Lux's Farewell

Chapter 31 [0030] Princess Crown Guard arrives

Chapter 31 [0030] Princess Crown Guard arrives
Three days later, Lux, who had regained her aristocratic attitude, finally arrived in Misill City after a thousand calls.

In order to welcome "their little princess", the members of the local crown guard family held a grand welcome ceremony and banquet at the highest point of the castle of Mitril City.

Lux smiled and rejected the speech prepared by the organizers in advance, and "impromptu" delivered a wonderful speech, which won warm applause.

During the banquet, cups of wine were mixed. Although Lacus was only 12 years old and her height only reached the shoulders or chests of most of the guests, her elegance made her the center of the entire venue.

No one knew that behind Lux's decent and confident smile was an indelible sorrow—she couldn't enjoy everything at the banquet with peace of mind, and many things made her feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, through Karya's training, she has gradually gotten used to this feeling of camouflage.

Lux doesn't like to pretend, doesn't like to lie.

But now, she has discovered many things worse than lying—so, she is rapidly developing in the direction of Kalya, which is visible to the naked eye.

Don't lie, just tell the truth selectively, and talk nonsense from time to time.

And between these selective truths and nonsense, Lux and Karya collected a lot of information.

From dress to speech and behavior, as long as Lux is willing to observe, she can always find some information she wants-under normal circumstances, in order to maintain etiquette, no one will stare at a person at a banquet, or stare blankly. Hehe, he was thinking in situ, but with Kalya's help, Lacus was able to analyze a lot of usable information through an extremely ordinary banquet!
Even with noble means, Lux still has a crushing advantage!

When the banquet was over and Lacus returned to her place of stay, she and Kalya had already analyzed a lot of information.

In terms of clothing, many nobles have inconsistencies - some of their conspicuous accessories such as brooches and necklaces are very expensive, but in some details that ordinary people will not notice (such as boot straps or chains of ceremonial armor) ), they are not rich.

Dyed silk straps or gold-plated armor chains are not rude, but there is still a clear gap with other accessories on their bodies.

However, the things used in these details are actually not expensive, and they can often be passed down and will never become obsolete. Therefore, these nobles are probably guys who suddenly have a lot of money.

There are many such nouveau riche at any banquet, but today there are especially many.

Obviously, quite a few people have made a fortune in recent times.

And considering that noble jewelry accessories often need to be engraved with the family emblem, their production cycle is also very long.

Therefore, the time to make a fortune has to be pushed forward by one or two years...

Very well, this is also correct.

In addition, although Lux has been communicating with various people frequently, under normal circumstances, after chatting with Lux, everyone should seize this occasion and chat with other people or something.

Banquets are originally social occasions for nobles.

However, among the nobles who were as busy as butterflies wearing flowers, there were two people who had been watching Lacus silently.

One is an elderly man. Although he is also chatting with others, he often seems to be unilaterally accepting greetings. His main attention is on Lacus, and he seems to be guessing about her. every move.

The other is a handsome middle-aged man. He dealt with the ladies approaching him in a reasonable but distanced manner, while staring at Lux, and didn't even move when Lux left. Opening his eyes, he seemed to want to find out where Lux lived.

This is very interesting.

As a small test, Kalya told Lax about the situation of the two people separately, and asked Lax to judge the identities of the two people - which one is the real speaker, and which one's attitude is still unclear.

After a little thought, Lux quickly came to the correct conclusion.

The old man was the talker, and the middle-aged man stared at her for some unknown reason.

"Looking at their looks, maybe you will be busy tonight." Carya chuckled, "Look at their impatient looks, I guess they will come to visit overnight today."

"That's good too." Lacus smiled slightly, "It happens that I've had a good rest these days, so it's not a big problem to chat with the old man at night."


It was exactly the same as Kalya's guess. Just after Lacus finished cleaning up, there was a knock on the door.

"Little Lux, have you rested?" The visitor said in a gentle but serious tone, "I'm Cordora, do you remember me?"

"It turned out to be Uncle!" Lux quickly matched him with the old man staring at her, "Not yet..."

"Are you free to talk to my uncle about disaster relief?" The other party's tone was quite serious, as if he was dedicated to the public, "You are finally here. Taxation is not enough to reassure the residents of the territory!"

"Ah, of course I'm free!" Lacus put on a flustered look according to Kalya's request, "Here we come."

Opening the door, Lux saw Cordora with a serious face, and the old man was holding a roll of maps in his hand.

Then, in Lux's "at a loss", Cordora kept the door open, strode into Lux's room, and spread the map on the table.

