Lux's Farewell

Chapter 28 [0027] 1 The beginning of all preparations

Chapter 28 [0027] The beginning of all preparations

In front of Cullen, Lux seemed to have a plan in her chest, and everything was under control.

However, when Cullen returned to her room with peace of mind, Lux could only hold on to her saber tightly.

"Carya, what the hell is going on!"

Apparently, the Crown Princess is not as sure as she seems.

In other words, she has gradually gotten used to this state of "even if things are far more weird than she imagined, but at least she must look calm and unhurried".

And the source of her confidence is Karya.

Although she didn't admit it, Lacus knew very well that her teacher was an out-and-out old fritter, and even though he had limited information, he was still able to see clearly the dirty thoughts of the nobles.

I really want Lacus to do it herself...

I'm afraid I really have to pay the tuition fee.

Lux asked herself that she was confident to handle it well, but before everything was settled, detours were always inevitable.

Now, seeing that the trip to Mithral City seemed to be a bit beyond expectations, Lark chose to call for off-site support without hesitation.

Kalya did not refuse Lacus' request for help.

It's just that it's different from the relatively simple aristocratic communication in the Xiongdu of Demacia before, this time Karya plans to let Lux make more decisions by herself.

As for Karya himself, he has changed from the previous instructor to the auxiliary position.

After all, this trip to Miyin City is also a rare growth opportunity for Lacus. If she wants to truly become a talent who can take charge of her own affairs, it is not enough to rely on the map and observe from the sidelines.

Therefore, after Cullen left, Karya did not directly instruct Lacus what to do, but helped Lacus carry out a "situation analysis" first.

"First of all, do you think the 'relatives' in Mihril City have done anything dirty?"

"Although it's unbelievable, but if you think about it carefully, I'm afraid there is a high probability." When the complicated problem was broken down, Lux was not so confused. "However, I'm not completely sure yet."

"so what?"

"So we have to follow what you taught me before and solve the problem realistically." Lux quickly found a breakthrough for the first step, "I need to understand the situation around Silver City and see if there is really frost there. .”

"So, here comes the question, how should we look at it?" Kalya continued his guidance, "When? Where? How?"

"Near Mihril City, just follow the map and look at it one by one." Lux blinked, "You should know how to judge whether the wheat is frost?"

"Yes." Kalya affirmed, "What about the time? Those people in Mithral City are staring at you!"

"Then... the golden cicada escapes its shell, you taught me!" Lacus smiled, "Well, I am also a noble lady who came here from the Xiongdu of Demacia, even if I have lived here for a while, it is easy to travel tired , I feel unwell!"

"Very good, clear thinking, but pretending to be sick won't help you last long."

"One week is enough." Lux made inferences, "I can directly stay at the farmhouse, in the name of... a traveler!"

"No one in Demacia wanders around." Kalya corrected, "Pretending to vote for relatives."

"Then vote for relatives." Lux followed suit, "You can also take advantage of the opportunity to learn about the situation of local farmers."

"It's good to think of this." Kalya looked like a child who can teach, "Some cunning nobles even play tricks. If I were them, I would collect a part of the tax when I was determined to conceal the tax. In this way Farmers will naturally be on their side!"

"Can it still be like this?!" Lux really didn't expect it, "This is too cunning, the lord and the peasant together..."

"So, think about it, what should you do if you encounter this situation?" Carya didn't give her time to sigh, "If you find this, what should you do?"

"Of course it is done according to the law!" Lux replied subconsciously, "to recover taxes and punish the nobles who concealed the report."

"What should farmers do if they don't have enough money to pay taxes?" Kalya presses on, "They don't know that the tax cuts are due to concealment, they only know that a young lady who came to the capital raised their taxes—and once things develop At that point, I'm afraid the result will become extremely bad."

"Then... just exempt the part that has not been paid before, as an example?" Lux blinked, "Is it enough to clean up the nobles who are messing around?"

"What if the nobles incite the peasants?" Kalya still didn't intend to let Lux pass the test easily. "Don't forget, under this assumption, the normal land tax is higher than the current tax."

At this moment, Lux felt her head was getting bigger.

In fact, Kalya's assumption may not be true, but if it is true, then Lux really has nothing to do.

"You see, this is one of the problems you may face." Kalya took the opportunity to talk about a bigger topic, "The peasants don't want to pay taxes, and the lords don't want to pay taxes to the clan—except for your family , most of the aristocratic clans are unwilling to pay taxes to Jarvan III, so some two or several of them will collude together."

"Hearing what you said, it's true." Lux nodded, "But why is it like this?"

