Lux's Farewell

Chapter 27 [0026] A sneak attack that does not talk about martial arts

Chapter 27 [0026] A sneak attack that does not talk about martial arts

As the saying goes, "do not move like a mountain, move like thunder",
Augsa, who is well versed in this way, either speaks well and ignores it, or directly does it without leaving any room for it.

When the courier returned to Miraz from Demacia Xiongdu, Lux's convoy was less than three days away from Miraz.

In the eyes of the nobles of Miyin City, this is clearly stealing (↑) and attacking (→) without martial ethics.

After receiving the reply, they learned that Augusta had sent Lacus to rescue the disaster, and Cullen had come to check the accounts. The collateral nobles of the Crown Guard family who had gathered together and prepared to share the accounts were stunned on the spot.

After a moment of silence, the whole room seemed to explode, and there was an instant burst of voices.

"How could Augsa do this!"

"I was the one who introduced her to Pete!"

"I hugged Lux ​​when she was two years old!"



Everyone is expressing their dissatisfaction in a hurry, and the reason for their dissatisfaction is that they are in a hurry.

Augusta's guess is correct, these bastards are cheating on their relatives - except for the fact that Mithral City was really bad in the first year of frost. Very honest.

In this case, they are naturally full of taxes.

Then, as long as the frost is reported, the land tax received will become their discretionary funds, and everyone will share it, hello and me, only the Zong family is loyal and dedicated to the country, and then fills the hole with private money.

Augsa had also sent envoys before, but that time it was not a surprise attack, so Mithral City got the news in advance, made preparations, and added a profit, and finally successfully passed the envoy's investigation.

But this time, something seemed wrong.

I just received the news here, and Lux ​​is about to arrive in Mithral City over there. This is clearly a surprise attack!

"Silence!" Amidst the noise, an old man with white beard and hair sitting on the main seat finally said, "Calm down, do you still have a bit of aristocratic restraint? Where are the usual etiquette?"

This old man is Cordora Crownguard, who is even a generation higher than Pete in terms of seniority, and has always been the talker of Miyin City.

"What are you arguing about? Isn't it normal that the mistress of our Crown Guard family wants to provide disaster relief and audit accounts?" Cordora said with a righteous look, "She is willing to provide disaster relief and audit accounts, so let her go." ——Our Lux is in need of some experience in this area, and everyone will work together to help her, to create a game for her, and to get a satisfactory result, that's all!"

Cordora's opening made everyone present feel relieved.

At this time, they finally realized that the person who came was Lacus!

Considering her age, Lux is only 12 years old this year, right?

What does a 12-year-old girl know?
Disaster relief or something... isn't it just to save face!
Everyone worked hard, asked the farmers under the rule to perform a play, and composed a song to praise them when they left. Isn't everything perfect?
On the contrary, the accompanying butler...

If you want to shut this guy up, I'm afraid everyone will have to bleed again.

"Don't think about taking out a copy to make things difficult." Cordola seemed to have completely seen through the thoughts of others, and continued to add, "As long as this time passes, our headed wife will be able to give His Majesty an explanation—— When the time comes, His Majesty will exempt the land tax of Mithral City, and she will not come to make trouble again."


Lux has come to provide disaster relief. As long as everything goes well, it means that the frost disaster in Mithral City is an "officially certified" natural disaster.

Originally, a group of collateral families united to fool the clan, but now as long as the play is good, after Lacus has gone, it will be the collateral clan and the clan to fool the king together!
Recently, the attention of the Noxians has been on Ionia, the situation in Demacia is stable, and the king is very rich!

Following this line of thought, everyone at the scene began to speculate on Augsa with their own thoughts, and soon came to an outrageous conclusion that everyone was cheating on Demacia, and then they didn't realize that something was wrong...

At this moment, they completely let go of their hanging hearts.

According to their behavior style, they used to cheat the clan's money as a branch branch, and they would be held accountable by Augesa—but if they cheated the Demacian country's money together with Augesa, then everyone It's still a family!

That's right, everyone is their own!

Therefore, as long as this scene is performed well and Lux ​​can complete the disaster relief safely, then everything will be fine, and from then on Mithral City will be frozen all year round.

Anyway, in today's Demacia, there are not only one or two places that are frequently hit by disasters - Fossbarrow not far away even said that "it is rainy all year round and the sun is not enough"!

It's no more bullshit than frost.

Just like that, the nobles who were relieved of the crown guard started talking again, and this time, they were no longer anxious, but one by one, they restored the nobles' reservedness one by one, and they seemed to be full of confidence. Grasping to drag the whole family into the water.

After all, they found that it was easy to bribe the messengers, and it was easy to find a few farmers to pretend to be grateful, but it was difficult to pretend to be frosty.

