Lux's Farewell

Chapter 33 [0032] Everything is ready

Chapter 33 [0032] Everything is ready
After seeing Di Li off, it was almost midnight.

But unfortunately, for Lux, now is not the time to rest.

"Kalya, do you think Dili is trustworthy?" Lux sat on the bed, holding the sword in her hand. "To be honest, I don't see any problem with him..."

"I didn't find it either." Kalya's answer was somewhat beyond Lacus' expectations, she thought Kalya would discover something she hadn't discovered, "Or, compared to Codora, this guy's level is not good. It's more than 01:30 points higher - at least he's got his position right."

"Pretty straight?" Lux was stunned for a moment, then blinked in confusion, "You mean, his attitude when facing me?"

"That's right, it's at this point." Kalya affirmed, "He wants to rely on you, so he has maintained the utmost sincerity from the beginning to the end, and he doesn't care about exposing his shortcomings. This kind of loyalty is liked by all superiors. quality."

"But to be honest, I don't like it very much." Lux shook her head, "I know that his behavior may lead to a pretty good result, but I always feel that what he wants is not this result, but something else .”

"Your feeling is correct, but what you said is very problematic." Kalya sighed helplessly, "I said that you should seek truth from facts when dealing with people, and you cannot testify freely—whether it is for praise, reward, or power status, do People who do good things are always good people, regardless of deeds!"

"...But I can feel that his heart is not here."

"You can only talk about yourself." Kalya said earnestly, "And if there is a person who agrees with you in terms of deeds and mind, then he is like-minded with you-after all, such people are in the minority."

"...Yes." Karya's words made Lacus a little depressed, but she quickly remembered her best friend, shook her hair, and quickly cheered up again, "Not everyone can be like Sona !"

"So, have you figured out your next plan?"

"I need to contact the demon seekers and mobilize some of the garrisons..." Lux stretched her waist, "But, I think my uncle should have someone watching me right now? Speaking of which I'm a little surprised, won't Dili bring me trouble if he looks for me so directly?"

"Who knows?" Carya's tone was indifferent, "He should have his own preparations. Compared with that, you need to think about yourself now—how to pass the news on."

"I've thought about this a long time ago!" Lux laughed when she heard the words, "How about the guards getting drunk and fighting?"

"...It's really unlucky to be your bodyguard." Kalya was dumbfounded, "Throwing his own bodyguard into prison to pass the news—it's really you, Lacus!"

"Then what should I do?" Lux spread her hands with a look of helplessness, "Isn't this what you taught?"

"Well, that's right." Carya said in a cheerful tone, "You've learned well."

"Karya, you are so shameless!"

"Each each other..."


On the other side, just after Di Li returned home, the servants of Cordola's family came to the door overnight and invited him to the manor for a talk.

Di Li, who had been prepared for a long time, put on a sad face and followed the servant.

Soon, in the study room of Cordola Manor, Di Li saw this hale and hearty old man.

Unlike the "righteous speech" and "informality" when facing Lacus, when seeing Di Li, Cordola put on airs ten to ten, and did not hide her contempt for him at all.

If Lux were here, she would suddenly realize something.

No wonder this bad old man acted aggressively before, because the person who "respects his status and sticks to etiquette" is himself!
"I heard that you went to visit Lacus alone?" Cordora raised her face slightly as she stretched out her hand to caress the gold button on her chest, "So impatient?"


Di Li looked up in embarrassment as if he had been caught on a sore foot, but after meeting Cordola's eyes, he quickly turned his head away, closed his mouth, and stopped speaking.

"It's just tricky tricks!" Codora snorted heavily, and the golden button hit the desk, making a dull and crisp sound, "Lax came to Secret Silver City with a mission, didn't she Those who come here to relax and entertain, put away your dirty little thoughts!"

"I don't care about anything!" Diliwu said stiffly, "I just hope that Gao Kan can learn more from her, and learn the aristocratic etiquette of Xiongdu—"

"Learn etiquette?" Cordola stood up, grabbed a copy of "The Encyclopedia of Etiquette" from the bookshelf, and threw it directly on Di Li's face, "Then ask your little brat to read more books, don't mess around. The sky is attracting bees and butterflies in Misilver City!"

"Encyclopedia of Etiquette" hit the target accurately, and the hard book cover even cut a hole in the corner of Di Li's forehead, and blood flowed out.

It was also at this time that the servants of Codola's family rushed over to bring Codola the latest news from the hotel.

"Miss Laxana's guards seemed to be drinking too much. They fought with a few alcoholics who drank together at the banquet until the end. Even the garrison was dispatched to force them to separate."

Hearing this news, even the old people of Cordola could not help but widen their eyes.

"What about people now?"

"I heard that he was taken away by the city defense army to 'calm down'."

After hearing the news, Cordora finally twitched the corner of his mouth, leaving a sentence of "disgraceful to the family", leaving the servants to deal with Di Li's wounds, while he flicked his sleeves and left the study.

When Di Li returned to his home again, his forehead was covered with a layer of gauze, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Seeing his father being beaten like this, Gao Kan almost ran away on the spot—however, after pushing away his servants, Di Li couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?!" The anxious Gao Kan almost thought that his father had been beaten stupidly, "It's all like this, and you still laugh—"

"I laughed at that idiot Cordola." Di Li, who had laughed enough, snorted disdainfully with his nose, "Not only was it completely seen through, but it also helped me a lot."


"A wise leader always has clear rewards and punishments." Di Li slowly tore off the gauze, pointed to the wound on his forehead, "Look carefully, study hard-this is not a wound, this is clearly a medal!"

Gao Kan blinked.

"This is no joke." Seeing that his son didn't seem to believe it, Di Li sighed softly, "Just this wound is comparable to a medal I got from fighting the barbarians in the northern border and earning my life."

"You don't have to." Gao Kan gritted his teeth, "That old man, I can handle the trouble I caused by myself."

"Don't worry, I know it." Di Li smiled and patted his son's shoulder, "I just let that idiot Cordora trouble me on purpose, otherwise I wouldn't need it when I was looking for Miss Laxana." Riding that white horse and swaggering through the city—Codola thought I still wanted to use nepotism, but in his heart, I only had this ability.”


"Unfortunately, my respected Uncle Cordola seems to have forgotten that before marrying your mother, I was the youngest Ranger Captain in Miriam City!" Speaking of this, Di Li finally clenched his fists, "And Cordola La... what is he? He is nothing but the name of the Crown Guard!"

It was rare to see Gao Kan with his father's appearance, and he was completely dumbfounded at this moment.

"Okay, you can go back to sleep." Dili seemed very satisfied with his son's expression, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Your mother and I are going to rest too—don't you want to have a younger sister? Is it?"

In this way, under the undisguised ridicule of his father, Gao Kan finally fled.

Looking at his son's back, Di Li shook his head helplessly—he was quite confident in his son.

Until he met Lacus.

Gee tut.

Thinking of this, Di Li smacked his lips helplessly—it's true that people are more deadly than others, and goods are more expensive than goods!
It seems that the education of my son is not strict enough...

Or, send him to the army to practice?

Well, let's forget it——I put in so much effort, so Gao Kan doesn't have to work hard in the army!

Anyway, after this incident, my family will go to Xiongdu sooner or later.

Shaking his head, Di Li, who no longer thought about these questions, whistled and happily returned to his room.


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
And don't say I'm less, you can't update too hard if it's not on the shelves, after it's on the shelves, you must update it with your life!
(End of this chapter)

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