"This matter involves the relationship between rights and obligations." Carya chuckled, "Paying taxes is the obligation of farmers, so think about it, what kind of rights do you get from this obligation?"

"...the right to be protected!" Thinking of the "Encyclopedia of Etiquette" she had read, Lux's eyes lit up, "Peasants don't need to serve in the military for generations like the nobles. Unless it is an emergency, they can at most serve as militiamen and Logistical personnel, serving hard labor, unless they take the initiative to join the army, they often don't need to go to the front line!"

"From the point of view of Demacia—or, the nobles of Demacia, this is indeed the case." Carya's tone became more cheerful, "But, if possible, do you think the peasants want to be nobles? Farmer?"

"This..." Listening to this question, Lux, who had little contact with civilians, was stunned, "I haven't thought about it—but, we seem to be digressing, this seems to be related to how to find a guide and figure out whether frost has occurred It's ok!"

"Believe me, Lacus, this is the fundamental problem." Kalya said in a meaningful tone, "Look, you don't know those farmers well, so how can you really solve the problems related to farmers this time? ?”


Hearing this, Lux finally frowned and didn't speak for a long time.

She felt that Kalya seemed to be consciously guiding her to see and do something, but at least for now, Lacus didn't know what Kalya wanted to see or do by herself.

But... since Kalya said that he should go and see it, let's go and see it!

Just do it!

Putting on her coat hastily, Lux knocked on the door of the next room.

"Mr. Cullen, I have a little immature idea!"


The next day, the nobles of Mithral City got the latest news. Miss Laxana Crownguard from Xiongdu temporarily stopped her trip due to a cold feeling, and stayed in Velos Town, which is three days away from Mithral City— —The envoy came back to report immediately after seeing the pale-faced Lacus.

The nobles who got the news were stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but feel relieved.

Very ill!

As expected of the eldest lady from Xiongdu——I was already very nervous to rehearse a play in three days, but I didn't expect Lacus to be sick!

For the offshoot nobles of the Crownguard family who needed time to hide, Lux's illness came at just the right time!

Everyone cheered, only Di Li, who had been meditating silently before returning home, asked his servants to find his son immediately after returning home.

"Brat, show off your charm!" Di Li blushed, "Let's go now, riding my fastest white horse, to Velos!"

"Want to meet our eldest lady?" His son—Gaokan Guanwei, who has perfectly inherited his appearance advantages, blinked and wiped off the lip marks on his neck carelessly, "to capture her Heart? But to be honest, 12 years old is too young..."

"Put down your damn frivolity!" Di Li shouted in a deep voice, "Gao Kan, she is different from those flesh and blood you provoked before, she is really a ticket to the upper class!"

"So, this time I'm going to play for real?" Gao Kan raised his eyebrows, "But... for real, 12 years old is really too young."

"Gao Kan!" Di Lishen grabbed the long sword on the shelf, "I'm not joking with you—silly boy, although other families are questioning the relationship between me and your mother, you should be clear about the truth. How, we are a family, I can tell you frankly, I did get the surname of the crown guard because of her, but the love between us is also loyal!"

Gao Kan grinned, but didn't say much.

In fact, despite the fact that Dilly was once a well-known prodigal son, after joining the crown guard family, his relationship with his wife has been really good.

Perhaps, as he said, this is a joint union of power and love.

Therefore, he also hopes that Gao Kan can truly get together with Lacus just like himself.

"Return what you and I told you?" Di Li held the long sword in his hand, "Lax is a person who loves art very much, so from the beginning——"

"From the beginning, I want to start with art. She likes classical music, is good at relief and realistic painting, and has a very high standard of etiquette and maintains it at all times, so unless the relationship is close enough, she must not overstep the rules because of romance." Gao Kan finally put away his frivolity completely, "However, is she really like what you said, going to banquets in her teens without any mistakes?"

"At least she has completely bonded the Iron Triangle of Light Shield-Crown-Bouvier, and also closely combined the Royal Family-Fearless Pioneer and the Illuminati." Dilly finally put down the long sword, "To be honest, I really have some Worried you won't be able to handle it—I had planned to give you some more time."

"Okay, okay, it's just a 12-year-old girl." Gao Kan finally finished tidying up, with a gentle and unaffected smile on his face, "Trust me—but, to be honest, Dad , I really don't like this feeling."

"You will enjoy it sooner or later!" Di Li patted his son on the shoulder and handed him his riding whip. "Come on, at least this time, you don't have to change your last name."


Gao Kan couldn't help shivering at his father's cold joke, he nodded, strode out of the room, and got on his horse.



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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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