Lux's Farewell

Chapter 29 [0028] Secret Silver City on the Plateau

Chapter 29 [0028] Secret Silver City on the Plateau

The nobles of Mithral are celebrating.

Gao Kan, who wants to fly up the branch and become a phoenix, is rushing.

But at the center of everything, Lux, who came to Miyin City for investigation and disaster relief, and was supposed to be "in bed", quietly changed into a civilian girl's clothes and set off quietly on a horse.

The fair and tender skin has now become a problem - along the way, Lacus has realized that ordinary peasant girls do not have such fair and tender skin at this age.

Fortunately, the almighty Karya always has a clever way.

He taught Lux some very interesting cross-dressing skills.

Just using some berries and wheat flour with natural pigments as materials, Lacus can turn her fair and tender skin into a healthy wheat color.

The wheat grains that have not been ground can be used as her "pimples", and the wheat bran that has not been removed can be dotted into lovely "freckles".

After this transformation, Lux has completely changed her appearance - coupled with a big hat that obviously does not fit her head, she has completely changed from a noble lady to a commoner girl.

The only thing that is a bit inconsistent is her saber, after all, ordinary people don't have sabers.

For this reason, Lacus designed herself an identity of "Orion's Daughter". Although Orion prefers to use a skinning knife, but girls!

Choosing a more beautiful saber is completely justified in the martial arts of Demacia.

Moreover, even if Lux behaves a little differently from the rural girls, it can be explained by "she usually learns to hunt and doesn't know how to farm".

Accompanying her was the most skilled guard in the team. He changed into a hunting bow and played the role of Lux's uncle, who was also a hunter.

On this trip, he brought his niece from Irwindale to visit relatives.

Oh, it should be "Skola's uncle". To be cautious, Lux also reversed her name.

In this way, after some disguises, she finally came to the outskirts of Mihril City as a commoner.


Unlike the Demacian Xiongdu, which is located on the seashore, Miriam City is a plateau city.

Backed by the Longji Mountains in the north, and facing the endless Demacia Great Plain to the south, it is located on a major traffic road.

When spring comes, the ice and snow at the southern foot of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range will melt and form countless streams in the mountains, and these streams will be guided by the water channel and finally be poured into the lake in Miraz City.

This half-natural, half-artificial lake has given Mihril City abundant water resources, which can not only irrigate agriculture, but also support shipping—even though it takes a long time to travel from Demacian Xiongdu to Mihril City, But if it's the other way around, you can go down the river and travel thousands of miles in one day.

Even better, because of the abundant underground mineral resources in Mitril City, this large lake is almost ice-free all year round, so unless there is a rare cold wave in a century, this city is under the protection of the lake water all year round.

Mithral City consists of two parts as a whole.

The inner city fortress located in the lake is an aristocratic area and also a military area. This inner city was built on a natural hill in the center of the lake. The terrain is so high that it is surrounded by water. And down, there is nothing to do with this fortress.

And around the lake, there are scattered other urban areas—agricultural areas, commercial areas, handicraft areas, etc. These areas have low but complete city walls, and once there is a war, they can also serve as horns for each other.

It is precisely because of this comprehensive integration of military, agriculture, and commerce that Mihril City has an extremely important strategic position in the entire northern border of Demacia - it is the same as Fossbarrow in the west and Irwindale in the east. Together, they are known as the "Three Towns in the North" of Demacia.

After many years, she came to Misil City again, and Lux's eyes were full of novelty.

The population here is far from that of Xiongdu, but it is still quite prosperous.

The sweet water of the lake is like the source of life, nourishing the fertile land located among the mountains that took dozens of generations of Demacians to reclaim.

It was early winter, and there were almost no streams flowing on the snow-capped mountains, but the water resources in the Great Lake of Miraz were still abundant; the number of farmers working in the farmland was small, but it was full of vitality.

After Lux arrived at the outskirts of Mithril City, it was already night.

As the moon rose, Lax did not rush into the city, but followed the plan and began to look for farmhouses to stay. After expressing her willingness to pay, she and her guards successfully settled down in a village.

The head of the village was an old man with a kind face. He accepted the referral fee, and then helped Lacus find a family with a vacant house, and let them settle here.

This is a family that doesn't look very well off.

According to the owner of the house, this vacant room was originally the room of his daughter, but now that the daughter has gone to work as a maid in the inner city, it has been vacated here.

According to the standards of ordinary people, this room is relatively clean - but, in the eyes of Lux, this kind of cleanliness is still very sloppy.

Lacus thought she wasn't a clean freak, but she still couldn't fall asleep after lying on such a bed.

"Is this the life of a commoner?" Lux held her sword hilt, "Kalya, why don't they wash the quilt cleaner?"

"You are talking about the quilt cover, because frequent washing will make the quilt cover easy to damage." Kalya replied, "Besides, washing the quilt cover is troublesome, and most people don't have time to wash it frequently-it's okay in summer, but washing the quilt cover in winter is not easy. Not a good idea."

"That's right..." Lacus nodded, and simply decided not to sleep, "Forget it, go out and have a look, go to the nearby farmland, and you can teach me what frost disaster is."

When the owner of the house fell asleep, Lacus and the guards put on their coats, arranged the room as if the two were sleeping, and left the yard quietly.

Not far from the village is farmland.

It is now in the overwintering period of winter wheat, the wheat seedlings have stopped growing, and the wheat seedlings are crawling on the ground alone, like inconspicuous weeds-they will spend the low-temperature winter in this way, and wait for the next spring to bloom When it blooms, it turns green again, joints, and then grows vigorously until it is harvested.

Karya has already told Lacus about the Demacia winter wheat.

Here, frost disasters of winter wheat are generally divided into two types.