In the eyes of these nobles, a 12-year-old girl like Lax can only be tricked, not win-in—or in other words, they can't offer anything to win over the little princess of the defending family.

But on the issue of how to cheat, the opinions of the nobles are somewhat different.

Most people think it should be a play.

Of course, some people have a different view.

"We can also send some young people to strengthen our relationship with her." Among the nobles present, a handsome man with platinum-blonde curly hair made an idea loudly, "The little princess is not very old, so she should be as good as her peers." It’s easier to talk—”

Originally, this guy wasn't surnamed Crown Guard, but a knight from a small local nobleman in Mithral City. His real name was Derry Malik.

Later, he joined a fringe family of the Crownguard family and changed his name to Dilly Crownguard. Only then did he barely get into the upper circles of Mithril City.

However, before he finished speaking, everyone else looked at him with disgust and impatience.

Although no one took the initiative to interrupt, Di Li's voice became smaller and smaller...

Obviously, even for these aristocrats who are not merciless against their own families, Dilly is at the end of the chain of moral contempt.

Among a large group of people with the surname Mianwei, this former surname is somewhat out of place.

Finally, after being surrounded by a pair of unfriendly eyes, Di Li could only swallow the second half of the words back into his throat.

Observing words and demeanor is his strong point, and he just spoke because he was too excited and couldn't hold back for a while—now that everyone doesn't agree with it, he naturally can't continue to say anything.

"Ahem." Just when this guy was making fun of himself and closed his mouth embarrassingly, Codola cleared his throat, "As for the problem of frost... I will take care of it, and when our little princess arrives in secret In Yincheng, I will definitely let her see a wheat field after frost and a group of poor victims, to satisfy the sympathy she should have as a noble lady!"

And just like that, a promise is given in Cordora.

A group of nobles who thought everything was ready also got up one after another, and left calmly, without the slightest panic before.

Their hearts were full of confidence, and they even began to think about ways to show off in the ceremony to welcome Lacus.

And Di Li, who was mixed in the crowd, lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he left—this group of idiots, obviously the biggest opportunity is in front of them, but they only care about the little tax that they concealed.

A pheasant is a pheasant, and it looks like a phoenix branch when it looks up, but each one is still looking down for broken rice grains on the ground!

You deserve to be a branch, a side branch!


Almost at the same time as the royal guards of Mithril City were meeting, Cullen also found Lacus.

After many judgments, he thought that Lacus was mature enough, so he planned to inform Lacus of Augsa's plans and intentions.

In other words, through contact along the way, Lacus passed Cullen's test. The housekeeper fully recognized her lady's ability, so she didn't intend to hide the true purpose of this trip.

After Lacus learned all this, she was stunned.

Can it be like this?
You know, even in the aristocratic circle of the Xiongdu of Demacia, Lacus can be regarded as the number one influential "political figure", but she has never seen such a battle before.

In other words, she had never seen such reckless behavior!
Falsely reporting disasters to cheat taxes?
This is not a side-ball or taking advantage of loopholes. If the actions of the Guanwei family are true, it is simply a typical case!

Is there such a bastard in the Crown Guard family?
This kind of deviation occurs, on the one hand, because the political level of the Xiongdu of Demacia is extremely high, even if it is fighting for interests, it will act according to the rules, and there is no flaw on the surface; on the other hand, it is because Karya helps her make judgments and make decisions , and Augusta will personally deal with those more complicated issues, so even if she heard about it, Lacus has never been directly exposed to such a direct and vile thing.

As if he had already guessed that Lacus might feel unbelievable, Cullen quickly took out the letterhead that Augsa had left for him.

Lacus took the letter paper, opened the intact wax, and soon saw her mother's familiar handwriting.

The situation described in Augusta’s letter is almost exactly the same as that described by Cullen. In addition to the introduction of the situation in Mi Silver City, Augusta also said a little bit of other content-this part is mainly about Lux. He exhorted and encouraged her, and at the same time told her that if she really encountered any danger, Lux could go to the garrison in Miyin City for help.

After reading the contents of the letter, Lacus took a deep breath, then slowly folded the letter paper and placed it on the candlelight.

The tongue of fire licked the letter paper.

As the letter paper was burned to ashes, Lacus finally calmed down completely.

And it wasn't until this time that she finally realized that perhaps because of Karya's training, she had already been mentally prepared to face this kind of thing.

"Then, Mr. Cullen." Lux's long golden hair flickered under the dancing candlelight, "What should I do?"

"You need to figure out the situation of the disaster and distinguish the real from the fake." Cullen's eyes were full of appreciation, "Also...using your identity, you can do many things with much better results than me .”

"Understood." Lux nodded thoughtfully, and then raised her face confidently, "You can let go of the auditing. As for my 'relatives', I will naturally handle them!"


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
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(End of this chapter)

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