"Those little bastards are still in the mood to have a banquet... Oh, Lacus, you don't know, the frost here is getting worse every year!"

"Uncle Cordola—"

"Call me Cordola, you are here on behalf of the family, and you are the mistress in Miril City!" Cordola waved her hand, "Okay, Lacus, let's not talk about those things, I will talk to you in detail Tell me about the frost problems of the past few years..."

Next, Cordora pointed at the map and began to speak eloquently to Lacus for almost an hour. In his mouth, Mithril City in recent years was simply recited, and everything was inappropriate, especially Agricultural production has been hit extremely hard.

The survival rate of winter wheat overwintering is even less than [-]%!
Obviously, this old man has observed and understood Lacus very carefully. Judging from Lacus's observance of etiquette, Lax should be extremely concerned about etiquette, so from the very beginning, he actively competed for the rhythm of the conversation, maintaining a seemingly She doesn't follow aristocratic etiquette very much, but has an extremely enthusiastic image.

This kind of preemptive means is very useful for those noble ladies who are strict with etiquette. Disrupting their accustomed negotiation rules can allow them to follow their own rhythm.

And under Karya's suggestion, Lacus perfectly showed a kind of bewilderment caused by the other party's non-compliance with the rules.

With her superb acting skills, Cordola thought she had completely fooled this little girl from Xiongdu.

Regarding the specific content of the conversation, Cordola even mixed in a lot of agricultural knowledge and terminology, and consciously increased the speed of speech, trying to use the method of increasing the amount of information to make Lacus lose her judgment on this.

And Lux's next performance also perfectly met his expectations, the uneasiness as if everything was not planned, and asking why again and again made Cordora secretly ecstatic in her heart!

Hahaha, that's it - how can a lady who hasn't been to the farm know what frost is?
Soon, Codolatu saw that, and under Lacus's "helpless inquiry", he began to plan the location of the field trip for her.

"It's best to go here." Codola took out a pen and drew a circle on the map, "The disaster here is very representative..."

"That's it—" Lux blinked her eyes, and put on a look of wanting to persevere, "But I'm not ready yet!"

"Is there anything to prepare for this? Just change into a hunting suit and go to the field to see if the wheat has suffered from frost. Dig out the roots and touch it with your hands!" The old man looked very anxious, "After confirming the situation, we can quickly provide disaster relief!"

"Oh, yes!" Lux seemed to be being completely taken away by the other party, "Disaster relief is the key point!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Cordola finally nodded. He left the map, told Lux ​​a few more words, and then strode away in a hurry, and even helped close the door.

After confirming that the other party had left, Lux finally couldn't help but threw herself on the bed, covered herself completely in the quilt, and laughed out loud.

Although she was in a bad mood recently, after watching a clown show, she felt much more relaxed.

"Karya, Karya, look at him!"

"How urgent and righteous, how warm-hearted!"

"However, I'm so unlucky that I want to call this bastard an uncle!"

"But to be honest, if I hadn't visited that place beforehand, I might have been deceived by him!"

"Heh heh heh, he must not know, I went to that area first, but I have personally confirmed that there is no frost there!"

"He really regarded me as a noble lady, and taught me a method that is not at all judging whether it is frost-digging the root, thankfully he figured it out!"

"When the time comes, I will expose this in front of everyone and see what he does!"



Lux seemed to want to vent all the recent negative emotions at once, rolling around on the bed with her sword in her arms.

And it wasn't until she laughed enough that Kalya spoke slowly.

"Do you really think he's stupid? Or, do you really think he didn't make more preparations?"

"What do you mean?" Kalya's tone made Lacus a little uneasy, she blinked her eyes, a little strange, "Isn't he stupid, he took the initiative to send it to the door, and chose a place that has not suffered from frost, hoping to use a fake way of judging from me—”

"He chose that place because it was the closest to the main road, and it was the most convenient place in the past." Kalya chuckled, "Besides, you saw that there was no disaster there before, but it may not be without disaster now!"

"There hasn't been a drastic drop in temperature these past few days?" Lux blinked, "There was no frost before, and of course there is no frost now."

"The weather isn't cooling down, but what about the people?" Kalya's voice was icy cold, "Now, blow out the candles."

Lux obeyed and blew out the candle.

"There is no candle in the room, so naturally there is no light." Kalya's voice was extremely calm, like a bottomless spring, "but... really?"

Lux subconsciously wanted to say it was natural.

But the next moment, she thought of herself, and her whole body fell into an ice cave in an instant.


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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