decent.

I'm here to show you respect!

Cullen, the housekeeper, is the one who is responsible for bringing them dignity—with such a task in hand, he can't help but be serious.

In addition, Cullen is also responsible for reviewing and testing Lux.

When leaving the capital of Demacia, Augusta gave Cullen great discretion. He could choose to tell Lacus everything, or keep her in the dark.

As long as Lux is safe, it's fine.

If Cullen thinks that Lacus is not the material to handle this kind of thing, then Augatha will personally take her for a while!
In this case, even if the Kulun people are old and experienced, they must always remain serious and ready.


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
 Juan (juan) free
(End of this chapter)

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