Lux's Farewell

Chapter 32 [0031] Change the door

Chapter 32 [0031] Change the door
Lux finally realized the problem.

She never thought before that Cordola would come to find her to confirm the itinerary first, and then forge the scene of frost.

In other words, in her subconscious, no one would be so insane as to cover up the truth by creating a false scene of frost!

Lying or something, Lacus has seen it.

But after lying, to cover up the lie and make things real... Wait, what happened to the sudden inexplicable familiarity?

Shaking her head, Lux put this thought out of her mind, and then focused on the fake frost.

If you want to create artificial frost damage, using magic is almost the only option!

If you think about it in this direction, the whole thing seems to be a bit big when you think about it carefully.

"Isn't it?" Lux forced herself to calm down, "The matter may not come to that point, he just came here on purpose to teach me the wrong way of judging the frost disaster, isn't it just to make me confused about the situation? Need to actually create an artificial frost?"

"Maybe not." Carya's answer was extremely calm, "But if he is really prepared, do you have to admit that Mithral City has really suffered a disaster because of your luck?"

"Of course I can't sit idly by!"

"So, you plan to tell all the nobles that there was no frost here a few days ago, but you can't come up with any evidence?"


Lacus fell silent.

Different from the previous ones when dealing with communication etiquette, this time, Karya, who intends to train Lacus, chose to ask questions instead of giving answers.

He didn't even do the guidance, and directly chased and attacked the place where Lux subconsciously wanted to avoid, grabbing the problems she didn't want to face with his piercing eyes, without giving Lacus any room for confusion.

Facing Kalya's sudden change in style, Lux was somewhat at a loss.

Fortunately, she is no longer the ignorant child she once was.

Following Kalya's questioning direction, Lacus began to find a solution step by step.

"If he really intends to fake frost, he must use magic." Lux first made an important judgment, "and using magic will leave traces!"

"A good idea." Kalya agreed, "especially these untrained mages."

"And the magic seekers can capture the traces of magic!" Lux clenched his fists, "Under normal circumstances, the magic seekers will not take care of a piece of farmland, but if I invite you, I should be able to call a team of magic seekers !"

"For your uncle's sake." Kalya agreed again, "Very well, I used my identity."

"However, even if it proves that someone used magic in the farmland, it does not prove that the frost is fake." Lux continued, "But in this way, we can make use of the problem and explore a few more farmlands. It is impossible for the other party to be in every place. All fake frost!"

"The plan is getting tighter."

"But there is one problem. I'm not very familiar with Mithral City's situation now. If they want to play tricks and delay, things will be more troublesome after all." Speaking of this, Lux couldn't help frowning, "And , Promoting civilians to be subordinates is likely to arouse opposition from everyone."

"Very valid concerns." Kalya's tone finally became relieved, "However, you are lucky, remember our second guest? He is here."

While speaking, Lux's door was knocked again.

With a stack of evidence that Lacus most wanted, Di Li took the initiative to find the door.


Unlike Cordora's posturing, Dilly is very direct.

After meeting Lacus, he simply expressed the purpose of his trip—I'm here to seek refuge!

In order to gain Lux's trust, this Mr. Dilly acted very sincerely from the moment he entered the door.

For all the questions of Lacus, he answered all the questions without any cover-up, and even blew himself up as the son-in-law, and took the initiative to say, "If I hadn't married my own wife, I would never have appeared here."

But at the same time, he also repeatedly emphasized that he and his wife are indeed true love, and that he is completely different from other insects in terms of false reporting of disasters, and he completely disagrees with this method of concealing taxes.

"That's a smear on the Crown Guard family, because of a small profit, it will have a bad impact on the entire family!"

However, according to what Di Li said, before that, because of his special status, he didn't have much say in the clan.

All he can do is to collect information about this matter, and then do a good job in his family's tax accounts, and seal up all the wealth he has gained.

In other words, in this matter, before he came to seek refuge with Lax, he tried all means of prevention except actual prevention, and the final result was that he could only stay safe.

