Lux's Farewell

Chapter 30 [0029] The embarrassment behind elegance

Chapter 30 [0029] The embarrassment behind elegance

In the next few days, Lux took her own guards and made a big circle around Mithral City.

Walk through the mountains and fields during the day.

In the evening, I went to the farmhouse to stay and stay.

Lux saw another world, a completely different world.

At the beginning, all this made her feel novel, interesting, and a little embarrassed.

But as she watched more and more, she finally didn't have any novelty, any interest, or any embarrassment.

A week later, she seemed to have really become a hunter's daughter—she no longer subconsciously maintained etiquette, could carelessly hold a broken bowl to drink water, and would not suffer from insomnia due to the smell and damp of the bedding.

At the same time, she could finally answer Karya's previous question.

Every peasant would like to be a nobleman if he could.

The reasons are various.

It may be the raspberry dessert before the nobleman's meal, and the peasants are asked to pick it deep in the mountains.

It may be the fuel for the fireplace of the nobleman's house, and the consumption should never be carefully calculated.

It may be the humble guard of the noble lord, the proudest son of the peasant.

It may be the printed carpet under the feet of the noble lord, which has spent countless sleepless nights.

Lux once really naively thought that the rights and obligations of nobles and commoners were equal—even compared to vulgar commoners, nobles were more elegant and calm, loved this country more, and were willing to sacrifice for Demacia.

But the actual situation is that, no matter in which aspect, the life of common people is incomparable with that of nobles.

It was the same even during the war—although it was said that many of the children of the nobles wanted to join the army, and many of them died for the country, but the number of civilians who died in the war was still far more than that of the nobles.

It's just that very few people send their remains to the Hall of Valor.

For Demacia, they "voluntarily" came to the battlefield.

This recognition had a huge impact on Lux's three views. She never thought that everything that the nobles are usually proud of is based on the hard work of the commoners; , are unattainable for commoners.

The more she gets in touch with and understands, the more she feels ashamed—ashamed of her self-righteous self, even ashamed of being a nobleman.

When the guard reminded her that the time had been delayed for too long, and she might not be able to go back, Lux finally understood what Kalya meant by the "fundamental problem".

At this moment, thinking of the huge gap between farmers and nobles in Demacia, she even came up with the idea that "farmers shouldn't pay taxes at all".

Realizing this, Lux herself was stunned.

"How did this happen?" Lux murmured, "Kalya, I seem to understand something now, but I don't seem to understand..."

"Because you have seen a new kind of contradiction, a kind of contradiction that you have never discovered before." Carya said calmly, "That is the contradiction between nobles and commoners."

"Is that really a contradiction?" Lux's tone was a little uncertain, "I only see envy and desire."

"That's because this contradiction is not yet sharp, nor has it erupted—it has always existed, just like those forbidden magic stones that are absorbing magic power, waiting for an opportunity." Kalya continued, "And tax collection is One of the most immediate points of conflict."

"But the problem is, now I don't know which side I should be on!" Lux reached out and pulled her straw hat, "I...I always think things shouldn't be like this!"

"Things really shouldn't be like this." Carya affirmed this point, "Some people failed to discover this, and some people turned a blind eye to it."

"If according to what you said, they reduced the taxes on farmers, this matter will be really troublesome." Lux couldn't help sighing, "Fortunately, I saw all this."

"So, have you found a solution?"

"The fundamental contradiction... I haven't found it yet." Lux told the truth, "But I'm ready for the current situation."

"Oh? Tell me about it?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether the nobles have reduced taxes before." A confident smile appeared on Lux's face again, "Just divide the whole thing into two!"

"How can it be divided into two?"

"For peasants, promote some of them as servants and knights, give them the opportunity to become nobles, and let them be responsible for this matter!" Lux clearly grasped the point, "For nobles, clean up those who violate the law and declare their guilt And punish them in public, so as to warn everyone!"

"Very smart, Lacus." Kalya's tone was full of admiration, "Use power to contain conflicts, win over some, clean up some, I thought you would think about it for a while!"