In most areas, it is a disaster caused by sudden low temperature and frost during the turning green or jointing period, that is, when the winter wheat is not very frost-resistant, there is frost and it is frozen.

In the northern border, according to the news reported by these nobles, because it is close to the Freljord, the winter wheat will be directly frozen to death during the winter period if you are unlucky. hard frost.

The purpose of Lux's trip is to judge whether Mithral City has suffered from hard frost.

Leaning down in the wheat field, Lux touched a wheat seedling.

According to Karya, she carefully stroked the veins on the back of the wheat leaves.

The texture of the leaves is very clear, and the veins of the leaves are not hardened when pinched with nails.

Pull off a few leaves, crush them and spread them out in the palm of your hand without ice crystals.

So... this barley plant doesn't look like it's been hit by a hard frost.

Lacus let out a slight breath, then walked forward dozens of steps, and picked another wheat seedling—still no problem.

In this way, Lacus worked in the field for almost an hour, and finally confirmed that the nearby wheat fields were safe and did not suffer from any frost damage.

Having come to this conclusion, Lux narrowed her eyes slightly, and returned to the room with the guards. She took out the map in the package, and then crossed the place where she was currently.

Continue tomorrow!


After watching Lux in the farmland for a long time, when he returned to the room, he finally fell asleep.

The next morning, when Luxhe woke up, he happened to see the male master of the family coming back with a car.

"Hello!" Lux waved her hand, "I've come back from work - I woke up so early!"

"Make some money!" The other party smiled, leaning the car against the wall of the yard, shaking his jacket, "I just went to the city and sent firewood for the car - I heard that a big man is coming In Mihril City, the aristocrats in the city are buying firewood at a high price!"

"Big man?" Lux put on a curious look, but she had a rough guess in her heart, "You know all this?"

"My son is the bodyguard of the master's house!" The farmer, who was estimated to be in his fifties in Lacus's eyes, showed a proud look, "That kid is very clever. After hearing the news, he immediately asked his sister to send a message to him. Me, someone else’s house is still chopping firewood, so I’ll send it all over!”

Hearing what he said, Lux was a little happy.

"Thanks to the kindness of the lord!" Without Lux taking the initiative to speak, the middle-aged man in front of him began to chatter, "He said, as long as I can prepare armored draft horses, my son can also join the rangers. Be a knight... oh, a knightly squire!"

"Join the Rangers?" Lux recalled Demacia's legion configuration, "Isn't that going to fight the barbarians in the north?"

"It's good to beat the barbarian!" What Lax didn't expect was that her worried words didn't mean the same thing to the other party's ears at all, "As long as you beat the barbarian, with my kid's skills, he will definitely succeed." A true knight!"

Why is this happening?

No need to fight, no need to sacrifice, isn't this the right of the common people?
Why does the farmer in front of him seem to want his son to go to the battlefield?

"I heard that the barbarians in the north are very good at fighting..." Lux could only insinuate, "I have only hunted before, so it must be more dangerous to fight..."

"Dangerous? Why isn't it dangerous?" Hearing what Lacus said, the other party showed a very open look, "Isn't it dangerous for you to hunt? Even if you are farming, there was a frost the year before last, if it wasn't for my kid Don't worry about food... tsk tsk tsk, you depend on the sky to eat, you can become a knight or a lord on the battlefield; you can't become a lord by farming the land!"


"As long as you become a master, you will have your own entourage, and it will not be dangerous to fight at that time. If you move to the inner city to collect rent, you will not be afraid even if the barbarians from the north come!"


Lux listened to his description and his enjoyment very patiently, even though there was an invisible wall between them.

This strong man was eloquent, talking endlessly, and his eyes were full of longing.

He sincerely hopes that he can work more, save more money, save a pair of armor for his son, and better yet get a horse—even a draft horse.

As long as they make meritorious deeds on the battlefield, their family can change from a farmer to an aristocrat.

The lowest knight, that is also noble.

He obviously didn't know Lacus's identity, nor did he know that the firewood he had worked so hard to get from the "insider information" was for the person in front of him. Her guards made extra money here.

This is not a lot of money, perhaps worth only a nail of a nail or a nail in a horseshoe.

But enough to keep him happy all day.

The listening ability that Lux learned from Sona kept him talking—until his wife showed up and handed him some slices of black bread and a bowl of hot soup, and he was soaked in hot bread. Gagged.

Afterwards, her wife, a woman with a big waist and smooth light golden hair, also handed a bowl of soup to Lacus: "Warm up, little girl—don't talk to him here Well, he likes to chat with people..."

Lacus took the thick soup, followed the example of the farmer, casually leaned against the car, and took a sip.

The salty soup almost made Lax spit it out, but under Kalya's reminder, she managed to swallow it.

"It's delicious!" Lux drank the soup in one gulp, "I'm getting more strength!"

"Hey, isn't it!" The farmer had already eaten his share at some point, "A bowl of soup will give you all your energy!"

"You're the one who talks too much!" The peasant woman gave her husband a gouged look, "Why don't you go to the meeting and see if you can..."

"If I don't talk much, can I send our child to be a guard for the noble lord?" As if thinking that he would lose face in front of outsiders, the farmer shouted loudly, "Being eloquent is also a skill outside!"

"As long as you can... go and cut down the tree if you can!"

"I'm a little tired, let's take a break..."



Maybe it was because the soup was too salty.

Maybe for some other reason.

After leaving the accommodation fee and saying goodbye to this family, Lacus always felt a little congested in her chest.

Although it was only a one-night stay, and even though she didn't even know the other person's name, Lacus still felt that she had seen a lot and learned a lot.

Thinking of this, Lux took a deep breath, and took a long time to let it out slowly.



(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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