"Since collecting this tax, I have never touched it!" Di Li patted his chest, vowing, "I tried to contact the last envoy who came over before, but he had already been bought by Cordora , I really have no choice!"

"Why didn't you just send a messenger to Xiongdu?" Lux asked with some doubts, "It shouldn't be too difficult."

"Because... because my family is really not very rich." Hearing this topic, Di Li lowered his head a little ashamed, "I was born as a knight servant of the rangers. I am qualified to marry her, and even used almost all my private money to buy reliable armor, weapons and horses for me, and the family's conditions have not been very well-off since then."


"Well, to be honest, Miss Laxana, my previous description was not very accurate." Di Li hesitated for a moment, and finally said as if mustering up the courage, "Actually, it's not that I didn't touch the money at all. I used it to invest in some financial products, but I guarantee that after I get the income, I will return the principal as soon as possible—you can send professional people to check the accounts, and I will keep those.”

"It's not a big deal, and I didn't intend to pursue the past arrears." Seeing the other party being so frank, Lacus waved her hand generously, "You have helped me a lot this time, I was thinking What kind of conspiracy is Codora preparing to find some land deeds for reference!"

"Codora is a very cunning person, Miss Laxana, please be careful." Dili pondered for a moment, then took the initiative to remind, "He always likes to have multiple layouts in many places, and here in Mithral City, some are not very In the clean acquisition case, he plays the role of a hunter..."

"I see this." Lux showed undisguised disgust, "He is observing me, and then using the results of his observations to try to control me - he is even planning the itinerary for me, in order to keep everything in order. Into his grasp!"

"Then you must be extra careful!" Dilly couldn't help raising his tone, "When he starts a plan that doesn't seem to be dangerous, it means that he has made a lot of plans—if possible, I suggest that you better not follow his rhythm..."

"Why not?" Lux shook her head, "The more he planned, the more he had to mobilize, and the more he would eventually expose, didn't he?"


Dilly froze.

This astonishment was half fake, half real - on the one hand, he wanted to make himself look not so cunning, and on the other hand, he was indeed surprised by Lux's boldness.

After all... the fact that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake is justified in Demacia, and looking at Lux's posture, it is obvious that she wants to get this matter to the end.

The scheming Dilly obviously couldn't understand that Lux did this out of justice.

In his opinion, justice is just an empty slogan, and if it is really a child who has never seen the world, a person with means like Lux will definitely not be so naive.

So, after much deliberation, he can only think that this is Lux showing her wrist and control.

Hiss—what a scary little girl!
"Miss Laxana." Dili was secretly startled, while continuing to give his own reminder, "Cordola's methods are never very clean. If possible, I suggest careful."


This time, Lux didn't speak, but raised her head slightly, raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned.

It seems to have been prepared long ago, and it seems to be too much to ask for.

This half-smile expression made Di Li sweat coldly.

A gust of evening wind was blowing, and Di Li only felt that his back was a little wet, and the neckline seemed too tight—it was obvious that Lux was just a little girl, but he didn't dare to look at her at all!

At this moment, he couldn't help but subconsciously recall his performance on this trip.

Well, it seems like I'm telling the truth, right?
As long as you stay true to yourself, there is no problem!
Well, no problem then!

After reconfirming that he hadn't committed any omissions, Di Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He canceled his plan to become Lux's staff officer, and he didn't plan to stay any longer.

After leaving behind the accounts he brought and the marked map, he left the hotel where Lux was staying neatly, and quickly disappeared into the night.

And it wasn't until he was far away from the hotel that Di Li gasped like a drowning man.

Thank goodness.

Although it was not exactly the same as the plan, this investment was a success after all.

The process was a bit difficult, but after seeing and talking to Lacus in person, he is full of confidence in this investment!
Di Li believed that with this investment, he would definitely get an admission ticket to the capital of Demacia!

Riding on a white horse, blowing the icy evening wind, Di Li was excited and nervous, and couldn't help thinking about his previous plans along the way.

Thank goodness Gao Kan didn't actually act.

Otherwise, with this scheming...I'm afraid I will be more unlucky than Kodora!


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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