"I'm not such a naive guy! I can clearly distinguish the purpose and the method!" Lacus was full of pride, "And, I also discovered that you are guiding me to the side of the peasants and looking at it from the perspective of civilians. question!"

"so what?"

"So even if I haven't found a solution yet—" Lux said confidently, "I will find a solution sooner or later!"

"Really?" Kalya chuckled, "Then let's continue reading—don't blame me for not reminding you, Lux, so far, what you've seen is only the most tender appearance."


"When the years are quiet, conflicts will hide their edge, but when conflicts break out, you will find that everything will become crazy." Carya said meaningfully, "Are you ready? "

"Ready at all the time!"


On the other hand, when Lacus went to the countryside to investigate, Gao Kan finally arrived in Velos Town in a hurry.

Wanting to take down Lux, Gao Kan made a lot of preparations.

First of all, he used his money ability to book the room next to Lacus's team, and chose a sunny afternoon to play the harp on the balcony.

Gao Kan hopes to meet Lacus as a music lover.

But it was a pity that there was no sound at all in the rooms next door - even though it was a sunny day, the window of Lux's room was not opened.

Gao Kan was not depressed. That night by the fireplace, he started playing again next to the fire, but there was still no response.

The use of music to meet friends seems to be a bit unworkable.

Gao Kan changed his method and began to paint portraits of people on the street outside Lux's window.

He deliberately picked a perfect angle, so that all his works were aimed at the windows on the second floor.

But after painting for three full days, Gao Kan almost vomited, and Lux's window was still closed.

Gao Kan finally noticed something was wrong this time - no matter how reserved Lux ​​was, he could still send guards to remind him to stay away, after all, it was a bit noisy with many people around here.

But the guards didn't respond at all, and even the guards were a little lax.

Using the banknote ability again, Gao Kan finally got an unexpected piece of news from a waiter with a loose mouth.

"The room next to yours is also interesting. There is never a need for food delivery. Miss Noble is so delicate..."


Delicate hammer!
For so many days, the doors and windows of the next room have not been opened, and no food has been delivered, unless Lux can not eat or drink, otherwise... there is no living person in here!
In other words, if Lux wasn't next door, she'd already left!
Where can a patient go?
Um, wait, patient?
Damn patient, she's probably not sick at all!

Realizing this, Gao Kan checked out immediately, and then hurried back to Miyin City.

After arriving home, he immediately informed his father of the news.

After hearing all this, Di Li was also stunned—the next moment, he also quickly realized Lux's attempt.

Good guy, I thought she was a delicate and unaccustomed girl, but it turned out to be a hidden dragon!

"It seems that we have to change the way." Di Li narrowed his eyes. "When that Miss Lux arrives in Mithral City, maybe we should have a good talk with her."

"Should the plan continue?" Gao Kan finally became serious this time, "Although she is only 12 years old, it seems that it is not easy to handle..."

"No, it's impossible to continue, don't show up again, or it will be embarrassing to be recognized by those people." Di Li shook his head, "This time we are not going to play the role of the dream lover, but a loyal newcomer. "

" entrant?"

"Anyway, we didn't leave much behind." Di Li quickly prepared a plan again, "Since this Miss Lacus is playing for real, then we will give her all the evidence she wants-she must have been We checked the conditions of the nearby farmlands to confirm if there is any frost damage.”


"So we have to send support within our ability." Di Li finally smiled again, "For a naive little girl, the best way is to capture her heart; for a lady in power with means, the best way The best way is to offer your allegiance."

"But where is Cordora?" Regarding his father's decision, Gao Kan looked a little unbelievable, "That old guy is not easy to deal with!"

"Believe me, our little princess is the one who is really difficult to deal with." Di Li smiled even wider, "I heard that her uncle has been dead for three years, and the clan's population doesn't seem to be very prosperous—you Say, would she need a fealty from a collateral line?"

"It's not your style..."

"What's my style?" Di Li raised his eyebrows, "You brat, is it itchy? How many times have I told you that your mother and I are true love!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

"Bastard, get me a horsewhip!"


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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